Also the 7th house is not just material stuff, it is the spiritual too. Kelli, to constantly produce detailed and accurate horoscopes for al twelve signs for all twelve months and see to it each of us receive them, has to keep you far more busy than even a one legged man in a butt kicking contest! The native leads a luxurious life and gets respect and honor in government and society. It means backwards motion, but its important to understand that no planet actually moves backwards through the heavens. Sometimes, Saturn appears to move backward in the sky; this visual backward motion is known as Saturn retrograde. Respected by rulers, being learned and intelligent when strongly aspected by Jupiter. The native acquires good education. Equally, during the retrograde transits of some planets, they can appear to disappear from the sky; theoretically, their presence disappears from the natal chart. Unknowingly you are answering my questions. Saturn retrograde in the most spiritual part of your chart is a big deal and can feel very heavy. Initially in life, there will be some trouble at home, parents (esp mother) will be unavailable, cold, absent, divorced or dead. If the horoscope shows and evolved soul and the Saturn is auspicious then he can work as a highly spiritualising force in your life. During this period of retrograde motion, Saturn encourages you to put up boundaries and to let others know that you will no longer be used. The native acquires little education but is inherently intelligent. It means that overall Saturn is neutral for Virgo ascendants. Best regards. RELATED:The 10 Most Challenging Zodiac Placements In Astrology. If well aspected by Jupiter reverse results. Thank u. Astrology and readings are so interesting. But generally life is dry, family distant, friends non-existent. I love my daily readings which help me prepare for the type of day Im subjected to have. Nice video site on the different aspects of the Sun signs. You have to work on your confidence and you do it. Mostly it would affect the love life, offspring, and education of the natives. This is why astrologers use completely different systems, based on all they know and trust. Kelli Fox created and launched astrology.TV to meet a need she saw in the current astrology landscape - highly accurate and personalized astrology information and reports. Do use the index page and the search bar, i have written a lot. 4 brothers and 1 sister do something extra, but all have different choices, one does yantra puja, another is fully into gayatri, one does Dhyan, another is on his way to a possible formal sanyas, its different for everyone, All planets turn retrograde from time to time, but what does that even mean? He defeats them with his intellectual power. Loss through servants. I know the day I will get a bank card and do as you say will be the day I will never forget in my life. Saturn in the 7th house is essentially a fear of having no significant partnership. There is a marked increase in the expenses as against native's income. He has the lowest Dig-Bala in the ascendant sign. Saturn is associated with karma and karmic destiny and its during Saturn retrograde that this becomes more obvious. Is there a better way to handle these challenges? Some natal Saturn retrograde people may also struggle with boundaries, finding it difficult to say no to the demands of others. Such retrograde Saturn can bless the native with children who may be physically, intellectually, emotionally, creatively and/or spiritually better or much better than average. I would be grateful for your valuable guidance . I stumbled upon your blog during lockdown and it has been such an enlightening journey for me since then especially since I have started to lear astrology i dislike generic statements, There will be very few genuine people like this in your life. Accordingly, the planet Saturn resonates naturally well with the energies of the 6th house. Now you have to work on this belief aspect and come to a conclusion about your own truth and foundational philosophy. The solution is to feel compassion, feel kindness but always remember that every soul makes his own choice and you are not responsible for his miserable situation. The native faces dangers in life several times and feels some distress in lifes longevity and benefit of inheritance. TY KELLI and team Love Love Love you! There are over 30 filters, or ways of seeing your world, in astrology. Its actually so amazing. You feel that you lack wealth so chase after money and possessions. More the point, however, its a period when karma becomes important. However, Saturn is exalted in the 10th house, meaning once the native gains steam in this area, they will become unstoppable and very successful. The native is religious and participates in religious traditions. Dr yugal tak, Hi there First of all she's amazing at what