Success! Based on the language, could all attendees of MAGA and anti-vaccine event suffice as a reasonably specific description warranting detention? As stated in Assembly Bill A416: "New York is trying to pass a bill that would allow them to round up non mask wearers and people who dont want to take the vaccine into concentration camps," one popular post on Facebook reads. This bill is not only a threat to the Constitution of New York and the people of New York but also to everyone in America if you consider the way certain legislation can spread throughout America in this age of crisis.. SIGN UP HERE. We are committed to truth and accuracy in all of our journalism. Republican Sen. Joey Fillingane, of Sumrall, said the new implications could cause Mississippi to fall behind other states in the race to attract investment from electric car companies. The Gateway Pundit reports Bill A416 relates to the removal of cases, contacts and carriers of communicable diseases that are potentially dangerous to the public health. The Governor would have sweeping powers to indefinitely detain American citizens and put them in internment camps . KrisAnne Hall is the most sought-after national speaker on the Constitution, averaging over 250 events in nearly 22 states every year for five years straight. If the bill becomes law, they will be able to detain contacts of those who have been infected. Fact Check-New York State Assembly is not voting on a bill on Jan. Newsweek reached out to Perry for comment but did not receive a response in time for publication. But know this, that (in the last days [a]perilous times will come: For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good, traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having a form of godliness but denying its power. A Florida GOP lawmaker has introduced legislation that would effectively cancel the states entire Democratic Party. Assembly bill 416 was introduced by Assemblyman N. Nick Perry, D- Brooklyn, and is described as: "An act to amend the public health law, in relation to the removal of cases, contacts and carriers of communicable diseases who are potentially dangerous to the public health.". A416 arbitrarily reduces the well-established standard of strict scrutiny required for the infringement of these fundamental rights to the lesser standard of clear and convincing evidence which will be determined solely by the governor or some worker in the state health department, which violates New Yorks constitutional principle of separation of powers. maybe. New York Some may even likened the proposed detainment to detention camps., Theres a New York State Senate proposal to put disease carriers in detention camps. Clyde Vanel, was approved on the Assembly floor and sent on to the Senate for approval. It could your last true realization Dramatic? She served in the U.S. Army as a military intelligence cryptologic linguist and was a prosecutor for the state of Florida for nearly a decade. You cant say that on Big Tech platforms without risking cancelation, but wed rather get cancelled for telling the truth rather than staying around to repeat mainstream medias lies. We had 5,657,724 sessions on our website from November, 2020, through February, 2021. NEW YORK BILL SB416: QUARANTINE CAMPS & FORCED VACCINATIONS In the past two years, democracies have become stronger, not weaker. But the Mississippi House passed a bill last month that would require the city to use the revenue, which totals $120 million from 2014 to 2022, only on water and sewer. The bills sponsor, Assemblymember N. Nick Perry, withdrew the bill on December 22, 2021, shortly after he was nominated by President Biden to serve as the ambassador to Jamaica, and seven days afterHochulsubmitted her proposed regulation. Ribbit. Advertisement - story continues below 8. Perry announced his intention to remove the bill from the calendar through a statement published via his social media channels on Dec. 21, 2021 (here), (here). Governor Hochuls discretion. The bill in question, A416, is not new. This legal language in the bill is intentionally vague to give New York government officials as much power as possible over the lives of its citizens. More contraception availability increases abortion demand.". Wake up. Tyranny Introduced by New York Assemblyman N. Nick Perry, who reportedly also serves as the chair of the NYS Black, Puerto Rican, Hispanic and Asian Legislative Caucus, On New Yorks Senate website, they describe Assembly Bill A416 as legislation that: Relates to the removal of cases, contacts and carriers of communicable diseases who are potentially dangerous to the public health. We should be allowed to ask questions about the vaccines, for example, as there is ample evidence for concern. 2. Document shows that Hunter Biden paid Joe Biden $50,000 a month in rent. Bill Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) reintroduced bipartisan legislation that would make Daylight Saving Time permanent and end the tiresome, twice-a-year adjusting of the St. Petersburg, FL New York State Assembly Bill A416 has been dredged up by leftist lawmakers and its contents are rather horrifying. The above section of the bill grants the Governor the power to detain a singular person they deem a risk to the public health and entire groups of people. It wasnt just the shortened month. Upon determining by clear and convincing evidence that the health of others is or may be endangeredThe Governor may order the removal and/or detention of such a person or of agroup of personsby issuing a single order, identifying such persons either by name or by a reasonably specific description of the individuals or group being detained. The bill has never passed through the committee stage to the Assembly Floor and the sponsor of the bill has since announced his intention to remove the bill from the Assembly calendar in its entirety. Best to boost your immune system with new Z-Dtox and Z-Stack nutraceuticals from our dear friend, the late Dr. Vladimir Zelenko. Everyone in New York needs to contact their senator and assemblyman and demand they vote no on A416. New York But if a court doesnt intervene and the apparent suspects dont request release, they can only be held for a total of 60 days. Clyde Vanel, was approved on the Assembly floor and sent on to the Senate for approval. bill Nick Perry Bill A416 New York by V Saxena on Scribd, Once detained, suspectscan be forced to undergo medical examinations and accept a prescribed course of treatment, preventive medication or vaccination.. Marco Rubio reintroduces Daylight Saving Time bill New York Bill A416 Is One Of The Most Dangerous Legislations NY State Assembly Bill A416, Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) January 2, 2021. If this bill passes in New York, how long before other states begin to adopt similar measures? NY Gov Hochul Wants to Detain Covid Health Threats KrisAnne Hall: A New York Bill To Imprison and Forcibly Vaccinate Hochuls effort follows the recent withdrawal of New York Assembly Bill A416 that would have allowed