I took accurate measurements of Hudlow before and after, as well as photos of him from the front and back, which you can examine in the HIT book on page 202, so Ive tried to present the results in as factual a way as possible. I believe that after you read The New High Intensity Training, you will be too. Hutchins wanted to respond, but didnt. I have found it hard to generate an equal sense of intense stimulation using completely static exercises. Ellington Darden: Ive trained Boyer Coe, Joe Means, Scott Wilson, and Ray Mentzer to name four. Drew Baye: Did you ever train Arnold Schwarzenegger when he visited Nautilus? As a general rule I dont recommend stopping an exercise short of momentary muscular failure and instead recommend allowing extra days for recovery or doing a workout just focused on smaller muscle groups which wont affect recovery as much. Casey Viators training history at Nautilus provides an interesting example. Joness measured Arnolds flexed right upper arm cold at 19-1/2 inches. He stood only 58u2032 yet packed 215 pounds of rock-solid muscle on his frame. He achieved the same in the AAU Mr. America competition one year later. No one could motivate Casey the way Arthur could. DW: I was wondering when you talk about training 20 sets for the biceps 3 times a week, what you think about the lower-volume, high-intensity training that Mike and Ray Mentzer use. In fact, NTF workouts may speed recovery by supplying some of the chemistry to guard against atrophy and to facilitate active rest. I never witnessed anyone else get a single rep with the entire stack and there were a lot of big, strong athletes who tried. Drew Baye: What did you think of Mentzers Heavy-Duty books? A major reason, I believe, is either ignorance, or a neglecting, of the principle of "indirect effect". That year he also took part in AAU Mr. America and placed at 10th. Are you struggling to build muscle or maintain your weight? So, be prepared to train alone. Photography: To illustrate the history, I also have more than a hundred photographs from the 1970s that are placed throughout the text. Dumbell Flye The last of the three exercises: extremely slow leg presses, 4 repetitions in 120 seconds, will rock your world but good. Ken always came back for more, and perhaps most importantly, asked intelligent questions. Isometric training can be very effective when done correctly, however it appears strength improvements may be limited to the position or range of motion trained, so it may not be ideal when performed exclusively. As we discussed the topic further, I glanced across the lobby, which was in the center of four departure-arrival gates. If they had two or three guys they would do negatives and incorporate stutter reps. Rest pause can be incorporated without too much outside assistance or energy expended for training partners if you have the right machines and even with free weights on some exercises like barbell curls, laterals, etc. I suspect that due to something about the nerve-function some muscles are really reluctant to give 100% voluntarily. Hutchins was a beginner and I had been training seriously for a number of years. Advertised in Muscle & Fitness and Ironman magazines (November and December 2004 issues). Day One Chest & Back. According to Ray, he got more attention at the airport than Martina did, the dirty car turned her off, and the ride back to Lake Helen was hot, both in temperature and in conversation. He stood only 5'8 yet packed 215 pounds of rock-solid muscle on his frame. When I was around Mike, we got along fine. Thanks to Lou Schuler, who did a superb job with editing my words, and Carol Angstadt, who made the format and illustrations pop with excitement, The New High-Intensity Training is going to be, in my opinion, my best book yet. A similar result occurred when Arthur Jones put Ray on an eight-exercise, one-set-to-failure (drop sets being considered one set) exercise program in 1983. My hamstrings seem very stubborn that way, and isometric exercise produces virtually no soreness there, as if Ive done next to nothing despite willing a 100% exertion. He quickly competed in and won the Junior Mr. America and IFBB Mr. America competitions. Lateral Raise Ellington Darden: People ask him that all the time, and Ill shoot straight with you. Get ready for an incredible pump. The next morning he instructed Ray Mentzer to meet Martina at the airport and escort her back to Lake Helen. He achieved the same in the AAU Mr. America competition one year later. So at least from that perspective, static contractions are lacking. A little known fact is that Arthur Jones went through the same training program in Colorado as Casey, with one exception: He did no lower-body exercise. Ray Mentzer's Mr. America Pec Routine Ray Mentzer Workout Here are some excerpts, from a 1979 interview