she does. Hie maam. Im a Cancer. Although I have always been a very social person most of my life, I have slowly started craving to live / move to a more isolated distant location. Saturn Retrograde Transiting 4th House Financial reward for faithful service. The native gets troubles from their wife and children. Saturn in the 8th house (post here) is in my opinion the most difficult. Rahu in the 5th means that the 5th house affairs are always in focus. It has been quite some time since I was TUNED IN!, THANKS!!!!! Saturn in Fifth House. Eg one of my brothers has an exalted Yogkarak Saturn in the 1st house. This is the house of the Ascendant sign, which provides insight into your past life. Restrictions on self-love, personal genius, creativity, conscious link to the divine, expression of individuality, enthusiasm etc are all there, especially when younger. But when Mercury is retrograde, they should keep their inclination towards the paranormal subjects under check. Natives with this placement believe in signs and are superstitious. Doing your fair share is one thing, but this transit is here to teach you that being a doormat is not good for your health. The native lives long and follows religious traditions. The native also gets great respect and honor in government and society. The native is industrious, skilled, and talkative. 3.Leo Ascendant: Mars lordship over 4th & 9th house. This may make this native struggle with feelings of neglect and a fear of abandonment in this life. Saturn Retrograde Transiting 12th House Accept the help offered. You are aware of your financial status and will budget things thus avoid getting into debt. Once you understand this, you will be able to systematically work for your goals in life and succeed. First of all you have to check out the following about your Saturn. The native gets some difficulties from his children. With this long-term transit, you will likely feel steadier, less pressured, and more responsible, and life becomes more predictable. Such a native increases his influence and gets business success. Very well described the impact of hard task master in all houses. The content produced by YourTango is for informational and educational purposes only. It is said that the 8th house is the house of death, struggles, obstacles, accidents and sudden wealth in life. If you feel that youre struggling to cope, reach out for help and it will be given. So when surrounding environment is good mentally it is not suitable and when you are mentally good surrounding doesnt support. Also, Saturn in 5 th house in conjunction with friendly planets forms auspicious combinations, acting as a boon & blessing you with fortune . If Saturn is auspicious then you will also have servants working for you, but you will be sympathetic towards them and treat them humanely. RELATED:Why Saturn In Astrology Isnt Always The Malefic Bad Guy. Fast-moving planets were interpreted as being active and able to bring about their significations, while slow-moving planets, like ones in retrograde, were deemed too sluggish to do their job properly. Or were made to suffer for your personal views on religion, faith etc. one of the sibling has exact in 1st house of Virgo (Ketu with ascendant lord in 6th and a heavy 12th house ( Rahu/Mars/Jupiter) & Venus in 7th and as per your consistent guidance they are interested in meditation in its purest form but not in any other spiritual practices (in fact they pleasantly surprised me recently when they mentioned they are long term practitioner of SoHam when I only recently learn this from you!). By figuring this out now, you wont repeat the same issue in the future. The native looks fortunate. I wonder if you could elaborate a little bit on the soul group, who are they, how do they decide to travel together, are they family members only or anyone and everyone who one might encounter with karma to resolve in a lifetime? If the rest of the horoscope supports, ie powerful ascendant sign/lord and birth Moon, then you can learn his lesson more easily. You fear the love you feel for your loved one. The native gets success and fame in government and society. The native is happy with his wife and enjoys sexual pleasures. Characteristics of Saturn in 5th House for Virgo Ascendant The native acquires good education. The native is worried about his children's account and takes pain for their progress. For example, his father may be a rich man, a celebrity, an officer in government or a powerful politician. the progress of everything slows down and. For the rest of us, if the part of the celestial sphere that Saturn retrogrades through in any given year is also important in our natal chart, thats when we feel the effects of this backwards tour most keenly. The native experiences some difficulties with children. All Rights Reserved. Ruled by Neptune and Pisces, it's one of the most