In the wake of the destruction of the Phoenix Home, the Rebel network faced a shortage of bases and facilities. His relationship with the crew was initially rocky, but given time Ezra found his rhythm and a place within his new family. However, the rebels fought them off and drove them away. Using the locator, he, Kanan, and Chopper tracked the speeder bike and the loth-cat to a cluster of large hives outside Capital City, where they were held at gunpoint by a hooded man whom Ezra recognizes as Prisoner X-10. However, Ezra's troubled past and Kanan's training could not prepare him for when he briefly tapped into the Dark side, which encouraged Kanan to test Ezra by sending him into the Lothal Jedi Temple. With a Super Commando closing in on them, Sabine was forced to fly low and Ezra narrowly avoided hitting a rock. The boy had the potential to make a fine Inquisitor. The entire council is shocked by the message stating that the Jedi Order fell "They're from the future", and that last bit of information put everything in place. Maul then told Ezra to continue his journey to the temple's obelisk while he went to "help" Kanan and Ahsoka deal with the other Inquisitors. The following day, Ezra and the other crew members returned after Zeb contacted them to report an incident the previous night. The battle droids stunned Ezra and his companions and took them captive. Their ensuing daring escape goes wrong, leaving Ezra in the hands of the Empire all alone. When the crew comes dangerously close to finding what it is, Ezra flees. As part of the ritual, Ezra and Maul had to drink glasses of magick water. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Chopper managed to gain admission by electrocuting an Imperial communication droid and stealing its clearance code. Hera ordered Ezra and his team to evacuate but Ezra insisted on finding Azmorigan and Zeb, who had not returned. Upon Wedge's return, they were skeptical when AP-5 voiced suspicions about Chopper's behavior until they realized that Chopper was being polite, which was unheard of. Fortunately for Ezra and the other Ghost crew, they were quickly joined by the Phoenix, which was carrying the B-Wing on its back. Six months after he deserted, Ezra meets a bounty hunter that will change his life. Attempting to rescue him, the Ghost crew split into teams, with Ezra and Kanan working apart from the others due to their imminent departure for Malachor. After infiltrating Reklam Station, the rebels encountered several Ugnaught laborers. While Kanan was outraged that his apprentice had shot him, Rex laughed it off. This is shown when he briefly engaged the Fifth Brother and Seventh Sister in a duel alongside Kanan. Feeling lost without his mentor, Ezra had little time to grieve, as the Loth-Wolves returned accompanied by a massive specimen named Dume. Same clan as Bo-Katan. If he refused, Slavin threatened to execute the two prisoners. Later, when Kanan asked to speak with Ursa again, Ezra decried her alliance with the Empire, citing Sabine's praise of their family's traditions. Hera and Sabine realize that the purrgil are going to jump into hyperspace. The Rebels get away, but after a twist of events, Ezra gets captured. He then stormed the ship's bridge, with his apparent cooperation allowing the other rebels to get the city's shields up and running to prevent further bombardment. Having infiltrated the Imperial Complex, the rebels recalled all Imperial forces to the dome, planning to launch it from the surface and then detonate it. This allowed the Ghost to approach the bay. As forces in the shadows work against the Empire and the Rebellion for their own aims, with a interest in Ahkilleons destiny. While the rest of the crew were heading to their cabins to ensure everything was switched off to save every little bit of fuel, Hera confided with Ezra about her prejudices towards the Purrgil in private. Sabine then responded that she would damage him if he did not shut up. Hera had made the decision to abandon Lothal. Main article: Ephraim Bridger Main article: Mira Bridger Ezra loved his parents deeply. When Kanan discovered this, he argued with Rex whether Ezra's future lay as a soldier or Jedi, which Ezra responded that if that's how it's gonna go, he'll wish to be neither. Ezra met Ahsoka Tano who, at the time, was going by the name Fulcrum and acting as head of the small rebellion after Kanan was captured and placed in Imperial custody. The man was lying on his bed in some crappy house on Lothal. Reluctant, the green alien instructed him to find Malachor before leaving. Yoda became concerned by his reason because what he was seeking was vengeance, which Ezra denied. Living out of an abandoned radio tower, the little thief tried isolating himself from the needs of others, but his ability to sense