The Fora platform includes forum software by XenForo. Armstrong pump Astro 230ci: purring noise, Maximum transmitter angular difference for OTA TV reception. Why not advertise it at the same place you might sell iteither as a you take it down and haul it away for freeor make me an offer if I take it down. Rent one of the Hi-highs, the machine with the bucket you operate yourself like phone companies use. WebROHN Self-supporting G-Series towers offer an easy, low-cost solution to get light weight self supporting antenna towers in the air quickly. We get about a dozen channels with our rooftop antenna, and we can pick up an Iowa channel when the Vikings are blacked out on the local channels. Once the antenna is off (and tossed to the ground), loosen the bolts holding the mast in the tripod andget rid of the mast. Then braced. My buddy, TR and I got Dad's 14' ladder and took it tothe top of the house, where I leaned it against the mast. problems contact
[email protected]. function sE(){return true;}window.onError=sE;var base=document;
[email protected]!.com remove nospam and ! Most new antennas can pick up a signal anywhere, but reception quality varies. Either have two people work the come-alongs simultaneously or let out the come-alongs two or three cranks at a time so they come down slowly and evenly. If it is a Ham radio antenna, contact the local HAM Club and tell them there is a free tower for the taking and they remove it. A robust and and strudy tower ideal for light weight antennas. Tower Removal We can remove any type of tower. +'::'+invisible+'::'+rn+"::"+escape(base.URL);
The tower comes in 10 foot sections and is self supporting to 60 feet. How toOrder
CLAIMED TV TOWERS. Rob Steele wrote in message <
[email protected]> Thomas Gauldin
wrote in article<[email protected]> > I finally got back on my feet and we got the rest of the antenna down.> Needless to say, I'm a smarter man, now, than I was back in 1959. document.write('');
Ontario Tower Removal safely and quickly removes unsightly, obsolete towers,antennas and satellite dishes from your home or cottage. the power lines with the antenna while removing it). Should have thoughtthat through better. Wear well-fitting rubber-soled shoes, and, for the sake of the roof, try to walk "flat footed", avoiding twisting motions that will tend to buckle or break the shingles. We remove and recycle all manner of satellite dish receivers and antennas from residential and commercial properties. There's really no powerinvoled (there might be if theres a rotater on it, but the power comesfrom the control box on the set top, so disconnect that first). Questions of a Do It Yourself nature should be Copyright 2019 Ontario Tower Removal Wish I knew how to do that, but unsure if that's even an option. We were experiencing interference between our cordless phones (Panasonic KXTG2000B -- 2.4GHz -- and our wifi network. Safe or not safe to climb. Antenna Tuners. WebAntenna Removal - YouTube 0:00 / 0:51 Antenna Removal Todd Stanton 337 subscribers Subscribe 12 Share 14K views 14 years ago We took it upon ourselves to bring down our Bring a good setof wrenches/pliers, some WD40 or similar lubricant, and perhaps a hacksaw. Most antenna towers have at least three or four guy wires that hold the tower up in a high wind or storm. 5G small cells are similar to 4G towers in form and function. Universal Towers : If I can do it myself are there any precautions>I need to take? Get access to broadcast TV and wireless internet. It should drop the same way. C $109.60. Then using bolt cutters to chop up the antenna in pieces (the bolts look rusted solid), and lowering the pieces with the pulley. (i.e. I lost a (distant0 friend that way when he was putting up a small tower antenna and the wind pushed it onto the nerby wires while he was holding it. WebAmerican Towers Special Series 20ft Bracketed Flat Base Residential Antenna Tower (AME20RFTOW) Your Price: $641.95 . Don't know if it's been compromised but I'll probably swap it out to be safe. No more equipment rental fees. Dropping a 30-foot antenna tower can be done safely with planning and careful rigging work. JavaScript is disabled. 20. We've listed the top ten (based on number of businesses) above. I wasn't there when it was installed next to my house so I don't know how it went up. Most of them aren't professionally installed. I concur with everyone else's warnings about power lines. $47.21. Whether you are looking for a new bicycle or a used couch, Kijiji has what you're looking for. WebRohn towers are capable of enduring the pressure of hurricane force winds, making them particularly valuable in areas subject to erratic and extreme weather conditions. The base unit makes a nice phone for my basement workshop/office. The antenna should be pretty light. I'm assuming people bring down the antenna (with or without the mast) and work on it on the ground. There were guy wires to thetop of each section. If you anchor to your pickup truck, be sure you have all the keys. By submitting your info on this form, you are agreeing to be contacted regarding your service request by means of telephone, email, or text including using pre-recorded or auto dialed phone calls or text messages to the phone number you have provided, including your wireless number, if provided. * Commercial & Residential antenna removal services
