Leni: WE DON'T DESERVE LOVE OR THIS TRIP TO THE BEACH!!!! "Room 5," Felix answered with, "On the 11th floor." Rushing to the balcony door, he opened it, getting the girl's attention. This proves it. Would you mind me speaking to Angus for a bit? You were fine with me sleeping outside and being locked outside? On the other end, Maddie, an African-American woman in her mid-20's with short curly hair, heard what Felix said and got worried. Upload your creations for people to see, favourite, and share. [Later, Lincolns room is unlocked and his furnature was back. ", Mascot:[in a familiar voice] "Hey, man! He quickly throws the squirrel suit into a rubbish bin.). (The family gets more and more heartbroken as he continues to rant.). Lori soon pulled out her phone and dialed Aunt Ruth's number. ", Lincoln: "Lynn, don't say that. ", Lynn: (smiles, more tears come down her eyes,) "What did I do to deserve a brother like you?" Leni: Linky, if you didnt want to come to my fashion show, you just had to say so! I hate the fact that you all act like spoiled brats! Lead walls will keep my bad luck from affecting anyone. I feel like a fool!" Lynn Sr.: (with a broken voice) "And we were horrible parents to you, locking you out! The Loud House: The Loud Luck (Rewrite) - DeviantArt Lynn Sr.: He wrecked our trophy case to!? With how much of a hatedom Lynn Jr got after this episode, I had to have her own up to her mistakes. I hate how pathetic and chicken you all are! The family and Bobby are there to support Lynn. Lola: WE'RE HORRIBLE BRATS!!! The way the security officer said, 'Right now,' made Luna nervous, it was typically the tone of voice used when someone was in very serious trouble. "Well mom, you know what I think?" Lincoln: Enjoy your life in suits! Upload stories, poems, character descriptions & more. ", Lincoln: (To his all sisters) "All thoseevents I attended, was I bad luck? I hate softball! "Uuhhh," Luna started, unsure of how to start the conversation, "Hello, security dude. (heads to Vanzilla and gets inside, they drive of to the movies). Why are you being arrested?! NOTE: I am aware this episode has been overly bashed to death. Well thanks [Sam then kissed Luna on the cheek. As the last of the guests ran away, Leni, the blonde girl that one of the guys mentioned earlier, came around the corner and saw her family in the spa. No Such Luck - Alternate ending - The Loud House Encyclopedia (Tears up) Our only bro. They were both very nervous and very terrified of their kids right now. Lynn Sr. and Rita wanted to say something, but saw the glares on their kids' faces and knew that they wouldn't get anywhere arguing. "What we're saying is is that you two are going to be confided to this building for the next 2 calendar cycles, only to leave for employment reasons or to get us sustenance from the one of our beloved stores." Tell the community what's on your mind. I loved winning so much that didn't take my failure like a good sport, and started thiswhole bycalling you bad luck. @JackLeighton19 Idea on How to End This Story: Employee: (Grunts) That's it! As they leave, Jeffrey grabs Lynn Sr.'s arm, making him and his wife turn to him, he added, "And just so you know, your kids tore apart my lobby and the room you were staying in. Lisa: That's the last time I ever fall for such phone-baloney! We don't want to stare at you on the drive home, so you're sitting in the back." Leni was working, even though she wasn't even hired and what she was doing is illegal (author interruption: ok I know, to be fair, this is Leni we're dealing with and she means no trouble, but still, what she's doing is unreported employment, which is against the law, look it up if you don't believe me). "Listen to what?" Dont rage out at us. ", (after a few seconds of silence, Lincoln smiles at them), Lincoln: "I forgive you." After a few moments of static, a female voice was heard on the other end, "Hello, Felix. Lucy: Well, you covered for me and saved me from all this non-stop torment. I'll definitely come to your next game, Lynn. She started pacing the room, or more specifically around the couch. "WELL, NOW THAT I KNOW HOW YOU KIDS FEEL ABOUT ME! (The family screams in horror. She also knew it wasn't about Jeffrey, the manager, because