where Ray talks about his workouts leading up to his Mr. America victory. Mike Mentzer Photo Gallery. Pulldown Behind Neck For your next workout, I want you to increase the resistance by 25 percent (which is 75 percent of your normal resistance for 10 repetitions). nurse at Ephrata Community Hospital years ago. This crazy author thinks I want spaghetti arms! Wrist curl1 1/4 reps We had been steam-rolled, and worse captivated somehow by what we heard. Soon after, the medical professionals started him on renal dialysis and added him to the waiting list for a kidney transplant. My first response is to say that intensity is more important when youre younger (from 15 to 40 years of age), and form is more important when your older (over 40). After I perform isometric exercises involving large muscle-groups I am sometimes panting and nauseous as though Ive just maxed out my cardiorespiratory capabilities. During the 10 years that Ken worked at Nautilus, he and I were involved in four major strength-training and fat-loss projects, as well as dozens of Nautilus-related seminars and workshops. And of course, lets not forget about that middle 68 percent, the wishy-washy majority, who have trouble believing seriously in any training philosophy for very long. First, you need to have access to an efficient leg-press machine, one that you can adjust by moving the seat forward to prevent you from locking the knees. The video, available on Youtube, shows Mike and his brother Ray, train Markus Reinhardt at the Angel City Fitness gym in Los Angeles. Drew Baye: Ive read that Ray Mentzer was somewhat of a comedian. The New Bodybuilding for Old-School Results by Ellington Darden. If Arthur Joness specialty is intensity, then Ken Hutchinss forte is form. He had a lot of questions for me and I had to dig pretty deep for some of the answers. Exercises that required a great deal of intensity in a short amount of time were the focus of heavy-duty training. And what a training session it was. Could someone from Nautilus pick her up at the Orlando International Airport the next day at 11:00 AM? I remember coming in on a Monday and Benny informed me that Ray had squatted 900 that past Saturday. Dip Finally, Jones informed Ray that once he was back in Lake Helen, to give the lady a tour starting with the barn. Ken and I, for several years, had tried various approaches during Nautilus seminars to debate people who believed they needed daily aerobic activity to be healthy. . that would be a real eye-opener. That sounds like a long workout but marathon training sessions where common practice amongst the Golden Era Bodybuilders. Seriously, I know that most people will have great difficulty even locating a knowledgeable trainer, much less ever getting a personal training session from Arthur Jones. I want no part of it. While Mike showed little desire to train intensely in Lake Helen, Ray was just the opposite. It was the essential basic Heavy Duty routine consisting of four to five sets per bodypart and broken into two workouts. Ray Mentzer had a different viewpoint. When we took the HIT photography, 38-year-old McCutcheon weighed 184 pounds, at a height of 6-feet even, and I personally measured his body fat at 3.4 percent. HIT training w/deads can be brutal, squats are equally brutal. I must point out this about Viators courage and fortitude. (By the way, I agreed with Mikes assessment.) Ray Mentzer was even stronger than Mike, right? . Wilbur was, and still is, a wheat farmer. The #1 Source For Oldtime Strongman Training Secrets. Without getting into the finer points of the SuperSlow philosophy, I want to say simply: Ken Hutchins carefully studied repetition form, which was and is a subset of HIT, and turned it into a full-fledged business. Ray Mentzer's experience is it. Arthur told Ray to put on his brightest, horizontal-striped shirt (he didnt want Martina to miss him) and be sure and drive the old, unwashed, company car, which had a broken air-conditioner (that meant hed have to roll down all the windows so air could circulate). Squat I admire big, muscular arms, broad shoulders, thick chests, and great legs but I dont admire them when theyre connected to bloated, 42-inch waistlines. Did he ever do any amusing things around Nautilus? He performed one set of 11 or fewer HIT upper-body exercises, three times per week. Wrist roller, Day Three Then, perform slowly paced reps in the hardest one-third (or stage), first; the second hardest, next; and the easiest thirst, last. He was frequently up for a hard workout. And when you actually train with high-intensity, you don't need a lot of volume," Arthur Jones said. Leg curl - 1 x 16 reps In actuality, Rays diet was largely composed of carbohydrates. Indirect effect can be thought of as a sort of ripple effect. Rodale is the best of the bunch. Mike eventually