Would be ideal if you knew someone with a winch and 200' of line. out from a thunderstorm. EASY INSTALLATION. WebThe residential TV antenna towers that are available in the market can be broadly classified in two categories; bracketed towers and self supported towers. CA$8,520.00. The tower is roughly 35 feet long end to end The asking price is $150 or best offer. Home
It's probably 50 feet, Springfield Township. Can you run a long rope over the roof and anchor on the other side of the house? ');
Be sure to use a safety belt if you The> antenna was totaled, however, and Dad's friend had to make do with a> different solution.>, Great story. WebAdvanced Electric Systems, LLC. Tripods are a low-cost alternative. Even with a gin pole, you need an approved safety harness and, old, probably rusted bolts can be a bear to break loose and drive out. I'm thinking about building a 2x4 with a pulley and two u bolts to attach to the tower. Yeah, we're still not on cable. I recall hearing recently that lightning can strike as much as 20 miles(or more?) Details; GN16S . I see that nobody takes the time to read the various post following the original beginning post anymore, Flip the house..List as having a big antenna and towerYou might make some money, Damm--Use the Antenna (s) for your Scanners--Just a Suggestion, Scanners, Receivers and Related Equipment Forums,, Commercial licenses and amateur (ham) radio. Next use wrenches ofthe appropriate sizes (3/8" and 7/16" are popular sizes) to loosen the bolts holding the antenna to the mast. Only downside is that a number of the better shows keep getting bought out by the cable channels. Your best bet is to get a saw and a friend to help you cut it down. )>, >I've watched many DIY shows and this has never come up so I am totally>stumped!>>Thanks for any advice.>>Joan>. (a) Antennas with a wind-resistance surface of seven (7) square feet or less shall be located in the rear yard or on a rooftop, provided that freestanding antenna towers shall be set back from all property lines a distance equal to the height of the tower. When you are all done you can cut/break the aluminum elements from the antenna and sell them for scrap. A crane is the best way but, if can't get one, you can do it effectively with a pair of come-alongs and a couple of 50-foot lengths of rope or cable. tower radio turns on but don't know how to use it. WebDont just build a towerbuild a fortress with tower sections from DX Engineering! King holds a Bachelor of Arts in communications from Southwestern Adventist College. * Installations & repairs
Any resemblance to other opinions living ordead are purely coincidental. First the projected area of the antenna that you intend to mount (this figure is often located in the Equipment for all sizes of installations, including extended-reach crains, bucket trucks, and footing equipment. Any height. Click here for basic installation instructions. Just: cut the wires going to it and leave them. document.write('
Hi Everyone!>>Don't ask me why but the house I just bought still has a TV antenna on>the roof.>, >Question: Can I go up on the roof and remove it or does it need to be>professionally removed. Most fans in the area couldn't do that. It appears my Friend will help me if I climb my 30ft antenna tower and dismantle, then install another antenna. Is the roof in good condition, so that you won't fall through or cause serious damage to it? But that may be more liability then you want. Disposing of the rest of the stuff is a bit more difficult (though the scrap dealer might take the whole mess evenup). (4) Height, Antenna Tower. Fremont, Findlay, Lindsey, Vickery, Clyde, Bellevue, Tiffin, Republic, Green Springs, Old Fort, Gibsonburg, Helena, Bowling Green, Oak Harbor, Port Clinton, Marblehead, Sandusky, Rising Sun, Fostoria, Huron, Millbury, New Riegel, Carey, Upper Sandusky, Sycamore, Pemberville, Luckey, Walbridge, Perrysburg & any place in between. I agree with GunGuy. When you are done, use some roofing cement (comes in a small paint can or in a caulking tube) to seal the holes where the legs were. If it's a mondo tall antenna (about 20' tall), it will have a base at thebottomthat when you remove the guide wires it will swivel down. Put half a section in a yard of cement and go up from there. Contact Jon P. Zaimes AA1K: [email protected] (Photo courtesy W2LL) Yes, we do tower work all winter long. WebSomeone may pay "$100 + you haul it" for a radio tower to put up on their property. CA$179.99. All rights reserved Attach two ropes or cables to the top of the antenna tower. Al's Satellite & Antenna. Enjoy Over-the-Air TV for Free. //-->. I tightened them up but one screw and bolt are pretty rusty. WebAny recommendations on removal? Contact Form * Required fields. My old Yagi from 2001 was on the chimney (with mediocre results) then I spent the money and had a tower and preamp installed professionally around 2008 or so. I