any reviews he gave to staff were done over a month ago. Share your thoughts, experiences, and stories behind the art. We don't know what we were thinking! (yet another author interruption: I know this sounds harsh, but in all fairness, that is a pretty stupid thing to do and the reason behind it doesn't help). "And we're glad they did," Lisa added, "Because thanks to the man that stopped by as well as a woman at the front desk, we were able to learn that you and dad apparently couldn't keep your own promise." This made the officer raise an eyebrow, not fully believing them. "They're not the only guilty ones," Lynn, the girl in red with brown hair tied in a ponytail, responded back with, in a bit of wise-cracking tone, "Yesterday, Lana and I broke the elevators. And Lori and Lisa. He had a glare on his face and he was tapping his foot on the ground repetitively, showing that he was serious. "They have a point there honey," Lynn Sr. said, before immediately clasping his mouth shut, his wife glaring at him for saying that. "Do you have any idea how lousy you made us feel?" I'M A STUPID, SENSELESS BULLY!!! YOU HATE US!!! "EXCUSE ME???!!!" Didn't you say you would never kick us out? NOBODY!!! "Gross and immature, if you ask me," Lola said, also glaring at her parents. Luna, Luan, Lola and Lisa were just about ready to ram these three rude jerks with the couch in the room. Lincoln: "Thanks, Ms. Mulligan. When Vanzilla pulled into the Loud Family driveway, Lori turned to her parents and said, "We're going to take our luggage up to our rooms. In this Loud House Alternate universe a man made virus force's mankind to abandon earth.all except one 11 year old Lincoln Loud was accidentally abandoned by his parents and five sisters as an infant and was forced to fend for himself 11 years later Lincoln has adapted to his new hunting and gathering lifestyle and. Time i sort out these looney superstitions once and for all!! None of the kids wanted to talk to their parents and the parents didn't know what to say to their kids. ", Luna: (with a sad look on her face) "No. Cuts back to now. Leni: (sniffles) I miss him so bad. The siblings glared at her for a moment but saw she had a point, it didn't make sense to ground her or Lily for that matter, she was a baby, anything she did wasn't entirely her fault. We're already hanging on a thread as it is! I have truly failed the term 'scientist'. Trying explaining that!" Lucy: Gasp! I am an 11 year old boy, not some object to be pushed away and than used! Ronnie Anne: [Sighs] The softball game she accused Lincoln of being bad lack was on Friday the 13th. The Loud House Re-write #1-No Such Luck - DeviantArt Share your thoughts, experiences and the tales behind the art. You don't care about me, you think I'm nothing, but a thing, you care about no one, but yourselves, you never wanted a boy, you don't have feelings, you all feel NOTHING ANYMORE!!! Rita: WE ARE THE MOST DISGRACEFUL PEOPLE EVER!!! Lynn Sr.: But son..if you wanted time off, all you had to do was just say so! Even though Lincoln was the one who brought this on himself. After she did, Leni didn't get angry, but she did get upset, very upset at her parents. You didn't deserve to win that stupid game or any game! What kind of parents would do that? ", Lynn Sr.: (with a broken voice) "And we were horrible parents to you, locking you out! ", Lincoln: (to his parents) "What kind of parents lock their own child out? Both Lynn Sr. and Rita responded in a slow, nervous stutter, "Yes." Needless to say, they were not pleased. Understood?!" I dont want to support you psychos! nosuchluck loudhouse Well here is an alternate ending to No Such Luck that ends on a happy note. (He picks up the squirrel suit, jumps up and down on the head and starts ripping the chest)", Lynn: HEY! "Mr. Security Officer, if I may," his attention went down to that of a four-year old girl with shaggy brown hair, glasses and a green sweatshirt, she pointed to the three other men in the room, and said, "I'd like to point out that these three imbeciles welcomed themselves into our room for no good reason. Except now I have to deal with the most annoying teasing that's ever existed. Luna blushed. ", Lori: (smiles forgivingly) "It's