Lincoln: How could I not? (Runs after him). Receptionist: *notices his expression* Is something wrong? Lynn Sr: *sighs* Do you girls want me to turn the van around hoping your hunch might be right despite Lisa's explanations or should we keep trying to search for Lincoln ourselves? Ronnie Anne: Though her food is delicious. Luan: *guilty, depressed* I still can't believe he almost died because of us. No need to cry, little bro.*. The Old and the Restless. Ronnie Anne: *glaring angrily, but trying to keep quiet just enough so others don't hear* You have some nerve coming up to us after what you did to Lincoln! The older Lincoln narrates things from there to give you an idea of what happened. *, Leni & Luna: *give a warm smile to their younger brother, kiss him on the forehead*, Lynn Sr., Lori, Lola, Lana, and Lisa: *soon spot Leni and Luna, but doesn't notice Lincoln*, Lincoln: *clearly not ready to interact with the rest of his family, tenses up and starts to slowly back up*. Lincoln: *sits in the recliner* *quietly* Here, hand her to me so you can get comfortable. After reading the note, the Louds were filled with guilt, and had tears in their eyes. Marinette's kidnapping part 2 Finding a Draco, Chapter 38. Bobby: Well, after Nini showed me your text, I broke up with her. *pokes his head through the door and is shocked to see his little man being home*, Lincoln: *gives a small smile to his parents*. Sam's mind cracks and she ends up going crazy. I'm so sorry you had to suffer what you've been through, bro. When I told you where I was, I did it just in case you would one day come try to find me, and that by leaving you a trail to follow, you wouldn't come to a dead end. Ronnie Anne: *sighs* I guess you better tell her the truth. Luna: *thinks of something* Hang on, could he actually have been in the car with them, but hid when he saw us? 447 N. Catherine Avenue | La Grange Park, IL 60526| Phone: (708) 354-0225, Phone: 708-354-022524 Hour Non Emergency:708-352-2151Emergencies: 911, Hours:Monday through Friday9:00 am to 4:30 pm. No Comments Yet Be the first to comment on The Loud House's Lincoln Loud (DeviantArt stuff)! Try not to stay up too late. Maria: *still shocked* It seems like it this has affected him even more than we thought. Plus, it's always nice to hear about what happened whenever you guys go away for a visit. I have to wonder about when Lincoln was born. They had no right to do that to Lincoln, even if they are his own family. Lincoln: *smiling warmly* I missed you too Lily. We got your back. Then you might get a better understanding when you hear the nightmare I had. If the Santiagos hadn't been determined to bring me back, Lily might not have gotten a chance to see me again, so me not at least giving her a last hug or kiss or even explaining to her what was going on, I can't help but feel like her sadness is my fault. No Such Luck Aftermath - Moving Out - The Loud House Fanon Wikia Leni, Luna, I was wrong to trust you as my closest and favorite sisters. Our Dailyland passes that each of us won from a pageant haven't expired yet. Status Update. We will. Luna: *hugs back, tears in her own eyes* If you don't want to say, I'll understand. Lincoln: *plugs his nose* I know that smell. I almost got heat stroke a lot of the times in that thing. The Village is providing regular updates to keep residents informed of recent efforts and progress to address local flooding. You treat him horribly! *turns her head to see her son* *gets tears in her eyes at seeing her baby boy finally home*, Lynn Sr: Lincoln?! - Lana furiously said (Lola is still laughing, which angers Lincoln into wanting to hurt Lola, but Lana and Leni intervenes; At home, Lincoln, bored, is lying on his bed, staring at the ceiling) LINCOLN: I can't believe this. *tells the receptionist about what happened with his family*, Receptionist: *shocked at what Lincoln said*. I however, did not expect them to show up at the room I was staying in several hours later.. Lincoln: *continues* They then brought me back to Royal Woods, and when we passed Vanzilla last night, they didn't see me Leni: *doesn't see Lincoln since Luna is blocking her view of him* *still feeling extremely guilty* Luna, are you coming? I can't go back to my "family", so it's best off to where they can't find me. *whispers to his mother* Plus, I think it'll help take Lincoln's mind off of y'know. Description The Loud House and Lincoln Loud belongs to original creator Chris Savino and Nickelodeon. Lincoln: *smiles warmly* Thanks, sweetie. Lori: *lowers her head with teary eyes, knowing why Ronnie is saying that*. Upload stories, poems, character descriptions & more. In the show, she is a lesbian who is only shown with Luna. Metalbrony823 | FanFiction Lincoln: *urge to pee* I'll be right back, just gotta go use the bathroom real quick. We're bloody depressed and panicked, and they looked perfectly fine. Rita Loud (also known by her nickname Mom) is the mother of Lincoln Loud and his sisters, and