decided to call it a day and go to bed as exhaustion set in. Ive modified my own workouts and training schedule considerably after reading the book, and am already noticing improvements in my progress. The other key component of HIT is the low workout volume. Arthur Jones noted more than 30 years ago that negative-work potential was perhaps the most important aspect of the muscle-building process. But my books differences can be grouped as follows: History: In my opinion, Arthur Jones, more than any single individual, developed high intensity training. We can thank Arthur Jones for that. Ray was the first bodybuilder I ever saw who weighed 250 pounds or more, in fairly lean condition. But trainees have found overall strength and size increases as a result of squatting - even when it is the only exercise performed for long periods. Mike Mentzer died in 2001 at 49. . Ray handled the entire weight stack, 500 pounds, on the Nautilus duo-squat machine with ease. In the middle of the Nautilus compound was a non-descript, 30- by 50-foot, metal building, which was the home of 40 large crocodiles that Jones had brought in from Jamaica. On June 12th, in York, Pennsylvania, at the 1971 Mr. America, Casey weighed 218 pounds and displayed his dominance by winning the main title and five of the six subdivisions . But I believe its a reasonable goal to aim for one-tenth of that number during the first year after publication. Viator had never experienced a workout like Jones put him through and Jones had never exercised anyone with Viators genetic potential. . Ray frequently rested completely for 34 days after his rigorous training sessions. He built a super, heavy duty hydraulic with a control that a training partner could operate. With Mike and Ray Mentzer's tragic deaths, our visitors would like to know about last days of the legendary brothers. But he had recently signed off on the purchase of two lines of Nautilus machines for his Aerobics Center in Dallas, primarily because of two hospitable Nautilus guys hed talked with one stormy night in the Atlanta Airport. All of these champions were drug-free and I must emphasize that there were some very well built men in the 40s and 50s. 1-2 Sets of 6-8 Reps. Yates Barbell Row or One Arm Cable Row. Tag: Ray Mentzer. Weight loss without dieting: the new trend to remove excess flab! I figure that one set of this will hit all fibre-types; I often have vicious recovery-pains following this protocol. After visiting the doctor for a checkup in 1999, Ray got some bad news. Drew Baye: Dr. Darden, which do you think is more important in getting the best results from HIT, intensity or form? A careful look will reveal that your arms are actually worked hard on all three days, even though it's not always direct isolation. After a while, we would have to pin additional weight on most of the Nautilus machines. Hutchins was going to ease over and take a seat beside Cooper. But he still added 11-3/4 pounds of muscle in 14 days. But now, judging from the photo spreads in the magazines, its ridiculous. If Ray Mentzer taught us anything, it would be to never take life for granted, to make every day count, and to avoid wasting time on things you dont enjoy since life is too short for that. Also, Ive worked out with Ken Leistner, Pete Grymkowski, Robby Robinson, Jim Haislop, Richard Baldwin, Chris Dickerson, and Lee Haney. Whats up with the whole black or white thing? When Ray had the Muscle Mill in Redondo Beach, there was a guy named Ross who worked for Universal Studio as a stage manan experienced machinist. Just like his brother he strongly believed in training with a high intensity doing heavy weights with only 6 to 8 reps. With Arthur Jones Supervision, a Little Goes a Long Way. The New Bodybuilding for Old-School results is sold out, but we can point you toward . There were several times when he appeared to be interested, but it quickly faded. Chest & Back. On a beach, Ray and Mike Mentzer engage in some joint flexing. Drew Baye: Im surprised you failed to place Schwarzeneggers arms in the top category as Viators, Olivas, and Coes. For the first time in years, Im actually very psyched about my training again. After graduating from high school, he worked in United States Air Force and started working out 3 hours a day and 6 days a week. His greatest asset was his physical strength. Drew Baye: In Joness 1973 Colorado Experiment, how much muscle did Casey Viator gain during the first two weeks? Ellington Darden: I like SuperSlow. This can be carried to a logical extreme. Despite not being stage-level shredded, Rays enormous and chiseled figure was impressive to behold. In 1970, when Hutchins graduated, the high school was five times larger and Ken was the strongest male in school. - 8 day rest - Day 3. Mike Mentzer (November 15, 1951 June 10, 2001), Ray Mentzer (August 2, 1953 June 12, 2001). Halfway through the photo shoot, I could tell that Carol was quickly getting a handle on the subject matter. A diversified man with broad interests, Mentzer has earned the reputation of "the thinking man's . Concerning volume, if youre on a reduced-calorie diet to lose fat, you can shorten your HIT routine to only 4 or 5 exercises per session and make excellent results. 