Jessica This was a good read. Okey dokey. I think one of the issues here is the uncertain nature of the law, and also Church law, which is open to interpretation. Most peculiar. Jessica, I understand how busy you are but could I ask I am a Virgo sun (18/9/68 6.30 am in Hobart) with stelliums in Scorpio (8), Virgo (6), Libra (5) and Aries (4). The South Node in Libra is about closure and it goes back into the mists of time. I have no evidence at all for this allegation, except a ton of Leo eclipses. As members of the Commonwealth and/or UK taxpayers, if we step back from everything and look at it dispassionately, it would appear that the problem of (say) Andrew or Harry is best solved by The Firm acting like a firm, and not an ancient institution based on birth order. Astrology Predictions for 2023 Jessica Adams: Psychic Astrologer No wife or children. Thank you for your reply Jessica. What are the universal themes for us to learn about processing pain versus expressing pain, compassionate communication , true understanding rather than truths, rupture and repair? The taped conversation that spawned Camillagate was kept secretly by an un-named member of the public for almost three years before being handed over to Harry Arnold of the Daily Mirror in November of 1992. Do not post personal information or anything that should not be made public. A marriage for Harry? On the discussion of Anne Boleyn, I read somewhere that Princess Diana was related to Annes sister Mary Boleyn through her father Earl Johnny Spencers family. Prince Harry responded to an email sent byVladimir Kuznetsov and Alexey Stolyarov, who told the Sun that none of his advisers checked if they were genuine. The other big, big factor is the South Node (karma) in Scorpio (sex, death and money). Seems impossible given his past, but??? This was quite possibly a transmitting device instead/also, with instructions from Netflix? Ive never cheated on a partner and my conscious is clear on my terms/souls journey, and not Welbys and his type. Diana was laughing and Charles was urging her to be more responsible and look serious for the cameras. The fact that Nostradamus said the one that never was supposed to be king thats the thing that I question because we all except Prince William to be king one day. All that was left on the stage was an empty car seat on a raised dais. The latest report (in last 24 hours) And will it result in the diminishing of the role of the Royal Family in the UK? Former captain in the British forces if he was still in service today he may have been involved in Ukraine. Archery and archers (the synchronicity here is with Archie, Archewell and the Archbishop of Canterbury. An oil painting of Harrys todger? This year is shown astrologically to be a time of great instability for Britain. The first finding on my skimming of the tangled web, to paraphrase Sir Walter Scott (not Shakespeare as is easily & reasonably assumed) was a YT video posted 5 days ago by Lady C (Lady Colin Campbell, a Leo) with the beginning of the title being Meghan sets Harry up for plucking. As soon as I saw it I thought of you and your past predictions regarding her investment. Most people equate her and daughter Margarets relationship with Group Captain Peter Townsend as being eerily similar. The Church of Englands rules are: marriage can only happen with two witnesses present. I noticed that quite high up on the thread someone asked you what would become of Prince George, his parents and his siblings. Hi Jessica, I shall someday soon be writing a book about the long-kept secret that history has lied in saying that Anne suffered a miscarriage in prison, where she was placed by Henry to await her execution. Please check this link from todays Daily Mail: Libra rules the law, and also spiritual law, and now we are circling back around to the South Node in Libra (starting July 2023) Meghan will see karma. Spare itself is of course a storyboard with all those Neptune transits sweeping Harrys chart, and transits to his natal Neptune. Big vague paragraph. Gosh, thank you Jessica for this forum to discuss this. Thank you. Is it possible they are Pluto in Capricorn people? Can of worms, isnt it? Again nothing to do with racism. It is all very poignant, peaceful and beautiful. for what exactly? Something has gone wrong, hasnt it. Rumoured at the time to be due to sympathy/support for H&Ms supposed victimhood at the hands of the monarchy. There is no evidence at all that Meghan Markle was tapped on the shoulder by a Russian-corrupted part of Trumps FBI. When I open it, I find a strange-looking object about three feet in size the only thing this object vaguely resembles is the ornate hand of a large clock. The chosen tiara was then handed over, much later. Just my musings. Weve not seen this astrology in the skies, since Henry VIII. Gosh such a long time ago He stressed it didnt have to be disestablishment. Jessica, I