a supporting character in The Loud House. It's fine, really. Lincoln: But I didn't just leave the house, I left the state. Girlfriend to Mountain G Giant Muscle Luna Gothzilla's Big Date Grande en Casagrande H Hello There Little Lincoln! Lynn: I know, but I don't forgive myself. from DeviantArt: BeachGuyLover Categories Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. Maria: *turns to face the kids in the back seat* We're home. Rita: *on the couch, guilty* *sees her husband walk in* Any luck? Reader Insert ; No quirk, but she still wanted to be a hero. - They would have to go through us first! Your big brother loves you. Lincoln: Pretty good. It was inevitable, really, with five hormonal teenage girls and a handsome young man like Lincoln living under the same roof. What we did was cruel. Soon, Clyde also started believing in the superstition, refusing to even acknowledge me unless I wore the suit, claiming that my family is right, and that he doesn't wanna be with someone who's bad luck. Ronnie Anne: *annoyed* Exactly. The parents are feeling guilty as well, not noticing that Lincoln wasn't in the car in the first place. We just got back late last night. While dating Lori, he found out that out of the big family she had, you were the only boy in it, but wasn't sure if you wanted to try to get to know him or not. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available from [email protected]. Lynn Sr: *Moments after pulling up, enters the house, head down in defeat, still feeling the guilt*. Reacting to The Loud House is an ongoing series of The Loud House and The Casagrandes fics written by J.Tom (or JTom09) in which many characters from both shows watch episodes of said shows. Luna: *crying with guilt into her bed, knowing she was a horrible guardian to Lincoln*, Lily: *crying due to having figured out Winky is gone due to not seeing him anywhere while seeing how the others looked guilty*, Rita: *crying on the couch, knowing she was a terrible mother for believing a stupid superstition which drove her only son away*, Lynn Sr: *feeling very guilty of how bad of a father he's been to his only son, the gift his prayers got him after having had all girls. Lincoln: Yeah, even though Lori, Leni, Luan and Lynn were jealous. Luna! Lynn Sr: *goes downstairs to answer the door, only to be met with a very angry Clyde*, Clyde: *angry, kicks Lynn Sr. in the leg*. This is too scary, even for me. Wanting to get some time for myself due to getting dragged to all of my sisters activities, I used Lynn's bad luck claim as a lie to get out of going to everyone's activities, only for it to ultimately backfire on me. She looks so peaceful sleeping in my arms, I'm kinda afraid to hand her to you thinking that she'll wake up. Lincoln enters the bathroom and deposits Luna's nightgown while Sam showers. Maria: *grabs the car keys* We gotta get going if we wish to see Lincoln. You should be good until tomorrow morning. Lynn Sr.: *slowly takes a step towards his son, guilty* Son, I understand if you don't forgive us, but we truly are sorry for how we treated you. Lynn Sr: *feels even guiltier after hearing what his son had said, knowing Lincoln is right when he and Rita said they would never get rid of their children but still ended up making Lincoln believe they did get rid of him*, Lori: *feels even guiltier, knowing that when Lincoln believed his parents were going to get rid of him, she and the sisters helped him through it, but in this situation she did nothing but believe in the stupid lie*. Ronnie Anne: *smiles at what she's seeing*, Bobby & Maria: *also smile at what their seeing*, Leni and Luna: *stops rustling Lincoln's hair to give him a chance to catch his breath* *sees his hair is sticking out in all directions*. Lincoln: *suddenly realizes Luna's right*. The Village of La Grange Park has started its Lead Service Line Replacement Program to comply with a new state law. Miraculous ladybug crossover part 1 Welcome to Paris, Chapter 15. I told her I had my own plans, but she made me go anyway. Also, don't really want to draw the attention of other people about what's going on, which I'm quite surprised noone has noticed yet. Lincoln, and Cass bonding time, Chapter 19. Lori: *shocked by what Ronnie Anne said, realizing she's more than likely right*. Lincoln: Alright. Complete abandonment, with no one left to turn to, that's gotta be the absolute worst possible feeling he could've had to where he wished he was never born thinking that his own birth was bad luck. Leni: *crying* I feel like a hypocrite for what I did to you! She tends to always make a lot of food. From that point on, they would let me come to their activities, but only if I was in the suit. That would never happen. Luna: *notices, concerned* What's wrong, Lincoln? I didn't see Lincoln in the car with them as we passed by it, so that would be a safe guess. Maria: I won't deny you a chance for you to be with your baby sister, plus, babies are always a joy to be