mysterious houses in astrology. The native is not attractive in appearance. When the Lord of Karma retrogrades, karmic debts are sorted out by blending the past with the present and the future. Venus and Jupiter conjunction it makes person intelligent, spiritual, learned, wealthy and well-liked. DK is in ascendant. Presently my Jupiter mahadasha has started. I'm interested in astrology and your presentation seems the best to me. Saturn Retrograde Transiting 3rd House Choose your friends very carefully here, you might attract more bad company than good. In my late teens ( through some life events) I learnt that gratitude and appreciating whatever I had in life made everything easier and more beautiful( even when things got tough). This may be a result of an abusive family, broken family, feeling unloved, absence of love, broken heart, coldness, emotional trauma, sexual crime, abuse of the occult, etc in early childhood or past lives. The houses he controls, ie where is Capricorn and Aquarius in the chart. I understood this will be happening whole life but how to find appropriate time to initiate a critical task? How Saturn in 7th, where it is having directional strength helps in karmic repay. also have written a lot on the 6th 8th 12th houses, use the index page. Romance takes a . Combust Mars in 5th House About a year and a half ago, the English translation of the Shani mahatmya quite magically presented itself to me at a tiny bookshop of a small airport which I wouldnt have gone into had my flight not been delayed! When direct, Saturn's placement in your natal chart is the place where you can feel restricted. Much later I became aware that Hanumanji had actually saved my life Even in difficult times God is helping us in ways we may not even know, atleast then! Having Saturn retrograde in the first house of your natal chart signals difficulties with self-confidence. Youve taken too much responsibility for too many things for too long. Saturn retrograde periods are also ideal for revisiting form or structure and understanding how something may best be built to stand the test of time. And if you choose to ignore his demand for work then he will execute the second option. Also you have to learn more about your own psychology, your deepest feelings, motivations etc with this position. Those Saturn retrograde in the 2nd house in the natal chart is associated with valuing material things. Thank you for all the hard work and effort you put into our readings! The Saturn's transit highlights these areas and causes delays in professional success. If debilitated Moon is placed in the seventh house in Scorpio, and Venus is placed in the eighth house in Sagittarius with Sun and Mercury, the equation may become worse. The native gets fatherly affection, honor, and dignity from the government and society. Saturn is a separative force. She knows exactly what has happened in my life and she's helping me to get to my life, destiny and my purpose. The native gets the mothers affection and advantage of property and transport facility. In this case, the native may come across very good amount of success, money, recognition and growth through gym business. Saturn rules the ninth and tenth house. Do not Copy, Publish, Distribute or Reproduce without Permission. Years ago I was going through Shani sadesati and it was sheer hell. In case Uranus in their chart is an in an angular position from Saturn or this latter planet isn't in high aspects, the natives of this position get to be very romantic and wanting to play with . The 12th house in astrology is the house of the unconscious. But a retrograde Saturn can give marriage at time. Saturn in 1st House for Taurus Ascendant. Good results are experienced when Jupiter is well placed and good in strength. Thank you Kelli, so great to hear what you've predicted. This makes Saturn give you erratic results. I'm going to watch her YouTube videos to learn more about what she has to say. Retrograde Saturn in the fifth house of horoscope in Virgo is benefic in most cases, though it may turn malefic in some cases. Natal Saturn in Third House. Either you went through these issues or perpetrated them on others. However, theres always a positive with Saturn (even if you sometimes have to look hard for it!). Additionally, this may not be a fortuitous time to take risks or push your luck. Thank you so much for sharing your immense knowledge. Analyse his power to give results using Shad-bala, Ashtakvarga etc as per your level of understanding. Such children may achieve a lot in many spheres of their lives, and they may bring good name and many other good results to the native. The auspicious benefits from your past lives are restricted. If exalted Venus is placed in the eleventh house in Pisces with Ketu, and benefic Sun is placed in the tenth house in Aquarius, the equation may become better. Saturn in