emotions kept his good heart from fully icing over. Taking the Phantom, Ezra accompanied his master there to find him, but the Lasat was nowhere on the planet's surface. Ezra has a bad feeling about this and disapproves the presence of the new rebel. They attempted a rescue mission and, using the Force, Ezra freed Sumar and his wife from their imprisonment. That thievery extended to theEmpire, where Ezra occasionally began stealing helmets that he later sold (among other stolen items) on the black market to help support himself. After failing to escape the Fifth Brother and Seventh Sister at the abandoned Republic medical station, Ezra Bridger and his friends are captured by the Inquisitors. Even though he is slowly turning, there will always be a little spark of light inside him. While traveling through hyperspace, Ezra sensed a sudden disturbance in the Force. They Get Married And Start Their Own Clan. When Maketh Tua asked for help, Ezra was the first one to believe that they should help, since what they do is help those in need; even though she was from the Empire. Ezra objected to Saw's plan to take Klik-Klak off-world for interrogation and insisted that the Geonosian belonged to his homeworld. The Grand Inquisitor only wants the young one alive. Upon arriving at the black market spaceport Nixus Hub 218, the two discovered that the buyer was Azmorigan, who was expecting Vizago instead and had them loaded into a loading dolly with the intention of firing them into space. Ezra was soon contacted via comlink by Zeb, who revealed that he and Azmorigan had been locked in the ship's brig by a reactivated Imperial Sentry Droid. Rated: Fiction T - English - Adventure/Romance - Ezra B., Sabine W., OC, Ahsoka T./Fulcrum - Chapters: 26 - Words: 295,581 - Reviews . Unfortunately, Thrawn's forces were well-prepared, and the squadron-led by Hera-were nearly all killed or captured, with only Mart Mattin escaping to join Ryder's group. When Hera had to be hospitalized, Ezra did his best to comfort Sabine when she started blaming herself for their friend's injuries and vowed to seek justice against the Protectors. The Inquisitors then caught up with them, but Ezra refused to give up Pypey despite being outmatched. From there, the disguised Jedi eavesdropped on Lyste's conversation with the princess as the Imperial told her that he was aware that her ships seem to get "stolen" by the rebels quite frequently and, to make that impossible, placed double security around the ships and had his men attach three gravity locks onto each, deploying a detachment of Stormtroopers around the area with two AT-AT walkers. Star Wars Rebels uma srie de desenho animado americana produzida em CGI pela Lucasfilm e a Lucasfilm Animation. Ezra, Kanan, and Rex waited outside the hangar bay while Kalani briefed them that their objective was to reach the command bridge. The title is self explanatory but I'll be taking requests for imagines/one shots/ preferences for any character from the prequels, sequels, SW the clone wars and SW rebe Carmella is kind of your typical teen. Since his blinding, Kanan had become very detached, distancing himself from both his friends and the Force. Based on this logic, this made the rebels and Separatist droids allies. Thrawn had been dispatched by Imperial High Command to investigate the high rate of defective vehicles produced by the Lothal Imperial factory. Ezra, along with Hera and Sabine, later participated in a mission provided byFulcrum, Hera's secret contact and a key leader of the underground Rebel network. Prove that he could complete this mission on his own, and he and his Asset would be free from his master's clutches. He and Sabine were herded into hangar bay six by their Inquisitor captors, so Zeb created a commotion with the Phantom that enabled Ezra and Sabine to break free of their captors' clutches and board the attack shuttle. Originally, Ezra's skills with a lightsaber were rudimentary. Chopper became separated from the group along the way due to pursuing a replacement leg and ended up commandeering an Imperial cargo ship in his efforts to reach the crew. The rebels then continued their journey to Yarma. Using the information recovered by Ezra's team, Hera made plans to launch a strike on the Lothal Imperial Factory. Saxon attempted to force Sabine to yield to him but she used the Frequency 337 on her helmet to escape. I am a Jedi, but I refuse to pretend I don't love Sabine" looking around the room Ezra sees that the council is already thinking "now if you want to talk further you can find me in the medical bay or the library" he then walks out of the room and lets out a deep breath and relaxes. In Kanan Jarrus and Zeb Orrelios, he found a mentor and an older brother, and in Hera Syndulla an older sister. With the Empire now alerted