8/2/53 Died: 6/12/01 Stay focused and keep the tension and the movement smooth and slow. He was thoroughly worn out and his muscles were primed for rest by the 45-minute mark. Stump later introduced me to the guy who eventually became the editor of The New High-Intensity Training. To be specific: Hit: 100kg- 140kg squat 4 reps - long time Starting strength: 100kg - 170kg squat 5 reps - 4 months. He passed away in 2001 at 49-years-old due to a heart attack. High-intensity training (HIT) is a form of strength training popularized in the 1970s by Arthur Jones, the founder of Nautilus.The training focuses on performing quality weight training repetitions to the point of momentary muscular failure.The training takes into account the number of repetitions, the amount of weight, and the amount of time the muscle is exposed to tension in order to . McCutcheon believes in simple, get-as-strong-as-you-can, basic exercises. Wrist Curl, Day Two If isometrics are doing something to foster the creation of cross-bridges, I wonder if theres a performance-price to be paid elsewhere? Once he had reached that stage, Ray would ask his workout partner to assist him in performing another 2 to 3 forced reps while maintaining slow, precise form and controlling the weight. Put simply, when you work one muscle, other unworked muscles are affected; when it grows, they growto a smaller extent, of course. He consumed high-quality dairy, chicken, and beef as sources of protein. Mike and Ray Mentzer Heavy Duty Training Mentzer's Lost Heavy Duty Secrets. That reinforced to me that the weight gain was added muscle and not just water brought about from the creatine loading. Sadly, Ray passed away just two days after skipping his kidney dialysis appointment. In New Orleans, a month later at the Mr. USA, Viator weighed 210 pounds and was more cut than he was when he was 5 pounds lighter. Gday Drew And there was Marvin Eder, who never achieved Mr. America, but it was clear from the film that he should have won in the early 1950s. Hi Drew, I was just reading that interview, Ive bought his book,hoping there would be something new, but have found that he was just vomiting what arthur jones did and said. Ellington Darden: It is interesting that both Ken and I were raised in Conroe, Texas, which is 30 miles north of Houston. Then, he discusses how he merged his experiences into his latest publication, The New High Intensity Training. . Mentzer's heavy-duty training system. Question: Given your disdain for slow rep training, why did you not ask Dr. Darden specific questions as to why he felt slow training was so beneficial (which he does). That fourth repetition will be a bear, but you should be able to finish it which will build your confidence for your next workout. What muscular biceps and full triceps he possessed. Bodybuilding was a lot healthier then. Mentzer joined the US Air Force after graduating from High School. Mentzer, however, was only warming up. There is nothing wrong with repeating things other people have said if those things are right, if you give credit where credit is due, and if you are adding value to it or making it accessible or understandable to a new group, and Ell accomplishes all of these with his books. He seemed to be in a perpetual training drift, looking for someone or something to take his oars and row him to shore. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Mike Mentzer's training style developed from HIT, High-Intensity Training that was founded by Arthur Jones in the 70's. Mentzer though, built on this model, opted for a 'Heavy Duty' variation. I should make a minor correction: the exercises that give me really vicious soreness are the isokinetic exercises, like the drawer-handle biceps-curls I mentioned on another thread. (The before-and-after photos confirmed that also.) I talked about not-to-failure training in the middle of my first Nautilus book, but it wasnt emphasized. Spillane was younger, 21, lighter, 132 pounds, and had less genetic potential than did Hudlow. Do you want to As a bodybuilder, your goal is to increase your muscle mass. Delayed onset muscular soreness is not completely understood, but there does appear to be a relationship with microtrauma. Sometimes, being unable to express yourself can produce an unexpected benefit. He was observed performing a two-rep 900-pound squat during one of his evening workouts. By Paul Becker. - 6 day rest - Day 