have a nagging feeling that Meghan has got all her ducks in a row and is watching it all play out. And to be quite frank, I cannot see The Commonwealth wanting any part of them either. Cheers. It bothers me that he has been isolated from family and friends. then it may have become unsealed, or resealed, in 2017-2019. This does all seem like it was written by Jane Austen. You also saw a light around him. This is not just a war of truths, politics or families. Lady Colin Campbell is a hoot, isnt she? It does not seem natural at all. The wedding resonates. The noise was eerie; it was as if an angry spirit was near me. No, what I feel, and it is a nagging feeling is to do with the legality of George vis marriage to Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon. And we know the marriage ended in divorce. Stone cold, which I think is a symbolic reference, but I clearly saw handcuffs and them handcuffed and kept quiet. Wow. AI apps can write resumes, stories and student essays. Why would Meghan have been a target for photographs of this kind? As for the Harry and Meghan meeting story, yes it changed. And another report in the Daily Mail this morning Jessica, they are reporting King Charles has evicted them from Frogmore Cottage and are suggesting that he wants Prince Andrew to move into it out of Royal Lodge. Follow. Harry and William, Castor and Pollux, have been acting out the retrograde for all the world. Eclipses are relevant here because the eclipses I used to predict the split between Harry and William are what this is all about. Thanks for this insight. He made his debut as a singer with his band White Eskimo, who performed locally in Holmes Chapel, Cheshire, England. Why it should contain LIES needs to be studied and pondered more deeply. None of us like being mucked around, do we? I have no idea at all about Fosters background; hes really appeared as a name in a long list of Russian connections which only occurred in Harrys life after he met Meghan Markle. Thanks Cecelia. Reading all of these comments, it plays like a thriller and I can t wait for the next page! Thankyou x. Astrology cannot predict death, of course - and never should - but it does predict changes to the currency. [But] you know, three days before our wedding, we got married. Pluto leaves Capricorn so elite white plutocrats are over. They are considered to have the same effect as conjunctions. As soon as I published this piece I was sent two abusive messages accusing me of being a racist. Christine Keeler swam here, mistress of a suspected Russian Spy. I believe that William will be a great King but will he be given the chance? What do they all have in common? March is going to be fascinating. There is a YouTube video by a Queen Gurty, entitled Moonbump Compilation, where, alongside more photos of MMs bump appearing to go up and down, there is a video of the purported moonbump appearing to sway. Thank you for all your help and comments. The race card is being used repeatedly in this saga even when there is no racism whatsoever. The astrology surrounding the family begins with the Leo eclipses and Leo North Node which dominated the Andrew-Epstein timeline and the Meghan-Harry timeline. I got the same off feeling from him that I get when I do a reading of someone that is one antidepressives or have a drug habit. Sweden is close to joining NATO, its true. Also Cardinal Wolsey (on Henry 8s orders) broke off the engagement between Anne Boleyn and Lord Henry (Harry) Percy of Northumberland. This has been a really popular point of discussion. Welby himself may wave a sword to mutiny against his bishops. There is always a lot of speculation anytime Harry is spotted with a new "friend." Normally, that type of conjecture is just tabloid gossip, but in the case of an Aquarius, it's probably. harry styles astrology predictions If you are not able to help I understand you do wonderful work and I know you must be busy you help so many people Thanks. Customize orbs for aspects in birth charts: * Sidereal Planetary Positions enabled in settings. His time, place and date of birth were recorded, accurately, according to convention. I have been struck by the glaring inconsistencies with the Sussexes, too numerous to mention, but one example being Harry starring in a campaign for Travalyst, founded by him, for sustainable travel, and then taking private flight after private flight, with considerable carbon output. I am not sure if giving into blackmail will work long term for the Windsors? At 1:08 she speaks about the numerology regarding the date of her death. Diana comes into the sitting room with a large gift-wrapped present, which she hands to me. I was saw him sitting with is head in his hands trying to stop the noises in his head. You stand to save a lot of money, or make it, if you take all the opportunities offered to you by May 2023. Oprah was mentioned too. Magnificent, Jessica. So