took a hacksaw to the rusted bolts holding theupper mast to an antenna rotater and was suprised at how heavy the wholething was once it came loose. How tall is the antenna? Close to the city? Are there any power lines nearby? You could also probably get a crane service (rigging company) to take it down. Don't need your tower? : You shouldn't need to notify anyone, just take the normal precautions: for working on heights. Once you get the tower down, unhitch the cables and take it apart. WebOn November 18, 1982, Riggers called Antenna Engineering and asked if it was acceptable to remove the microwave baskets on the top 100-foot section of the tower so they could lift the antenna into position, and then reinstall the baskets after the section was in place. It appears my Friend will help me if I climb my 30ft antenna tower and dismantle, then If I can do it myself are there any precautions> I need to take? submitted to our " Community Forums". --Tom Gauldin, Raleigh NC-NetMeeting, Live Birdfeeder ActionICQ 7022136 fax (919) 676-1404's to the land of the Longleaf Pine,The Summerland, where the sun doth shine,Where the weak grow strong, and the strong grow great,Here's to Downhome, the Old North State. The middle section of mast immediately telescoped down into the lowersection. WebThe BT Tower is a grade II listed communications tower located in Fitzrovia, London, owned by BT Group.It was also known as the GPO Tower and the Post Office Tower. : involed (there might be if theres a rotater on it, but the power comes: from the control box on the set top, so disconnect that first). $3,27750. The AM reception on some stations is weak and some times with noise or static. Details; GNBP. If it is bolted onto the roof and you take the bracesoff,make sure you patch the holes in the roof. * Quick response time
That would be my primary concern. Webantenna tower or alternative cellular antenna tower structure on a single lot. I would carefully cut it, then lower Max Wind Load: 3 sq.ft. How steep is the roof? Otherwise you should use a stiff putty knife to carefully pry up the bracket that was previously bolted to the roof. If it's doing nothing more than look lousy, why not leave it as afall-back. This tower will minimize land area usage and are functional for a large variety of wind speeds. Or bid it out to scrappers, depending on how much steel is in it (scrap prices are pretty low right : I've watched many DIY shows and this has never come up so I am totally: stumped! > If the antenna is tall or on any sort of tower and there's lines at > allclose, be super cuatious. Too bad you don't have it on film.-- -------------Dave Clark Opinions expressed are my own. Forget to plug any holes in the roof left by bolts or antenna feed. Dan HicksHey!! Please email to this post or call/text to . It's time to Cut The Cable with FREE HDTV. ItStillWorks provides the latest news in the tech world. All information is provided "AS IS." Also call a ham. I'm assuming people bring down the antenna (with or without the mast) and work on it on the ground, change balun, connect the coax, install the amp, etc? If you are new here, please review posting/commenting guidelines below. ROHN Tower Sales by Mike Addis Our company has built stations of all sizes, from the casual operator to the serious contester. Let us try to understand First survey the situation. WebAt the heart of every successful radio installation is the antenna support structure, because there is no substitute for a radio antenna that has sufficient height! After you attach the base of the come-alongs to your hardpoint, attach the movable hook end to the rope or cable at the top of the tower. Question: Can I go up on the roof and remove it or does it need to beprofessionally removed. I deregistered all of the handsets and am going to try it out but just wondering if anyone else had considered this or may know whether using just the base will work. It might be cheaper to leave the tower where it is and just get a ham license. We build towers from 10 to 100 feet tall. What's the best way to remove this myself? What ab5r is trying to say is put an ad on craig's list saying take it down and it is yours and you will have a plethora of volunteers. Web24' FEET ANTENNA TOWER MAST POLES 4' ALUMINUM SECTIONS 6 POLES. WebRemove Tall Antenna Towers By Professionals - Dish Disposal Tall Antenna Tower Removal Tall antenna towers are unsightly and can drastically reduce the value of your property. There was a tangle of guy wires, antenna lead wiresand rotor wires around the top of the ladder. I had taken the precaution of tying thetwo pieces together with a rope but that did not make it easy to get thetop part down without hurting the roof or myself. SUPERIOR FABRICATION. Remove the bolts holding the single leg.) Engineered to your desired antenna square footage and tower height. Im moving into a house that has a large ham radio antenna with a tower that is bolted on to the side of the house. VerticalScope Inc., 111 Peter Street, Suite 600, Toronto, Ontario, M5V 2H1, Canada. Removing these smaller arrays first will make for an easier time removing the larger (i.e.