around with. Lisa Loud/Costumes. When autocomplete results are available use up and down arrows to review and enter to select. After I had gotten to New York and managed to get a hotel room, even if it was for 1 day, I gave Ronnie an update, letting her know where I was staying for the day and that I was safe. Lily: *happily smiling, hugs Ronnie Anne*. Good night. I know you're worried about me and for that I couldn't be more grateful. You really needed it. Lori, Leni, Luna, Luan, Lynn: *gasp in shock from what they just heard*, Luna: *the most shocked, considering it was her name he just said*. We should've seen that making you support us all the time and us not supporting you was taking it's toll, then when the whole bad luck thing started, we immediate believed in it instead of giving you the chance to see that you weren't actually bad luck. Lincoln: *finally stops crying and for the first time in weeks, a genuine smile appears on his face as he looks up at his 2 older sisters, eyes still filled with tears. Maria: Lincoln, we don't want you to be in the city by yourself. How much growing up do they need to go through? Lana: *remembers something* Wait, wasn't that the Santiago's car we just passed not that long ago? Lincoln Loud getting adopted into another family along with his new siblings who all have to fight off strange and magical creatures to protect royal woods while trying to maintain there normal life. Bobby: It's true bro, before I got to know you, I always did want a brother, and after we finally bonded, that void within me has been filled. *, The Louds, with the exception of Luna and Leni, all feel a lot more guiltier after having heard Lincoln's description of the nightmare*, Lincoln was mad at most of his family, but not Lily. Loud sisters: *in their rooms crying from the guilt*, Lynn: *destroying her sports equipment, crying*. *starts to run towards Lincoln*, Lincoln: *tenses up, expecting something awful*, Leni: *hugs Lincoln tightly, tears flowing down her face*, Lincoln: *surprised by Leni's sudden reaction*, Ronnie Anne: *carefully watching what's going on in front of her*, Ronnie Anne: *sees that Leni's tears are real*. I hate having to lie to Lily, but I don't want her to worry. Almost everything he does or has an interest in, you guys ridicule him and he just takes it like a champ, but yet, when someone says something about one of your guy's interests or appearances, you get all offended! The Village of La Grange Park is committed to providing effective and efficient government services in a fiscally responsible manner to all citizens. I had even wished that I-I. was never born. The Price of Admission. Ronnie Anne: *tearing up, shows her mother the text from Lincoln*, Maria: *seeing Ronalda about to break down crying, hugs her*. Lincoln: The dream was practically me having to relive what I've had to go through the past few weeks, but worse. I didn't want you guys to worry any more than you probably were, so I just couldn't leave you completely in the dark. Luna: *still teary eyed* I was so worried about you when you disappeared! Lincoln: *hugs his sister, but begins to feel bad*. Ronnie Anne: *accidentally bumps into someone* Sorry. robin. Ronnie Anne: Thanks, Mom. Lily: *begins to calm down, looks up at her big brother with tears in her eyes*, Lily: *starts to smile for the first time in days since her older brother ran away*, Ronnie Anne: *sits next to Lincoln and Lily*, Maria: *smiles at the scene going on in front of her*. Lincoln: *smiles* Hey, can you hold her while your mom gets me real quick? Lincoln: *thinking* I guess I only have enough for 1 day. Lincoln: *nods* The bear scratched me on my back. Lincoln: *considers Ronnie Anne's words* You're right, sweetie. Bobby: Always making sure no one is left hungry. Lucy: We're so upset about Lincoln that we weren't paying attention Lana: Probably because we wanted to see our older brother so much, we thought he might show up at school. Ronnie Anne: You need me to sleep out here with you tonight? Rita: Oh hi guys. *smiles*. I just couldn't stand my family anymore Lincoln: *tears start falling* The way they treated me, first with being bad luck, then forcing me to always wear a squirrel suit because they thought it was good luck Ronnie Anne: *wipes Lincoln's tears* It's going to be okay, Lincoln. Luna: *still crying, starts to head back to Vanzilla*. Lori: *tears falling down her face, knowing Ronnie Anne is 100% right*, Ronnie Anne: *turns her back towards the Louds, finished telling them off*, Lincoln: *having heard everything Ronnie said* *tears of happiness in eyes from being defended*, Lori: *trying to think of something to say, but can't*. Ronnie Anne: *walks over to Lincoln while holding Lily* Looks like she's getting tired. I'm such a terrible sister to have never considered how Lincoln felt about everything that happened, and now he's gone. My dads made it themselves. Submit your writing.
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