we have to leave the book open for that. If there is anything sinister going on at a higher level I sincerely hope that H & M havent put the royals in danger. Lots of secrets revealed, like court papers of secret marriages and much more. In fact the United Arab Emirates is currently a place of sanctuary for wealthy Russian individuals and professionals. It is very likely you have Gemini factors in your Third House of siblings, and/or your sister does. Thank you so much for this thoughtful commentary, Jessica. Why were documents sealed? I once heard or read an astrolger say that William is the Once and Future King. It is no longer the liberating experience it once was. This places them at odds with some Scottish churches and no doubt a lot of lay people as well as some of their own bishops and clergy. In the process he just confirmed that the BRF are only flawed humans, just like the rest of us, albeit privileged beyond words. Only my opinion.See it clearly. Best, It is also (just as importantly) about Russian America. It would be a good new plot line in a manufactured drama series. It is to be hoped Charles would not cave in to Sussex demands for the sake of a quiet life. Pluto does more into Aquarius in a few months. Approach towards love, romance and life in general is not encouraging. Also, intriguingly, in 1820 when Uranus and Neptune were previously in conjunction and in the sign of Capricorn another Prince of Wales very nearly brought down the monarchy. Someone is differently behind or is it karma My therapy never seeks to divide family members, and only if there is physical or imminent danger would I ask a client to stay away from a parent or sibling. Diana confided that she was becoming more and more deeply involved in a spiritual path that she not only believed was her role in this life but something she had done in a past existence. Thank you for the updated article, just read it again. It was also very interesting how once Suits became popular around 2012, and was picked up for more seasons, that she dropped her first husband in a flash and even startled him with the wedding ring in the mail. Like all good astrologers, I know when to work and play, and this is my hard work cycle. Ive not had time to do this, but perhaps readers could look at the guest list for the wedding. These things go through multiple checks and edits. The blame went to the allegedly drunk driver. Trump? It may end up being one of the most important journeys of Harrys life. They feel Meghan and Harry are taking the mickey. The team behind Meghan and Harry have found the one thing Americans do care about, though race. I have no evidence whatsoever for this. There is already a split among Anglicans with some arguing that the likes of Sandi Toksvig and her petition against the bishops is not relevant to the church anyway; Christianity has always been out of step with the culture, since the time of Jesus. My chin is going to fall off by March! If you could take a quick look at his chart and let me know your thoughts on what college(s) he gets into/attend I would greatly appreciate it. She died in 1995. Harry and Meghan Predictions 2022, 2022 Royal Predictions - Astro Mojo Pushing back will require tremendous self-mastery and hard work but it will also be the making of you. I do belive that we are seeing pieces of a puzzle coming togheter that are slowly changing the world ,and that the purpose is to change the powerbalance between the west/ east by creating instability and conflicts . So then Welby had to explain himself and state the first exchange of vows was not legal. Harry claims to have slammed Hamlet shut, but Spare is reminiscent of the play. We now have over 200 comments in this conversation. Harry himself may have suspicions that Charles is not his father but I doubt he has dug deep enough to find the answer himself. It seems perceived lack of injustice, unfairness, betrayal and disloyalty seem at the heart of these conflicts. You can bet Charles III has done similar levels of research on stamps; my money would be on a difficult situation where the postal industry cannot wait but he cannot go out with a stamp which would be withdrawn later. As to why artists are rejecting the proposed coronation concert, thats another story. Just wanted to say that I think that your psychic antennea is picking up on something when it comes to Soho House Jessica. Real political power, to overturn democracy, in fact. Like some other comments on here, I struggle to understand why I get so bothered by this drama when there is so many more important issues going on in the world. I am not sure who or how many people spotted it, but it was very quickly noticed at the Queens Platinum Jubilee Church Service where Meghan was wearing a copy of a white dress worn by Wallis Simpson. None at all from Thomass. Great that people are recognising how unique and valuable this blog is- thank you on behalf