alright, Lincoln. Also, just to note, not all of my stories are going to be this gritty or serious or emotional. Lynn pitches and the opposing batter hits the ball right back her, knocking her socks, shoes, and hat off and making her spin in mid-air before landing on the ground. Lola: You mean you dont want to support us anymore? Fund your creativity by creating subscription tiers. You took it too far! We're supposed to be here until tomorrow. I hate that you don't love me anymore! YOU ROCKED IT, LYNN-SANITY! Everyone heads to Vanzilla, but Lincoln still stays in place). (The sisters tear up over their passions being so heavily insulted) I hate it that you lowlifes never learn a thing! We get it. "Aren't you guys going to help us?" I was horrible to you! Kick the . (She storms out of his room and into the hallway. [Lynn Sr. teared up and he burst into tears at the heartwarming moment.] (They keep searching the house. Our family wouldn't be a family without-. We feel so ashamed!" Rita: (with a broken voice) "We're so sorry Lincoln! And with that the parents ran into the room and closed the door. It's my first ever one shot I've done. ", Lola: "Don't try to fool us! She's smarter than she looks and there's evidence canon in the show to prove it.). They sold his furniture and forced him to wear a squirrel costume to bring them good luck.) Experimental One Shot. Fanfiction - No Such Luck Extention. She opens it, revealing all of the siblings' love interests.] "Wait," Lori interrupted with, "How could our parents get us kicked out just for taking a late night dip?" At least this thick skin won't let me down! Felix asked, "Can you tell me what exactly caused these kids to be kicked out?" ", Rita: "I think we heard enough. "Lincoln," Rita said, about to get up from the couch to comfort him. Lana: What did you expect us to do Lincoln? Everyone winced at the final words out of Lola's mouth, but not the woman on the other end. Just a heads up, there are moments of severe anger and shouting, so if you don't like either of these then I'd recommend reading something else. "Same here." ", Rita: "And this time, we'll let Lincoln decide what movie we'll watch. Eventually, Rita broke the long silence, saying, "Kids, I know you're angry at us for causing us to be kicked out of the hotel. You're all insane!!! Lori: "The bigger question is, how did you get inside? Also, any negative comments or comments suggesting that I'm trying to paint the siblings in a bad light will be deleted and I will block you. Today I'm doing a new story called 'Hall Monster Linka,' as you can tell this a story that features Linka Loud and her brothers. Lincoln: (to the viewers) Welp, I may be forced to stay here for quite a long time, but at least I finally got away from my so-called "family"! The family sees this and gasps in shock.). Trivia. Lynn: Let go of me you crazy, raging brute! 'What did he mean there's a massive storm heading her way?' Lily was seated in the back with them, she looked up at them with glares and once again said, "Poo poo!" "SAVE IT, RITA!" (With his remaining strength, he scrambles over to the house. After that, for the remainder of the car ride, nothing was heard but the sounds of Rita's crying and her tears dropping from her face. The Loud House: No Such Luck (2 Alternate Endings) View source Ah yes, No Such Luck. [shows the score: Hazeltuck Lions: 3, Royal Woods Squirrels: nothing.] She hoped the kids would say something, but all they got were grunts of disbelief. We didn't just barge into the room. "What do you kids want?" They also saw Lori in the front seat, Lynn Sr. knocked on the window. "YOU HEARD HER!" I am bad luck! This is also a parody fanfiction that is based on Spongebob Squarepants' episode 'Hall Monitor,' The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron's episode 'Hall Monster,' Wayside's episode 'Safety Monitor,' it is also based on a chapter from Loud House Tales that was called 'Hall Monitor,' however that is no longer up for some reason, and Lynn Loud Jr. being a hall monitor in the Loud House season 5 episode 'Schooled!' We really are just a bunch of chickens Lynn: Fine! # 17. the loud kamen rider by Dratinibro. "And just remember," Lori said, and then she and her siblings yelled