to their presence on Seelos, the rebels made preparations to leave. Ezra passed his Force-related feelings as strange skills. I do not own Star Wars Rebels!!! Who knew that those two things would lead us to having an obsessive stalker on our tails. After the loss of Ahsoka and the blinding of his master, Ezra was determined to never allow his friends to be harmed again. His frustration showed when he was unable to connect to the Krykna Spiders, and he is more rebellious towards Kanan and more assertive in fighting. After a challenging physical ordeal, the two managed to acquire the holocron. What if Maul blinded Ezra instead of Kanan? After landing on Geonosis, Ezra accompanied Rex, Kanan, and Chopper as they searched a Geonosian structure where Saw had last transmitted a signal to Rebel Command. Do you know the identity of the Sith Lord Sidious? Kanan did not want Sabine to train with the Darksaber yet because he feared that she would hurt herself. starwarsrebelsfanfiction starwarsrebels starwars kanan starwarsfanfiction kananjarrus ezrabridger ezra hera herasyndulla sabinewren sabine rebels chopper fanfiction. The broadcast was sent, but soon after Grand Moff Tarkin ordered the tower's destruction. Later, Ezra remained on board the Ghost with its Twi'lek captain Hera Syndulla while the Rebels revealed they had a new mission to rescue Wookiee prisoners being sent to a slave labor camp on a Imperial transport ship. He helped Zeb and Sabine distribute food from the stolen crates to the people of Tarkintown and later returned to the Ghost where through the force found his way to Kanan's cabin where he found a Holocron and a Lightsaber. Kalani dispatched a wave of battle droids. Thrawn growls in pain and rage. With reinforcements bound to show up, the crew began the return trip back to theGhost. At his urging, the Purrgil jumped to lightspeed, carrying the Chimera-and Ezra with it-to parts unknown. "Ezra?" Ezra wiped his eyes, and glanced back. After a brief verbal exchange, Ezra demanded that Titus release the magnetic locks. It was there the trio found Tseebo recovering from a mental illness from a AJ^6 cybernetic implant screwed into his head that has uploaded invaluable information on the Empire's military secrets and five-year plan for Lothal, explaining why the Empire was hunting him, as Ezra went further into his past by showing Sabine the equipment his parents used for their anti-Imperial broadcasts. Upon opening the cell, Ezra and his team learned that Hondo had an Ugnaught companion named Terba, who had been the original source of his information. The exercise proved to be an opportunity for Sabine to come to terms with her decision to leave her family. Following the sparring session, Ezra joined Kanan and Fenn in pledging to help Sabine to fulfill her goals of repairing her relationship with her family and reuniting the Mandalorians. As the days pass Ezra Bridger is getting more and more closer to the Dark side. When the Rebels discovered the Phantom was planted with a tracking beacon by the Grand Inquisitor, Kanan and Ezra took the Phantom to the abandon clone base to lure the Grand Inquisitor and the Empire away from the Ghost while the Rebels delivered Tseebo into safe hands. In snatching her up at just the right moment, he saved her life. Kanan also counselled his apprentice not to give in to fear and despair. The Brother prepared to kill him, but the Sister stopped him and convinced him to use him as a bait to capture the others. However, Kalani refused to accept victory on the grounds that the dilapidated state of his droid forces had prevented a fair fight. While reviewing the nature of the situation, neither Ezra nor his fellow Ghost crew saw any chance of success except getting one of the ships instead of all three. Cyber Ezra (Complete) by FullerK75 93.9K 1K 32 Sabine Leaves Ezra On A Mission On Purpose And Tells The Crew That He Was Dead. Apparently, the Protectors' leader, Commander Fenn Rau, had already aligned his warriors with the Empire and attacked Hera's Phoenix Squadron fleet, destroying several of their A-Wing Starfighters and gravely wounding Hera. The pair came upon Maul's Nighbrother, which they used to return to Atollon where-as Master Kenobi had helped Ezra see-his family awaited him. After landing, Maul led Ezra through the site of the battle where his Nightsisters kin had been slaughtered by the Separatists. When Sabine remarked that the ship was in a state of disarray, Ezra cautioned her to be careful not to upset the crew. There, Zeb and Chopper stayed behind at the spaceport to search for any sign of the Inquisitors while Ezra and Kanan investigated the housing unit revealed to be the home of an Ithorian named Oora, who had already sent her infant son Pypey into hiding with a courier droid as soon as the Fifth