the 12th house for Libra ascendants isn't good. The 8th house in astrology is associated with birth, death, rebirth, and transformation. So resolve the negative issues presented by them in time, before they magnify. It results in over expenditure. Finding the connection with your inner child and the state of flow are challenging to you. 1) If you are a girl or woman then you may get into disputes or arguments with your husband or boyfriend with this placement of Jupiter in the 2nd house in the sign of Virgo as . Jupiter exalted in 8th. The native is physically weak, having some disease, but he is very steady and obstinate in gaining victory over troubles of life and diseases. However, natal Saturn retrograde is not all bad. RELATED:8 Zodiac Placements That Have The Hardest Time Finding Love. Virgo (Aug 23 - Sep 22) Libra (Sep 23 - Oct 22) Scorpio (Oct 23 - Nov 21) Sagittarius (Nov . Last part of life happy, Sickness while travelling. And Aries Saturn always creates more trouble. My life is a real hell, suffering suffering and endless suffering. Choose your practice with due diligence. Saturn aspects on 3rd, 7th and 10th houses. For a better insight into what to expect during a Saturn retrograde transit period, we look at which astrological house the planet is moving through. Can you please help me understand what this aspect on 9th house signify. Accept the help offered. Generally labor intensive jobs are indicated with this position, which might be boring, repetitive or unsatisfying to your mind. These are called NODES in Western Astrology, Rahu is known as Dragon's head and Ketu as Dragon's tail. This is a karmic duty on you to rebalance some misuse of the powers of the 5 th house by you in the past. The native is worried about the longevity of life and the advantage of inheritance. I just had a humble query as a student, so placement of malefics (in this case saturn) in dushamsthan, can it be considered as auspicious, from the perspective of negative cancels negative? The concept of a benefic planet turning malefic due to influences of malefic planets has been explained in the book Match Making and Manglik Dosh. This is one key reason that Saturn retrograde transits are important: very easily, Saturn transits can dominate an entire year of our lives. Much love and gratitude. You fear failure but are ambitious, you feel that you are on a mission. When it comes to retrograde planets, the zodiac sign the planet is traveling through gives us an overall flavor of what to expect, but this changes during each retrograde motion period. if you are a genuine student, how many study charts have you collected? We use your name to help us deliver a more personalized astrology reading. Material successes will come slowly, some help may be received but there will also be setbacks. The native is deficient in education, but he is laborious and restless. I have a question regarding the Saturn in 9 house. This is a karmic duty on you to rebalance some misuse of the powers of the 5th house by you in the past. but since the time Ive come across your blog Ive started the Soham mantra which is slowly but surely giving me some stability in my mind. Im a Pisces Ascendent with Shani In the 6th house, Sun, Moon(combust), retrograde Venus in the 8th, Jupiter in the 5th, Ketu Rahu in the 1/7 axis and mars with mercury in the 9th. The native may witness delays, financial losses, failures, setbacks, job loss, bad reputation and several other problems related to or through his profession. The father is generally unloving or unavailable especially in the childhood thus there may be some psychological issues regarding expression of the self-ego. The native does some grand deeds and earns huge wealth. For example, he may not have a good equation with his father, his parents may get divorced and he may live with his mother, his father may suffer from a long-lasting illness, he may be an alcoholic and/or a drug addict, he may be a criminal, and/or he may die before natives age of 20, depending on natives overall horoscope and running times. When Saturn goes retrograde, we become less focused on external boundaries and responsibilities and instead those influences turn inward. . The 8th house is 12th from the 9th house which means, the 8th house the loss for fate or loss of fortune for the native. Solitude, working alone, and meditation can bring you great pleasure and a sense of rejuvenation. The native is brave and courageous. Taking an example, suppose benefic retrograde Saturn is placed in the fifth house of a horoscope in Virgo with benefic exalted Rahu and retrograde Jupiter. I love the fact that they never fail to send me helpful readings every day which gave me heads up in advance to orient myself to be a better person on daily basis. Hence, Saturn Mahadasha is extremely beneficial for Libra ascendants. unless you practice analysing charts