one last time, "WE HATE YOU!" Not you or Lucy. SQUIRRELS WIN! (Points at Lynn) Nothing, but a stupid sore loser and a nasty, brainless brute! Lincoln then explains to the viewers that with ten sisters, his schedule is always filled up, and . It said "Roses are Red, Violets are Blue, Im going crazy over you." And can you please unlock my room for me? Maddie herself hid underneath the desk and she could hear the sounds of things being tossed and breaking or getting smashed on and breaking. While eating breakfast, Lincoln learns from his sisters that they have planned activities later in the day. You try dancing in this heat! ", Baseball Announcer: "Talk about bad luck. I heard you scream! The Loud House No Such Luck FanficThe Loud House: No Such Luck Lola: If it wasn't for Miss. Lincoln: Lana. I-, Lincoln: "LYNN!" He gives her bat a furious glare, smashes it in half and throws it out the window. And then blew more raspberries and spit on them some more (hopefully the last author interruption but if not then I'll let you know: I know her seat is located in the first row behind the driver in canon but for this instance of going along with not wanting to look at their parents, the siblings put Lily's seat in the far back to help the other siblings not have to look at their parents, I know this is a little wrong, but please understand it shows how mad the siblings are). Lola: *Gasp* My lovely car! Now we've broken the shower." "Hi, Aunt Ruth," Lola said, in a fake sweet tone, "it's your niece Rita's kids." "It looks like the room is being occupied by a Mr. Todd Fowler, Kyle Dawson and Miguel Diaz as of this morning." My family learned not to let something as stupid as superstitions get to them and tear us apart, and I learned to just be honest about things like this instead of convincing them about something ridiculous just take a break from going to certain events. They were wondering how could this room be these three idiots, they were booked until tomorrow. She told the kids that their parents caused them to get kicked out, she told them what they did and, in a sense, she was responsible for the kids' destructive rampage. No Such Luck part 2 | The Loud House Fanon Wikia | Fandom This article should a part 2 episode in Season 5. NOTHING!! Sighing, Rita turns to her children and said, "Look I know Aunt Ruth isn't your favorite relative" She was interrupted by Lynn Jr. saying, "That's the understatement of the century." Lincoln: "Oh really." Look, I see sweaty footprints! Lisa responded with in her genius talk. She knew it didn't mean the weather, it was going to be bright and sunny all day. (Bursts into tears). During the drive, there was nothing but silence, which is very uncommon for a vehicle that is usually occupied by 13 people. One Squirrel tosses the bat right at Lincoln by accident. The Loud House Revamp: No Such Luck (Full Episode) ESPECIALLY THE EXTRA TOE! Lincoln asked his parents. ", (and that did it. Project Loud House; Ties That Bind; It's a Loud, Loud, Loud, Loud, House; Toads and Tiaras; . They messed up and their children were furious with them because of it. Share your thoughts, experiences, and stories behind the art. turns her attention to Lincoln) "Get out! "No," Lynn Sr. and Rita responded with, not liking where this was going. I hate that you all act so smart and serious and important when you're not! Lincoln asked, as he started crying yet had an angry look on his face, "What's really lousy is that you guys had the nerve to make us feel guilty for the stuff we did when the reason we got kicked out of the hotel was because you two decided to act like irresponsible teenagers and go for a late night swim in the pool without any swimwear on!" "So just so you can remember clearly," Lincoln started with, before he and his sisters got red in the face, "WE HATE YOU!" (He tears the costume off, leaving a very red and sweat-coated body in his wake. All rights belong to Nickelodeon. Directors Kyle Marshall (segment Frog Wild) Chris Savino (segment No Such Luck) Writers Chris Savino AND I'M GOING TO GET A RESTRAINING ORDER JUST TO KEEP YOU AWAY!" This Fanfic is a MASSIVE critique on every fanfic that is targeting the Episode "No Such Luck" of the Western Animation Series "The Loud