2. Thats an average of 2.85 pounds of muscle a day for 14 days. Likewise, the indirect effect ought to be greater as well. Drew Baye: Ken Hutchins, the architect behind the SuperSlow philosophy, and you grew up in the same town in Texas. Part of the benefit of negative training is the greater load that can be managed during this phase of movement, but static contraction can also accomplish this. Mike Mentzer helps brother Ray go beyond failure on machine shoulder presses. Arthur Jones was a genius, but he had a tendency to be abrasive with some people, and if it were not for people like Ell Darden and Jim Flanagan who were much better with people the Nautilus company and Arthurs training principles probably would not have been as successful as they are. 290 pounds on the Nautilus leg extension machine, I believe Ive done that much., Having cleared his throat, Mullen continued . This is where his training progressed. Created by, Ray Mentzer Diet Plan, Workout Routine, Exercise, Body Measurements, - Rate us if you are a Food Lover (Sugarzam.com). And what growth isn't created by direct arm work is induced by the indirect effect of torso work. When did you go all absolutionist? If you have any questions about Mike Mentzer or High Intensity Training email us and we'll get back to you with an answer as quick as we can. And it can still be accomplished without drugs today. Im grateful that Ive spent as much time as I have with both Jones and Hutchins. . For more than ten years, Mentzer's Heavy Duty program involved 7-9 sets per workout on a three day-per-week schedule.With the advent of "modern bodybuilding" (where bodybuilders became more massive than ever before) by the early 1990s, he ultimately modified that routine until there were fewer working sets, and more days of rest. . Again, he was judged an easy winner. So a quality, set of curls ought to take longer to recover from that is used to, 20 muscular pounds and an inch of size ago. If you read nutrition labels, sucrose, glucose, fructose, and maltose, all refer to sugar. Mentzer would spend hours in the gym every day when he began training. Then, he discusses how he merged his experiences into his latest publication, The New High Intensity Training Introduction As a result, Hudlow made steady progress for the entire 6 months that I trained him. It had been a while since he had written a book on bodybuilding, and other than the late Mike Mentzers last book there hasnt been any books on the subject worth reading for quite a while that Im aware of. He started to sculpt his body after falling in love with the iron right away. Only then do you let it return to full extension. The Mentzer brothers were fairly candid about the steroids they used, especially Ray if I remember correctly. Out of curiosity, which one do you like the best? . My methodology is simply to keep pushing at 100% force (or near as I can) until the force drops off significantly, rest a couple of seconds, and repeat until strength-levels drop way down and pain-levels become unbearable. . I had a tremendous pump throughout my upper body. . And Mike made at least one appearance at the old Lancaster Health Spa. Ray Mentzer who was the brother of Mike Mentzer was born in Pennsylvania on August 2, 1953. Pullover DB shoulder press - 1 x 8 reps Assuming you understand the meaning of deep commitment and very hard work, that routine will guide you to significant gains. Ellington Darden: Hes Andy McCutcheon and hes been using HIT principles since 1988, when he trained at Dorian Yatess gym in Birmingham, England. A goal of 160,000 for The New HIT seems reachable. One day, Martina Navratilova, the famous tennis player phoned. This is something I will be covering in the book, with references. Leg Extension Let me explain. Weight: 220 lbs. Jones was briefly introduced to Viator at the 1970 Mr. America contest in Los Angeles, where Casey placed third. He was known for lifting over 900lbs in squats, and for weighing 275lbs of rock-solid muscle at one point. The information contained within is not intended to provide specific health advice, or any other advice whatsoever, for any individual or company and should not be relied upon in that regard. "The secret, if there is one, is high intensity. The entire movement needs to be fluid and controlled. Divide the movement into thirds. He was always clear about his goals and diligent in pursuing them. During the competition, Mike and Arnold had a bitter argument that was never settled, and worse, continued to fester. Crenshaw had 18-inch upper arms and 15-inch forearms, which were mighty impressive; but even more impressive was his neck, which must have measured at least 20 inches. Crenshaw inspired me to work my neck. Here is Mike Mentzer's chest routine: 1. We bid him good night and invited him to visit us the next day at