you wont learn Typically life is unhappy, education can be interrupted, job may be unsatisfactory and you may have to budget. Saturn rules the ninth and tenth house, and it is placed in the fifth house. Sometimes, they search for happiness and peace in the family but fail to get. 2023byTango Publishing Corporation All Rights Reserved. Even when I wake up in the middle of the night(which is almost every night) the first thing I do is chant a shani mantra in my head. Dont expect to make a lot of progress fast but do expect to learn things about where your true vocation lies, and how you can get out of a career which isnt making your heart sing. Even though my Saturn has a few more years to go before it matures, through its lessons, I believe its helped shape my personality today which I would not trade for anything. Hi there In traditional astrology, however, retrograde planets are not seen as merely misguided, but as being thoroughly weakened. You will often go out of your way to heal/ help them. There is infinite mental energy available here. The native loses his longevity of life (subject to other factors and checks in personalized chart) and advantage of inheritance. You hesitate before going to social events. Our website services, content and products are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. I love everything that I've seen. Copyright 2020. He may remain jobless for periods of more than 6 months, many times in his life. This is an opportunity to dump your baggage and to more forward with a clearer head and heart. Saturn Retrograde Transiting 8th House Such retrograde Saturn can bless the native with authority in government as a police officer, army, air force, naval, revenue, administrative, foreign services officer, judge, doctor, scientist, engineer, politician or some other type of professional. The native has some enmity with his brothers and sisters. Great knowledge and spiritually intriguing. On the other hand, this placement is typically headstrong and good at handling conflict. He may help the native in various spheres of his life. If there are issues with the birth family, they must remember that friend groups and other authority figures can often fill those roles. The native is worried about his children's account and takes pain for their progress. When retrograde Saturn is placed in the fifth house of a horoscope in Virgo, Taurus rises in the ascendant. Receiving readings in my email every day before I get on with my business has really helped me to align with my higher purpose and given me the bravery to confront each day with acute deliberateness. Over time, the power of Saturn retrograde in the natal chart can be harnessed towards success; if we can learn to filter the inbound messages from our inner critic, we can focus on what's helpful and ignore what's unnecessarily hurtful. This is because you have experienced these things in your past lives and now will do anything to avoid the same pain. After mid-life, money etc should be comfortable. If you havent done your duty or lived up to your responsibilities, then this can be a distinctly uncomfortable period with feelings of guilt or inadequacy. You generally take good care of your body, exercise, diet, take medicines in time etc so that you remain fit. As the traditional ruler of Capricorn and Aquarius, Saturn is the master architect of the zodiac by representing the way we respond to authority, status, and discipline in our lives. I have debilitated Saturn in the 8th house -Virgo ascendant. Difficulties from brothers. But in your case, Saturn is both debilitated and retrograde in motion which gives it Chestabala (strength acquired due to retrogression). Natal Saturn retrograde in the 4th house signals past life issues at home. A large family and many relations. She seems to be on the pulse of whats happening in my life. Saturns karmic work in the 1st house is rather typical. Keeping me up to date, thanks. eg i have numerous brothers and sisters (i am an only child and I dont like refering to them as cousins) I wait for this PLANET UPDATE that I like so much. You will face restriction, trouble and humiliation here, but persevere and work. Native may become rich after the age of 30 or 35. Kaitlin Kaiser is a writer who covers astrology, pop culture and relationship topics. OMG I ABSOLUTELY LOVE THIS SITE!!! This may be an uncomfortable process, but few things Saturn does are very comfy. What are the AK & DK indicating . You expect negative value in partnerships so are unhappy in business or marriage or spiritual practice. When d-1 is favorable, moon chart seems unfavorable and vice versa. The early childhood can be typical (post here). You fear being alone yet cannot bring yourself to open up. If such retrograde Saturn is influenced by malefic planets, and/or an overall malefic horoscope, the native may witness various types of problems related to or through his father. Pluto Retrograde Transiting 6th House But if he is inauspicious, then he will cause serious problems including loss of money, ill-health, immoral behaviour and eventual infamy. Smiling at the moment of joy. Being a novice @ 73I find the knowledge you share to be direct and to THE POINT . Worried, displeasure from Govt; at times, litigations, troubled, diseased, danger and loss of wealth and respect. 