Brother and the Seventh Sister showed up and ransacked the home searching for him. Seconds later, the rebels discovered that the Phantom was being pursued by two Dismantler Droids, which inflicted damage on the ship. There, he accessed the Imperial Enforcement DataCore to check records on Herdringer, but discovered Herdringer had been dead for months, and Bossk surmised that his replacement, Jenkes, had been the one to set him up, now also aware that he and Takkaro had worked together in gladiator arena in Nyriaan years before. There, Ezra was reunited with many old friends; Sumar, his wife Marida Sumar, and Jho. A U-Wing Starfighter crewed by Gerrera and one of his Partisans arrived with explosives to destroy the array, and took Sabine, Ezra, and Chopper along for another mission. Megan Crouse March 3, 2018 He began to feel he was not the right person to teach Ezra and needed someone who was fully trained, someone with more discipline and more understanding of the Force. After hiding the latter, which they intended to install in Ryder's U-Wing, Ezra and Sabine were able to get back to camp with the help of a white Loth-Wolf. A noose restricted his airways, gradually tightening with the purpose of strangulation ; Ezra hoped it'd kill him. Fleeing into an apartment block, he contacted Ezra and Kanan, who traveled rejoin their companion only for Ezra to discover one of the Sister's seeker droids hovering at the entrance. Sabine tried to convince the teenage Jedi to speak to him and learn more about what happened, but Ezra didn't want to. ", Ezra looks around again, this time taking in the look of the room "where are we, and what year is this", "You're in the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, and the year is 3256 GSC; why?". Grace Harlow used to live a perfect life. But then, Ezra dissapears and at the same time, a new inquisi A bunch of different family one-shots of the Ghost crew. Ezra and his comrades eventually reached a dead-end only to be cornered by several battle droids and a Droideka. Rex, Kanan, and Zeb refused to fight but Ezra saw an opportunity to obtain the proton bombs that the Rebellion was after. However, Ahsoka intervened and gave enough time for Ezra and his companions to escape on the Phantom. Ezra's rebel comrades particularly Hera and Sabine distrusted Hondo and his new business partner Azmorigan but Ezra reasoned that the pirate could be trusted since they had come out safely during their last mission to Reklam Station. The new location was not without problems, as the Rebels soon discovered it to be home to Krykna Spiders, who abducted Rex. To which Ezra nods his head. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Some fans have even speculated that Ezras prolonged solitude, and the causal relationship he has with the Dark Side, could lead to the characters status as a Sith in his upcoming appearances. Bridger, then, proceeded to stun the Imperial before he could flee the arena, just before Imperial forces arrived and swarmed the arena. Ezra manages to placate the man by mentioning his parents, prompting the man to take off his hood and introduce himself as Ryder Azadi, a former Governor of Lothal who was imprisoned by the Empire for supporting the Bridgers' anti-Imperial broadcasts. He reunited with Zeb and Kanan at the spaceport, but despite coming Chopper, they were unable to open the gates. No, he couldnt let his mind wander back to his old life. Working together, the rebels and Separatist droids decided to delay the advancing Imperial AT-AT and AT-DP walkers. It depicts the Galactic Empire hunting down the last of the Jedi while a fledgling rebellion against the Empire emerges. Using the Force, Ezra managed to throw Sabine out of the cave and the spirit was exorcised from her. Realizing that Rex was a Clone Trooper, Kalani was determined to finish the Clone Wars as a victory for the Separatist Droid Army. Ezra and the rest of the Ghost crew accompanied her to meet with Cham and two of his colleagues, Numa and Gobi Glie, and after an awkward welcoming, they moved to the mission briefing where Hera outlined her plan to steal the fighter carrier, which involved using a stolen TIE bomber to infiltrate the starship. While Ezra covered for her behind the wall separations and Chopper distracted the Stormtroopers, Hera tried to sneak out through the front door. These proton bombs were then thrown into the path of an advancing AT-ATs and damaged its front legs. On the way, they were attacked by the Seventh Sister and her ID9 Seeker Droids. Once airborne, Ezra along with Kanan and Chopper entered the Phantom and detached it so they head to Lothal while Hera, Sabine and Zeb stayed behind aboard the Ghost to evacuate the Phoenix Squadron off-world, even when the Liberator was almost caught in the Star