Consider their situation and the extent of their free will, first. [7] Reddit I was just following orders for gods sake! The duty and obligation to obey lawful orders creates no grey area for discussion. But, our study does suggest that this claim might potentially correspond to the basic experience that the person had of their action at the time, Haggard said. Depending on your needs, and what is already implemented in your solution, you might need to create a data context class.A data context class provides a connection to the database and maps database objects to C# classes. 891.ART.91 (2) states that personnel are to obey "the lawful order of a warrant officer" (subject to rank). Thus the argument, "I was only following orders" became difficult to prove - no-one was really sure who was competent enough to give orders, nor of the mental state (considering post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)) of those who followed them. Sorry, Jeff, I couldnt understand that. A platoon from 11th Brigade, led by First Lieutenant William Calley, herded 327 old men, women and children - even babies - from the Vietnamese hamlet of My Lai into a ditch and shot them all dead. Prior work had found that brain activity is dampened when people are forced to follow orders. But all German military personal from the lowest private to the highest field-marshall had a pay-book with a number of absolute commitments in the front. At ease. I would say that the person who signed the order should be the one punished. I've heard that the "I was only following orders" excuse - reddit Please. In United States v. Keenan, the accused (Keenan) was found guilty of murder after he obeyed an order to shoot and kill an elderly Vietnamese citizen. The main argument for defense, as themusic mentions in hir writeup and the node title subtly gives away, was "I was only following orders.". This isn't a dress rehearsal for totalitarianism, it is totalitarianism. The concept was explained in 1957 in the Kafr Qasim massacre ruling. Construct an argument (e.g., detailed outline, poster, essay) that discusses the compelling question using specific claims and relevant evidence from historical sources while acknowledging competing views. Column left march. I was only following orders.. Private England said worse things than those shown in the photographs took place in Abu Ghraib prison. Probably the most famous case of the "I was only following orders" defense was the court-martial of First Lieutenant William Calley for his part in the My Lai Massacre on March 16, 1968. While it would be a difficult situation that the employee is placed in, she should speak with employment counsel to stay on the right side of the law while protecting her interest. Unlike Milgrams classic research, Haggards team introduced a shocking element that was missing in the original 1960s experiments: actual shocks. The legal precedent set by the Nuremberg Principle IV states: "The fact that a person acted pursuant to order of his Government or of a superior does not relieve him from responsibility under international law, provided a moral choice was in fact possible to him." Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Management and the owners should further realize that if an employee is willing to assist in doing a bad act against someone else that employee could later turn on management or the owners with a similar nefarious act. Delivery & Pickup Options - 3 reviews of Korea Taqueria "Been following one of the owners since his food truck days and I always loved the Korean fusion from Paper Mill Foods spurrito truck so it's great to see a brick and mortar with another fun fusion! For example, on February 8th, 2019, YouTube[2] user Etheral Snake posted a humorous video titled "Thomas was only following orders" in which Thomas the Tank Engine, a defendant during the Nuremberg trials, recollects serving as a train delivering Jews to the Nazi concentration camps during the World War II. Vaccine protection durable. For example, on October 19th, 2019, Redditor[6] k00ji posted a Rapper Mario meme which received over 11,000 upvotes in /r/okbuddyretard (shown below, left). Quote today i had my first success at the sit-fly. The Nuremburg Trials proved beyond any doubt that if the excuse of "I was only obeying orders" could have a consequence as horrifying as the Holocaust it was imperative that International Law must prevent such an excuse being used and accepted ever again. They won, and the United States Supreme Court upheld the decision. Holocaust survivors and their families in Israel today will readily affirm their solemn pledge, Never again!. Justice for 'Cupcake': Defendants sentenced to life in federal prison Following orders that are immoral is an excuse only in a totalitarian nation. Masks essential wear two. Can you suggest a solution to the troubling increase in the use of presidential executive orders? Cast Your Vote To Select The Meme Of The Month! As our government continues down this slippery slope, it is very likely that law enforcement personnel and American citizens will find themselves caught on opposing sides of a constitutional and moral dilemma. 1996 - 2023 NewsHour Productions LLC. Women's Violence Prevention Act (South Korea),,, Pages using DynamicPageList parser function. Privacy Policy. Vaccine protection wanes, may need third dose. He had severe mental health and addiction problems. To obey orders without thinking. I led my squad in manual of arms and close-order drill, which taught us three things:1. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. In a 1962 letter, as a last-ditch effort for clemency, Holocaust organizer Adolf Eichmann wrote that he and other low-level officers were forced to serve as mere instruments, shifting the responsibility for the deaths of millions of Jews to his superiors. To be a hero requires courage in the face of adversity. Historians have incessantly warned us not to disregard the lessons of history lest we repeat failures that could have been avoided. An order to commit a crime is unlawful. I Was Just Following Orders - While multiple documented uses of "superior orders" defence have existed prior, the plea is most commonly associated with the 1945-1946 Nuremberg trials, the military tribunals that followed World War II. Roman Catholic Church doctrine says that to the extent that one's free will is limited, one's responsibility for those actions is just as limited. On September 2nd, 2019, Redditor[3] TheFebrezeWizard posted a Lego Yoda meme in which they edited Lego Yoda into the black and white photograph of Hermann Gring during the Nuremberg trials (shown below; original post no longer available). Similarly, if an employee were to at the bequest of her boss defraud a customer or vendor, she could be personally liable for the harm committed and possibly be found guilty of a crime. jeff3. Rod Powers was a retired Air Force First Sergeant with 22 years of active duty service. Starting in early September 2019, TheFebrezeWizard's post received viral spread online. You are required to join the Wehrmacht as every male of your age group is. If they attempt to force you to comply with an unconstitutional law, what action will you take? The chapter stated that the "superior orders" is not a valid defense against charges of war crimes. The Court of Military Appeals held that "the justification for acts done pursuant to orders does not exist if the order was of such a nature that a man of ordinary sense and understanding would know it to be illegal." Masks essential wear two. When Yale received reams of Milgrams documents in the 2000s, other psychologists started to criticize the famous electric-shock study when they sifted through the notes more closely. Cookie Notice The problem, really, is who are you ultimately accountable to. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Can you convict those who follows orders for the sake of their own life? To march in a military manner. "We were only following orders" will not be accepted as an excuse. Doctors forbidden to prescribe ivermectin. I led my squad in manual of arms and close-order drill, which taught us three things: Covid not spread person-to-person. Medications no help. The Nuremberg Defense is someone saying, 'I was only following orders While Hitler himself and some of his inner circle committed suicide in Berlin, some of the Nazi leaders involved in the Holocaust and other crimes against humanity stood trial in Nuremberg after the end of World War II. We are only following orders.. Joshua Barajas edit just for clarity think a situation like being a conscript for the Nazi's. (Interestingly, the soldier who gave Keenan the order, Corporal Luczko, was acquitted by reason of insanity). Right face. Researchers at University College London and Universit libre de Bruxelles in Belgium arrived at this conclusion by investigating how coercion could change someones sense of agency, a psychological phenomenon that refers to ones awareness of their actions causing some external outcome. So help me God". and our I enjoyed barking orders more than I enjoyed following them. Comment * document.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "a0f4feab99dd5316634ea1c890247292" );document.getElementById("d4c257114e").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); Program Schedule WJRB 95.1 FM Saturday 8:00AM & 9:30AM Sunday 2:30PM & 7:00PM, Cycles of History Ignored I was only following orders. "I Was Only Following Orders" - by David C. Stolinsky These serious problems and worries are not something this government will have thought of but this is a very serious possibility of happening im the future if these sick cuts do come in next April as where the hell are 500,000 homeless people going to live? But does the military member have a duty to DISOBEY unlawful orders including orders of senior officers, Secretary of Defense and even the President of the United States? All it takes to become a victim is compliance. The military oath taken at the time of induction into the military is as follows: "I,____________, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to the regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. They also obey orders at their own risk. But these men with guns and authority tell you to do so, and if you oppose orders of an officer, you risk death even yourself! For a start, people who give orders should perhaps be held more responsible for the actions and outcomes of those they coerce, he said. Canadian Disability Studies specialist and disability activistSamuel Miller, has been communicating frequently and voluntarily, since January 2012, to senior United Nations officials, on the welfare crisis for the United Kingdoms sick and disabled. The process worked. Required fields are marked *. Squad halt. Nevertheless, humanity has habitually and often flagrantly ignored the obvious realities of past misdeeds regardless of how costly or disastrous. The Queen's Commission specifically requires officers to "Observe and follow such Orders and Instructions as from time to time you shall receive from Us, or any superior Officer, according to the Rules and Discipline of War" This is a clear indication that Officers are not to follow, ergo not to give, orders that contravene the "Rules and Discipline of War," i.e. It is truly fascinating and instructive that human beings obviously have an innate and universal set of moral principles regardless of their geographical location, language, origin, or religion. This represents an increase to an average of99 deaths per day or692 per week, between the start of December 2011 and the end of February 2014 compared