House." Also it is part Satire, so most of the behavior of the Characters appearing here may not be their usual self's. If you like all the Revenge-Fics who like to torment Lincoln's family and/or present his . "WE HATE YOUR DISGUSTING PUDDING!" Lynn Sr.: Come on, let's go find Lincoln! ], Lola: "What's with that squirrel today? And with that, Lori started driving the van out of the hotel and back towards their house. Anything bad happen then? Morag: well, if you insist I suppose. He helped hold us all together and outings just won't be the same without Lincoln. He brought the talkie down to his level and said into it, "Wait. The parents shook their heads up and down rapidly and nervously, the thought of being arrested terrified them and they couldn't stand the thought of being separated from their kids. No Such Luck - Lucky Carol by TriassicLane | The loud house fanart No such luck alt ending5. I hate that fact that you never make up for anything! I need a very big, long rest from them. I promise I won't be absent all the time, just once in a while. He leaps onto Lynn in a fight cloud, the two yell and shout over hits, kicks, punches, bites and headbutts. And even if you don't always succeed, your a good at it. Honey, we're back. Re-Uniting With Lincoln by KingMercury254. ", Lola: (slightly sad) "Well, I probably would've before, but, from now on, you come to my pageants when you want to, and if not, it's fine by me. The Loud House: No Such Luck (2 Alternate Endings) He crawls over to the kitchen sink and drinks deeply.). She turned to face her parents, a massive glare on her face, and Lola added, "And it's all mom and dad's fault." They kick and punch and claw at each other for several minutes until Lincoln picks Lynn up.). "Yeah, I guess that's fair," Luna said, "we made a promise with you and we couldn't keep it." In order for him to not have "bad luck", his sisters forced him to wear a squirrel suit from Lynn's baseball game. (turns his attention to Luna) "Luna, remember when we went to that SMOOCH concert? It's no fun without Lincoln! ", (Vanzilla is parked in the driveway. Lincoln grabs 11 squirrel mascots and put them on his parents and sisters, minus Lily.]. Fund your creativity by creating subscription tiers. So they, begrudgingly, got in the back seats. Luna: (with a broken voice) "We're really sorry bro! Lucy and I were trying to hunt a ghost." Those were the last words Ruth spoke to the Loud family before hanging up. I was being a sore loser! Of course, it's not like the parents could them there anyway. Lana: *Gasp* All my pets are now homeless! luckily, it was unlocked, he opened it and went inside.) Rita: Kids, your friends are here. ", Lincoln: (to Leni) "Leni, all those times I went to the Mall with you to pick out clothes, anything bad happen those times? I hate pageants! ), Lincoln: (to the viewers) " I can't believe they actually locked me out the house, which is also my home. Inspiration for this fanfiction comes from few positive predictions for No Such Luck. We are no longer grounded to the room. Lori responded with, yelling the last few words. "Do you have any idea how guilty you made us feel for possibly ruining your vacation for acting like ourselves?" ", Lincoln: "Because your my sister." Honestly, while Rita still a little sad that her dear aunt disowned her and her family, she thought it was for the best, if Ruth felt it was right to call her children monsters then that wasn't someone she wanted her family to be around. Rita: Okay Lincoln! Now, while this episode is nowhere near as bad as "Brawl in the Family" and "No Such Luck," the episode is still pretty thumbs down, especially with the ending. When they saw the lobby, they knew the bill was going to be expensive. Why did you kick me out of the house? Slamming the sliding glass door shut, he turned around and glared at everyone in the room. So we've been in here trying to pass the time. What's going on here?! (sniffles) I'd better make a home fast. It's been a day since Lincoln tried to convinced them that he wasn't bad luck. Are you no longer grounded to the room?" Instead he found comfort in being hugged by Leni, glaring at her parents as she did so.
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