the arrest and imprisonment of suspected public health risks In a world of wild talk and fake news, help us stand up for the facts. Its creation had nothing to do with the COVID-19 crisis, he added, and despite being reintroduced, Perry hasnt pushed the bill or solicited sponsorships. Andrew Cuomo, Jan. 5, 2021. var sc = document.createElement('script'); sc.type = 'text/javascript'; sc.async = true; New Yorkers will not be given their right to a trial as required by Article I, Section 1, and Article VI, Section 18a, of the New York Constitution. Frank Shea, Perrys communications director, said the assemblyman proposed the legislation in 2015 after a nurse who worked closely with Ebola patients in Africa refused to quarantine upon returning to the United States. The West Virginia State House passed a similar bill on Wednesday. A416 cannot be supported as it violates several provisions of the New York Constitution. New York lawmakers appear to be pushing for quarantine camps for individuals who test positive for Covid-19. Please dont tell me Teslas car doesnt identify as a car.. Official govt docs expose Michelle Obamas 14 year history as a man., "Woody Harrelsons 60 seconds in the middle of his monologue was cut out of the edits released after the show., BREAKING Trump preps Marines to stop presidential coup.. Opponents said it would betray conservative principles by setting a government policy that interferes with the automobile market, while supporters said it would ensureall car manufacturersplay by the same rules, regardless of business model. Cuomo is the same person who in 2020 issued an Those who dont want to be oppressed by their government will flee to red states, making New York devoid of any rational and freedom-loving Americans. This bill will result in the arrest and detainment of unvaccinated American citizens, As if theKey to NYCprogram wasnt dystopian enough, New York is now looking to pass a bill granting the state permission to remove and detain anyonesuspected of beinga significant threat to public health.. But one day, maybe this day, it wont be. When we talk about NY Gov. It seeks to amend the New York health law so that if someone or a group of someones comes down with a communicable disease, the state can remove them and place them in a detention facility for being potentially dangerous to others. District of Columbia Read our editorial standards. bill These are just a few, but very serious, violations that will result if A416 is passed. Covid-19, for example, has been shown to allow infections to persist for over a month after a person is first exposed. The Justice Department has been calling parents that are concerned about what their kids are being taught, they are labeling them terrorists., Sen. Marco Rubio signed a 2021 letter that supports waivers that would reduce visual track inspections.. Apple will pay customers $700 for a slowed-down iPhone. Digital IDs were given to residents in East Palestine, Ohio, to track long term health problems like difficulty breathing before the Feb. 3 train derailment. Social media posts claim that New York officials are trying to pass a bill that would allow them to round up non-mask wearers and those who dont want to get vaccinated into "concentration camps" to eventually force vaccinations for COVID-19. Covid Concentration Camps Coming to New York If passed, this legislation would place in the hands of the governor, or his designated agent, the full and autonomous authority to order the removal and detention of every person the governor or his delegee determines may pose an imminent and significant threat to the public health., Further, the act would enable the governor or his delegee to require an individual who has been exposed to or infected by a contagious disease to complete and appropriate, prescribed course of treatment, preventive medication or vaccination.. Please see your primary health care provider about any personal health concerns and before making any changes to your health routine. New Copyright, 2011-2022, National Addiction News. The bill is obtuse in the extreme, and grants the state permission to remove and detain someone defined as a significant threat to public health. What were seeing with this bill is the birth of American concentration camps. You are a frog and the water has been boiling for awhile now. In Australia, the government has spent millions of dollars on literalinternment campsto fill with non-compliant citizens. The public health law is amended by adding a new section 2120-a to read as follows: MEMORANDUM IN SUPPORT OF LEGISLATION. Hochuls effort follows the recent withdrawal of New YorkAssembly Bill A416that would have allowed the arrest and imprisonment of suspected public health risks without trial. Tate Reeves will decide the fate of a bill passed in the state legislature Thursday aimed at restricting electric car manufacturers from opening new brick The New York State Senate website shows that the latest bill is slated to be reviewed by the New York State Assembly Health Committee next Wednesday. The information on is not meant to take the place of health care or services you may need. Whats wrong with elected officials in NYS?! Cuomos office, meanwhile, says they werent aware of the bill until recently. We have no tolerance for comments containing violence, racism, profanity, vulgarity, doxing, or discourteous behavior. New York State Assembly. This opens the door to indefinite detention, particularly for diseases that remain in ones system for extended periods of time. This time, he and his legal team are seeking a brand new trial. (2 Timothy 1-5). We have a Giving Fuelpage to help us pay the bills. John Moore/Getty. Posted by 2 years ago. Justin Bieber 'forced' to cancel tour by doctors amid health fears. House: Can You Guess Why? The bill states that the governor or health commissioner, "upon determining by clear and convincing evidence that the health of others is or may be endangered by a case, contact or carriermay order the removal and/or detention of such a person or of a group of such persons by issuing a single order.". Our only agenda is to publish the truth so you can be an informed participant in democracy. We refuse to back down. At least they used to pretend to work for us. Many rightly cite that this violates fundamental human rights, and the language is vague and unconstitutional. You either support freedom, or some version of slavery. MORE NEWS:U.S. Air Force Authorizes Use of They/Them Pronouns in Signature Blocks. The bill has also only been proposed by Perry and has never had a co-sponsor. If a New Yorker is picked up on the whim of some health department worker, they will have to wait at least three days to have a hearing but only after a hearing is formally requested, from your detention cell, in a yet-to-be-determined state-designated facility. Bill Search and Legislative Information | New York State Assembly Everyone Practices Cancel Culture | Opinion, Deplatforming Free Speech is Dangerous | Opinion.
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