the Nautilus headquarters, if time allowed. But soon after Ray called it a day on his bodybuilding career, he developed kidney issues. Number of Bodybuilders Using High Intensity Training. As the name would suggest, this routine isn't for the light of heart. Employ forced reps when possible. Mike Mentzer's brother, Ray, put three-eights on an inch on his presumably larger upper arm in six weeks, performing no more direct arm work that chins and dips. Over the course of several videos, the brothers put Markus through three high intensity workouts: 1. There we were: Ken Hutchins and Ellington Darden kneeling at the feet of Dr. Kenneth Cooper, while he lectured to us on aerobic exercise. With The New HIT, youll have the next-best thing to thing to being personally trained by Arthur Jones. After some small talk, he was going to ask him bluntly to define exercise. I choose to remember the drug-free bodybuilders who influenced me when I was growing up. On our Nautilus leg-extension machine, Ray did 290 pounds for 10 good repetitions, Mullen said, as he paused and cleared his throat. All of us should strive to win back those previous HIT believers. Incline dumbbell fly (5 sets, 8 reps) 2. Who is Paul Johansson? Twenty reps, Arthur repeated, after asking us about his progress, hell, he can do 50 with each leg. Over the next three minutes, Viator not only did 50 reps, but 2 more for good measure. The stronger he is, the more a set of exercise can make an inroad into his existing abilities. All Rights Reserved Worldwide. McCutcheon trains by himself in his basement. But once you increase your daily calories to the 3,000-plus range, then the number of exercises should double. At that time, Cooper was the #1 running guru, as a result of a couple of best-selling books on aerobics. Ray continued working out diligently behind the scenes even though he was no longer in the spotlight on the bodybuilding stage. Why? Start your reps immediately with each breakdown; don't spend an extra moment as a breather. "Many bodybuilders sell themselves short. There is this rumour going on that Ray had squatted as much as 900 pounds, with Darden confirming Ray could almost certainly handle 700 odd pounds in powerlifter form. So we use the body's abilities to create inroads into existing strength to our advantage. RAY MENTZER: TRAINING TIPS FOR MORE PRODUCTIVE WORKOUTS John Little 19.2K subscribers Subscribe 3.7K views 3 weeks ago THE 4-PHASE CONTRACTION SYSTEM (PART 2): TRAINING TIPS FOR MORE. Bill Pearl was a major influence on Rays bodybuilding. How were they to work with? Flyes - 1 x 12 reps I learned how to do these things by reading and "digesting" the works of novelist/philosopher, Ayn Rand. In my new HIT book, I note that Arthur Jones personally trained Casey Viator for 10 months prior to the 1971 Mr. America contest. No other training book has this type of history or background material, which I believe is worthwhile and meaningful in understanding the why of HIT. Thank goodness, Hutchins and I were not seated near Cooper, as our heads and necks needed rest. Mike and Ray Mentzer Dead Monday morning, June 11, 2001, an e-mail was sent to us saying that Mike Mentzer has passed away June 9th. Concerning frequency, I believe the results from the vast majority of the once-a-week training could be improved with the addition of one not-to-failure (NTF) session each week. Ive seen visitors at close range, suddenly back off, as if they thought his gradually contracting biceps was going to explode. Egad! Calf raise - 1 x 12 reps They favored lower reps so it was different than the way someone like Platz and Casey generated intensity. Ray neglected to tell Martina that there were dangerous crocodiles inside. Today, I live approximately 25 miles from Ken. Sitting beside me as we watched the movie clips was a 69-year-old lifter from Kansas (yes, there were a few out-of-staters who attended). This new one will be directed to men over 60 years of age. The exact physiological processes aren't completely clear, but what happens on a muscle-training level is clear. He took the Nautilus training principles and helped explain them in a way that people could easily understand and apply, and without insulting people in the process like Arthur did. Body Building Links. He seldom even trained again. All rights reserved. While a person could learn most of what they need to know about training by just reading the first two Nautilus Bulletins, there is a lot of great information in Ellingtons books and some really interesting historical information and interviews in the more recent ones. Undergrip row But since Hutchins had his back toward me, it was difficult to gauge what was happening on Kens side. Drew Baye: How many bodybuilders do you figure are interested in HIT?
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