Destroyer Relentless's tractor beam. The Padawan asked Yoda whether he had the power to destroy Vader and the Inquisitors, the Grand Master related how the Jedi Order's eagerness to participate in the Clone Wars brought about its demise. If this is the end, I want you to know that I love you. (Will be continued). Ezra Bridger was a human male Jedi Padawan who became a rebel fighter and revolutionary leader in the early rebellion against the Galactic Empire. *Enter Zeb. Trust in the Force. When Ezra said that was not true, Sabine told him that he did not know her and opined that she would be unable to lead her people if she did not resolve her family problems. When interrogated, Ezra tried to mislead his captors by claiming that he and Chopper were scavengers who worked for Hondo. The shocking revelation that a face he once knew is back from the dead, and is trying to kill them, doesn't help lift Ezra's spirits. At that point, Chopper emerged and activated the explosives under Hera's orders. Ezra was also very charismatic, which helped him get by during his early years. Hope you like it. Fortunately for Ezra and the rebels, the Rebel Fleet arrived with Phoenix Home and the Ghost. The two discussed their disagreement about the Sith holocron and the significance of their mission to Malachor. Along with Zeb and Chopper, Ezra and Kanan traveled on the Phantom to the settlement of Hammertown on Takobo. They then descended on those above the city, ensnaring the Chimera in their grip as Thrawn and Ezra struggled. Ezra openly questioned Zeb's decision in the presence of the other team members. Once inside his room, Ezra blamed Terba for causing his own death and that the operation would never have succeeded without him. However, Sabine pointed out that the starfighters needed to be refueled first. The crew decided to head to Lando's farm for help to smuggle them off Lothal. When Kanan objected, Maul threatened to trigger a homing beacon that would alert the Empire to their presence. They then managed to escape Captain Vult Skerris's TIE Interceptor. Hera orders Ezra to leave but he tells her that he needs to see it through to the end. Years later, with the Rebellion victorious, Sabine and Ahsoka acted on Ezra's parting words and set out to find him. While on the return journey to the Ghost, Ezra regained full consciousness but had little memory of what happened. While trying to fly their way back to the Ghost, Ezra and Zeb came across a farm that had been attacked by Imperials, which Ezra recognized as the home of Morad Sumar, a friend of his parents. Ezra and Kanan then encountered a Scout Trooper and a Stormtrooper, whom they knocked out and stole their uniforms. And then there's her close friend Wedge. As the weapon was designed to target the beskar alloy in Mandalorian Armor, Ezra suggested that they abandon the use of it. Together with Ahsoka, Kanan, and Chopper, Ezra traveled on the Phantom to Malachor. He lost a friend, and made an enemy. Taking a seat in one of the chairs, Ezra seats Sabine on his lap and holds her close, raising a force barrier over the ship with all his strength. Together, the two rejoined Kanan, Sato, and the other crew. He also swapped his energy slingshot for a comlink. He told Sabine that while Kanan was not the easiest teacher, he still meant well. "All I want are some healing enzymes from your wings," he pleaded. Taking pity on Sabine, Ezra encouraged her to persevere with her training. Ezra rushed to find the brig and encountered Chopper. Ezra demanded they get out of their way, but Hondo managed to convince the workers to assist the rebels in stealing the Y-Wings in exchange for their freedom. Later, Ezra accompanied Kanan and Sabine on a landspeeder into Atollon's wilderness. During the ensuing skirmish, Ezra used his cannon to knock out one of the other gun and drive away the other guards, enabling Hera and Zeb to land the Ghost onto the landing platform. On the way, the rebels exited at the Sereeda Waypoint where they were attacked by a Mining Guild patrol for failing to reduce their speed. Ezra grew taller (he grew taller than Ava), Kyle "Ive had many things stolen from me. there weren't really any big changes. Satisfied, Kanan enlisted Kallus' help in breaching a communications station so that they could contact Ryder. After evading their pursuers, Ezra and the Rebels returned to Lothal and landed near Tarkintown, a refugee camp named after Imperial Outer Rim governor Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin that is home to farmers who's land had been confiscatedby the Empire. There, he planted the holocron into the obelisk and was greeted by a feminine entity known as the "Presence"; who told him that the Temple contained the power to destroy all life.
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