with 32 deaths per day/222 per week between January and November 2011. All is lost until some large organization like the Institute for Justice, brings themselves to attack the basic root of the problem and millions of Americans file Petitions similar to mine at: When should "I was only following orders?" invoke sympathy? Spread person-to-person. In other words, you have to pass yourself off as having been ignorant of the law, but even that defense is not tolerated in especially gross cases. The process worked. Now you are an unwilling guard at a concentration camp who could risk punishment if you fail to "execute" your duties in shooting an escaping prisoner. Calley's court-martial found him guilty of premeditated murder, and sentenced him to life imprisonment (President Nixon, for unclear reasons, immediately commuted his sentence to three years of house arrest). I have documented via petitions to every court in this nation and the OAS that all these simple principles ( natural law, common law and equity ) are ignored in every court in the former USA, pursuant to Executive Orders proclaiming bogus STATES of Emergency which results in judges conducting courts under summary procedures aka martial law rule. Providing Legal Services For More Than 125 Years, On Behalf of Hamblett & Kerrigan, P.A. Squad attention. Although pleas from the unknown person could be heard, including mentions of a heart condition, Milgrams study said his volunteers continued to shock the learner when ordered to do so. Its like you flip the switch, but it takes a beat or two for the light to appear. March 3, 2023 Alex Murdaugh sentenced to life in prison The Vietnam War presented the United States military courts with more cases of the "I was only following orders" defense than any previous conflict. So akin to before, subjects had to decide whether to shock a person with or without coercion, but now they heard an audible tone while making the choice. Only Following Orders. Generals and high ranking SS officers had the ability to resist or water down orders (even if just some) that were immoral. The processing of the product is performed only following order of a customer. The risk of obeying an unlawful order - MultiBriefs The Nuremberg Defense refers to a legal strategy employed by many of the defendants at the Nuremberg war crimes trials seeking to convict Nazi perpetrators of war crimes and crimes against humanity committed during the Second World War. Image courtesy of Caspar et al., Current Biology (2016). As a consequence, both the United States and the United Kingdom enshrined in Service Law the "Nuremburg Principle" which states that although Service personnel have an obligation to obey lawful orders from their superiors, they have both a right and a duty to disobey illegal orders. [1] Before the trials, as the Allies suspected that "superior orders" defence could be used by the defendants, the London Charter of the International Military Tribunal was issued. History teaches that "I was only following orders" is not a good defense. Haggards team found that brain activity in response to this tone is indeed dampened when being coerced. Researchers measured a small, but significant increase in the perceived time between a persons action and outcome when coercion was involved. Under New Hampshire law, if an employee does not have a contract she is an employee-at-will which means generally she can be fired or quit, with or without cause and/or notice unless that firing results in a state or federal statutory violation. If these new benefit cuts come in, there is only 1 thing that will happen and that is the end of the world, simple reason is people will be made homeless because they cant afford to live in their homes so then they will be homeless, they reckon this figure will be as much as 500,000 British people and families, crime will then sky rocket and if 500,000 plus are made homeless where are they supposed to live, this will then cause major health problems and with the NHS as it is it wont be able to handle this, imagine now if just 1 person living on the streets from benefit cuts was to get seriously ill then it would spread like wildfire, imagine if this was an incurable disease then the Nhs could not then cope with this medical epidemic this would then turn into a pandemic and if this could not be cured this would either go world wide or Britain would then have to be destroyed and nuked from the earth in order to stop this from spreading. But that same year Stanley Milgram, a Yale University psychologist, conducted a series of famous experiments that tested whether ordinary folks would inflict harm on another person after following orders from an authoritative figure. I was only following orders, a defense that fails in earthly courts, will most assuredly also fail in the highest court of all. Often the use of deadly force is necessary to stop a criminal in police work, just as in international affairs.<P>As for following orders; Not only were these people not given any choice (disobey . An order that violates the Constitution or the laws of the United States is also unlawful, but interpretation of the Constitution can shift based on the composition of the Supreme Court. It's a tough place to be and I hate it. Generally, employees are liable for their own wrongful acts irrespective of whether or not they were doing so at the bequest of their boss. Learn more about Friends of the NewsHour. Recruits are taught to obey orders from their superiors immediately and without question, right from day one of boot camp. Large gatherings forbidden. Nazi war criminals. That indisputable admonition is commonly found in childhood parables, writings of scholars, clever sayings of gurus, and advice from our parents and elders. "The Nuremberg Defense", failed and failed again at My Lai, and once