2.Cancer Ascendant: Mars lordship over the 5th & 10th house. Discover the key to your unique life path & personality. Gain and good relations with superiors and officers. You're already spot on with your insights and advice, thank you so much for caring so much. The partner evolves and so do you, relationships change with time, accept this. Later in life you might become a teacher of these same subjects. Saturn retrograde gives you the chance to nip this in the bud and to use Saturns astrological discipline to re-focus, re-think and re-aim. If you want to be happy you will have to learn to share. So in relationships you are cold, unable to express your love or accept the love being offered. Expect your words to be twisted or misinterpreted, and thats nobodys fault but yours. Liking for travels, sport, drama and adventure. This Saturn is an indication that you, in some life, have misused the powers of the 3rd house and now you will be made to work on it, understand it and then again be able to use it. The native faces hindrances in earnings from outside. Their participation in religious activities is merely a show. Whenever he is placed he will bring the things to the forefront. THE BEST ASTROLOGER FOR LOVE & LIFE IN THE UNIVERSE. This house governs not only physical health and wellness but also the daily routines we do that keep us going. The native is weak in expenditure. The native uses many policies connected with the business, but he does not earn much. Use this pause to become even better at what you do, instead of allowing resentment to take over. If Saturn is dignified and strong in the 6th . I really appreciate you a lot thanks so much. Word by word a most powerful and solid foundation was created. AA. If Saturn aspected Virgo Lagna, it will make one lazy and easy going . The native also faces hurdles from enemies. I love These always move in Retrograde motion and are known for giving sudden and unexpected results. The native is ambitious and laborious. I am just beginning, and I apologize for my generic query and I see that one should never generalize. His father may die before natives age of 15 or 10. Once you get into this loop of negativity getting out of it will be difficult. When benefic in nature, retrograde Saturn in the fifth house of a horoscope in Virgo can bless the native with good results related to father, love life, children, creativity, spiritual growth, profession, finances, reputation, authority, recognition, fame and several other good results, depending on his/her overall horoscope and running times. But then a beneficent retrogression can bring money and success in various fields of science and engineering. Children with the Libra zodiac sign might act in an arrogant way. Taurus asc, Yogkarak shani in 5th, 9th lord in 5th.. The native knows the art of earning wealth and wields influence over enemies. The native feels frustrated. New posts will be sent by email. Regards As in all Saturn related readings, the situation becomes more understandable after his maturity age of 36yrs (post here).Always remember, a lot depends on the sign. During this period of retrograde motion, Saturn encourages you to put up boundaries and to let others know that you will no longer be used. Rahu in the 5th house This 5th house is very sensitive as it defines your intelligence. You are generally hard-working and practically oriented. Shyness, stammering, stage fright, etc are common. I don't even know what to say I'm very proud of having you as my helper. North Node in the 11th house/South Node in the 5th house: You're supes generous (especially to kids and your boo). ClickBank is the retailer of products on this site. Its nice! You may also find it easier to discern your sacred purpose during a Saturn retrograde, which in itself can be a catalyst for better mental health. Enter your email address to follow. Problems in childbirth or bad relationships with . The astrology house and your Saturn sign will dictate which areas of your life you feel Saturn retrograde's influencein most. Thank you my dear! Click here to get the 1st 3 minutes of your reading free! Saturn in the 4th house means that you are now required to perform more duties related to your home because you neglected or abandoned your family in a past life. This may make this native struggle with feelings of neglect and a fear of abandonment in this life.
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