of us all. Thank you Becky that is really kind of you to say. Always a clever professional woman; frequently a graduate. How interesting. My second thought is that the Netflix doc referenced her miscarriage in detail and the associated blame and the Oprah interview sensationalised the question of skin colour. Its very easy to gossip years after her death and stoke controversy , sensible meaning be damned, because it keeps her myth alive, all because of her very unfortunate sudden death. While being interviewed by Andrew Morton for a forthcoming program for Granada TV on the royals, Nick was asked in he considered Britain would become a republic. Harrys rambling put me very much in mind of my son in that respect. And the US /Britain relationship is the powerful centre of those allies. I am a woman of color (mixed per DNA as both my parents are of African American and UK ancestry) who is married to a Caucasian man and we have both experienced the racist remarks and microaggression from dating and marrying outside our race. astrological predictions for ben barnes . Enemies come to light and many work against her. Thank you. Thank you for putting it up and lots of thank-yous to all the members and readers who have contributed, near 400 replies now. It is all curiouser & curiouser. And theres the karma right there, hes paying for it via Harry. Ive never heard about it until this week when one of the biggest newspapers here in Sweden wrote about it opening in Stockholm ,and how the rich and famous wanted to join it. I need to go and look at the charts. When we go to the rest of the chart, we find the Sun at 16 Pisces square his natal Mars at 16 Sagittarius. The late queens statement Recollections may vary is at the heart of it! With so many thanks to you, Becky, Things have been backfiring of late for the Harkles. Support does not reply to questions about comments as we assume by posting you have read and understand this comment policy. The other thing that raised my eyebrows was Megan saying she did not know of Prince Harry, although she was regularly traveling to London many times before they met. So its big. I have some factors at that degree too. Thank you Jessica. Why would he monetise all this private stuff? In his natal chart, that same cycle fell in his Ninth House of foreigners and foreign countries. Uranus liberates and sets free, but it also shocks. I just get a feeling that there may be a re-opening of the Inquest on Diana with new (actually old but untold) information coming to light. I disagree that Harry did not know our Queen was so ill. I would love to travel in this area with you now that we all can look up past ives in your timetables in your recent book. Welby has praised Charles for his multi faith views and coronation plans. It's possible Meghan encourages him to 'do less . There will be no reunion for Prince William and Prince Harry. You can listen to a Daily Mail podcast with me here, recorded in the first half of January 2023, about Harry, Meghan and the Royal Family. Many people order them without questions about their genes or paternity and Harry had a mother who was pushed to adultery by her own husband and his mistress. For this reason, I agree with you that they are deliberately trying to weaken the relations between Britain and America. The following quotation is from a painstaking translation of the Septuagint, the earliest known (circa 250 B.C.) He is the youngest member of the band One Direction. The astrology agrees. Loving your website, and particularly this post and the comments, by the way. Archie, the baby who was born into what the pair fondly call Archewell, is part of the saga, isnt he? As a user of this website you agree to be bound by our Terms and Conditions. There was a falling out for months afterwards, but Diana mentions how entitled Raine didnt know the meaning of suffering compared to the people Diana meets in her work and calls out Raines blind spots. Regards Veronica. Stay safe, Shes wearing a tartan dress and when she has her coat on she uncannily resembles The High Priestess card with a cross at her chest and her pearl earrings. During the last war, it was all Britain had, together with Churchill. The internet with all its anonymous people and trick photography is of course a great place for all kinds of leaking gases. She would love the fight. and at the entrance thereof chanteth Her song: In the beginning, before the Lord made the Earth Gas can be subtle. Could it suggest a future chief impact officer (!) Both had sibling issues. Its not over. This is different though. I also need to correct you: the title of the book is Spare, not Share. That is so interesting about Linda Goodman. Mud slinging in the family. This video is readily available. Ive been talking to my colleagues in astrology and Tarot and we all seem to be picking up on the same message since Spare was published. This is where Harry and