more at Abu Ghraib, yet more and more I hear from young police officers that they did_____ because their "boss" (Cpl, Sgt, Lt, etc) told them too. To develop a sense of group cohesion. Unknown to most civilians is that U.S. military personnel are not just trained to follow orders but are educated in following only lawful orders. Attorney Marr can be reached at [emailprotected]. Adolph Hitler and the Nazi elite of the infamous Third Reich, however, remain one memorable instance in which good triumphed and evil was publicly held responsible. Nashua Office:20 Trafalgar SquareSuite 505Nashua, NH 03063, Portsmouth Office:155 Fleet StreetPortsmouth, NH 03801, 2023 Hamblett & Kerrigan, P.A. Right face. Attorney Marr is licensed and practices in both NewHampshire and Massachusetts. Medications no help. "I was only following orders" is an..iffy defense. CMV. Taking the high road is not only the right thing to do; it is in you self-centered interest. We weren't doing anything or going anywhere. Notice the oath states, I will obey the orders of the President of the United States,but the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) Article 90 states that military personnel need to obey the "lawful orders of his/her superior. This was not the case with all of the guards in concentration camps, but it was the situation for many. Reblogged this on Brightonredhots Weblog and commented: For example, a September 3rd, 2019, repost[4] of the meme by Redditor ElJeanMermoude received over 18,000 upvotes in /r/fakehistoryporn subreddit. Right face. In his book The Abolition of Man, C. S. Lewis writes about universal moral principles he calls Tao or Natural Law. So I recognized what was going on with the pandemic. (LogOut/ In the brave new world ushered in by the Nazis, evil is done not in any personal, clean way, if such is ever possible, with unquestioned responsibility; now it is carried out in a bureaucratic manner--nameless functionaries following meaningless orders, just more cogs in a machine of evil. Log in or register to write something here or to contact authors. A private soldier was permitted the defence I had to do it or I would have been shot. Vaccine protective, return to normal. The order was not manifestly unlawful. Your conscience tells you that the Nazi party's discrimination of various groups is wrong, but you are going to be in the Werhmacht, far away from the atrocities of the death camps. So now, many of these people see nothing wrong with Australia's army-enforced lockdown. However, I believe one should draw a line of distinction between those who had the power to issue orders and those who had to carry them out. 'Wir haben nur Befehle ausgefhrt' wird nicht als Entschuldigung akzeptiert werden. However, when President John Adams wrote the authorization order, he wrote that U.S. Navy ships were authorized to seize any vessel bound for a French port, or traveling from a French port. Please check your inbox to confirm. UCMJ has not been invoked often since its implementation. Vaccine protection wanes, may need third dose and booster. I was only following orders! | AnandTech Forums: Technology, Hardware According to Milgrams experiments, 65 percent of his volunteers, described as teachers, were willing (sometimes reluctantly) to press a button that delivered shocks up to 450 volts to an unseen person, a learner in another room. Until one day you are given a notice, you were conscripted into the Waffen-SS, along with another 200,000 Wehrmacht guys, to be sent as guards to a concentration camp. According to the first argument, any action by an individual soldier can be defended by the famous statement "I was only following orders". The "I Was Only Following Orders" Defense. If youre not doing it already, try wearing a baggy. Calley wound up spending 3 1/2 years under house arrest atFort Benning, Georgia, where a federal judge ultimately ordered his release. Argument: I was only following orders" an acceptable defense? The maltreatment of prisoners is a crime under both international lawand the Uniform Code of Military Justice (seeArticle 93 Cruelty and Maltreatment). Milgrams studies rested on a deception: Participants were instructed to administer severe shocks to an actor, who in fact merely feigned being shocked, Haggard said. But I heard something familiar from my past: A series of orders meant to condition people to unthinking obedience. Left: whats a good way to regain HP and MP? :: Digimon World: Next Order For example, if an Army officer tells a sergeant to prepare his soldiers to clean the barracks for an upcoming inspection, there is the belief the order will be followed. The time between the action and its outcome is typically experienced as a simultaneous event. The truth is about to finally hit the fan and this corrupt nazi Tory government will never be able to come back from their sickening disgusting acts that they are performing on the most invulnerable British people who are being deliberately targeted and treated like criminals and like we are pond life when we should be treated with care and compassion, a disabled person who is ruled as to be to sick to work needs help and care and compassion, we do not deserve to be victimized and treated like criminals, its not our choice to be disabled, its not something that we planned on for a career, sick and disabled people should never be treated the way that we are now, it is clear to me that this government and especially IDS mass murderer of the disabled thinks it is ok to continue his sick work of culling off and persecuting the sick and disabled in Britain, it is high time that IDS, the corrupt DWP and this government were all charged and prosecuted for the sick and twisted crimes that have been deliberately targeted at the sick and the disabled.
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