Meghan come in, of course chip, chip, chipping away at everything our late Queen achieved. I hope you understand. This of course could refer to Charlotte not being a man. The commentor Hello said that re Dianas death: wasnt an accident, in fact a white car projected the Mercedes towards the pillar.. I immediately remembered what Id read in Penny Thorntons book With Love from Diana. They can be toxic or destructive. But I was looking around and the King was looking at me. I am curious about the echoes of the past in Harrys saga. You indicated that George would be fine but was silent on Prince William, Catherine, Charlotte and Louis. Theres nothing that the Royal Family has to apologise for. I can only comment on the astrology. Thank you and have a wonderful eve. Heres a hint. She seems a bit silly. Thank you for updating this blog and for reposting the Leo Weather 2017 for a re-read. Pluto leaves the sign of the elite ruling the masses, and enters the sign of equality, diversity and community. I published this astrological profile of Prince Harry before he announced his first public event since the release of Spare. I know youve mentioned the security services in the past but, surely, she would have been checked out on the quiet or is it a case of they were too busy with the Andrew business plus working as hard as they do foiling all the terrorist plots we dont get to hear about? Please correct me if I am wrong, but it makes sense that a major change / scandal or whatever is coming related to the church would affect the relations between Irland and Northern Ireland. I was thinking about the astrology of March 2023 and Plutos ingress in Aquarius (usually the end of a royal system) and thinking about how much easier all our lives would be, in the Commonwealth, if The Firm actually operated like a professional multinational organisation and appointed its CEO and other leadership, based on merit and interest, not gender and place in the family. It is part of Harry and Meghans form, to disrupt. Lady C speaks beautifully, but I do find I have to speed up playback as she speaks quite slowly. Why I am so invested in this saga is anyones guess, but I feel the strongest need to defend the RF, particularly William and his family. May you live in interesting times as they say. The grey air around the ceremony you saw was something bigger. There is a deliberate, manufactured, rift being pumped out online here and its well funded and quite organised. I am late to it and dont want to add to your workload but I thought this was interesting and hasnt yet been mentioned. With best wishes to you and everyone else on the blog Two of the books publishers were once my own publishers at what is now Penguin Random House and I can vouch for their meticulous editors. Thank you for continuing the discussion. They see no wrong in what they do. Celebrity Astrology - Sally Kirkman Astrologer My psychic radar went off considering how close Sweden is to be joining NATO and our secret service has warned about desinformations campaigns and foreign interference, and suddenly we have our own Soho House in Stockholm. I was talking to an old friend of Princess Dianas last night and we agreed that it is the people who are missing from all this. My feeling is they lied on the first pregnancy dates etc, to throw the press off, same as when they said they were married by the Arch Bishop before Ceremony and he said it didnt happen Intuitive or psychic people sense that and that is why everybody is so concerned. Now I am not a physic nor any knowledge of astrology or the tarot but isnt many planets changing this year at 16deg and the tower is that card 16 in tarot. Or maybe MI5 got there first! Soho House is certainly expanding; I guess it will take The Sunday Times to dig deeper, or The Guardian. Do I sound cynical here? James Stuarts son has stated that his father always had a sad look in his eyes and had admitted to having been in love with Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon. James Stuart was rewarded with some honour and he went to work in the oil fields in Oklahoma. I watched the Tom Bradby interview too. Thats interesting about Dianas quotes on William and Harry. Triggered by the transit of the South Node in Sagittarius from May 6th 2020 until January 18th 2022, Harry created Spare. Laurens Van Der Post, who was one of Williams godfathers and present at the christening, took this to be a sign that there would be a conflict between the Church and the monarchy and that, although the monarchy would survive (because the candle did not go out), there would be a diminution of its significance its light. This is in line with the astrology of March-June 2023, when the Church of England chart shows the end of an era, in relation to the British monarchy. People being deliberately inserted into and others erased from the narrative?
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