View All News. We strive to provide outstanding services with integrity, respect, and fairness while providing a safe environment. government agencies including West Virginia state, county, and local Charged: David P. Straka, 35, 713 Trenton St., failure to control, Tuesday. Bad reaction: Two women threw their food at employees at a fast food restaurant, Tuesday. Bad reaction: Two women threw their food at employees at a fast food restaurant, Tuesday. Today's breaking news and more in your inbox. He told police he was yelling about being cold. He said hed been there a few days. URLs Jefferson County Sheriff Human Resources Alcohol talking: A woman told police someone was being assaulted in a residence in the 1200 block of Oak Grove Avenue, Saturday. Despicable: A Richmond man said his elderly mother was scammed, Tuesday. . The Weirton Police Department covers roughly 80 square miles (128.75 km2). She said her sister heard him making horrible comments to her. The younger man refused, but told the caller hed defend himself if he were to start anything. below. Pothole patching is slowing traffic along U.S. 22 westbound in Weirton. She said he had a phone that belonged to her but he said hed bought it and was letting her use it until she got one of her own. With three PRO officers in the schools, they want to hire three new patrolmen. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. Problem drinking: A woman fell asleep at the bar at a city establishment, Saturday. In the past, Frank has also been known as Frank A Police and Frank A Pulice. The caller said the arguing began when the other two men began to joke about serious matters. He said he grabbed his backpack and was going to leave before things got physical, but one of his companions started punching him and he dropped it. Jane Corrigan, Mingo Junction. Jefferson County Sheriff Booked: Cheronda Bishop, 26, 1416 Ridge Ave., Steubenville, warrant out of Reynoldsburg, Ohio, for interference with custody (contempt), Tuesday. The Weirton Police Department, built up in 1983, is the essential law requirement organization serving the City of Weirton, Hancock County, West Virginia. Gunning it: Callers reported seeing a male carrying a BB gun on the roadway and walking in between houses, Friday. Arrested: James V. Hall, 34, 78 Decca Lane, Colliers, driving under the influence, July 6. Acting in partnership with the community to promote a responsive and flexible approach to quality of life issues is the foundation of Weirton 's community oriented policing endeavors. 7NEWS reporter Taylor Long spoke to the police chief on how important the equipment is to the department. Shady: Callers reported two men going door-to-door in the 1800 block of Oregon Avenue, portraying themselves as Tide Detergent representatives, Friday. Booked: Callers reported a man sleeping on the stage at Berkman Amphitheater, Tuesday. The Bill Kendrach, Mingo Junction. Since hed already left the house, deputies advised him to stay away from the residence for a few days. Weirton Police Ashely Guiller, 40, 116 Beverly Ave., Weirton, possession of controlled substance, possession of drug instrument, Feb. 8, arrested during follow up on reported drug activity. Police reports. Frequent shopper: Wal-Mart employees gave police documentation showing a woman theyve been able to identify shoplifting six times in less than a month, Friday. Corey M. Weeks, 32, 129 Hardy St., Weirton, violation of a PDV, Jan. 10, arrested on a state warrant. Wierton Police Department. Police reports Daily Happenings Feb 23, 2023 Steubenville Police Pushy: A man caused a disturbance at Finley Methodist Church because he wanted money and congregants would only give him food, Sunday. F, bench warrant out of Toronto county court, Monday. Deputies said the mans face was swollen and his nose and mouth were bleeding. Today's breaking news and more in your inbox. The Police Records Department will be on your left. and Weirton Criminal Courts maintain Jane Corrigan, Mingo Junction. Patchwork limiting traffic to one lane along U.S. 22 westbound in Weirton Pothole patching is slowing traffic along U.S. 22 westbound in Weirton.Officials from the West Virginia Division of Highways say the work is temporary -- taking place Wednesday and Thursday. Douglas B. Allen, 51, 114 Dominic Drive, Weirton, DUI, Monday, arrested following a traffic stop at BFS on Freedom Way. Steubenville Police Steubenville Police James Roe, 40, no fixed address, has been charged with felony domestic violence, deputies said. The two were allegedly seen at a downtown gas station snorting something through a straw, police said, adding Buice denied using drugs and no contraband was found on him. The Weirton Police Department is committed to serving and protecting the residents, businesses and visitors of the City of Weirton, West Virginia. Injured: Police said the driver of a vehicle involved in a one-car accident downtown was unresponsive, Friday. record And to wrap up the week they swore in a new officer, putting them back at full force. Steubenville firefighters/EMS administered Narcan to resuscitated Clark, who also had an outstanding bench warrant for her arrest. Katelyn Rose Lehosky, 23, Ardara Pa., was charged with petit theft and falsification and cited for an open container after she allegedly lied to police about her identity. The truck was spotted leaving a different parking lot and a deputy followed him, taking note that he sped out of the lot and failed to stop at a stop sign or use turn signals and that he threw items out of the driver side window when he made the turn onto Main Street. WEIRTON, W.Va. (WTRF) Weirton Police and Fire responded to a two vehicle crash on Marland Heights Road on the hill. Jefferson County Sheriff Former police officer Stephen Mader says the incident that cost him his job at the Weirton, West Virginia Police Department lasted less than 12 minutes. She told police the debris pile damaged the undercarriage of her car and the check engine light came on. Investigators say he had a gunshot wound that appeared to go through his tricep and arm pit and into his chest. WEIRTON, W.Va. (WTRF) - The Weirton Police Department is looking for this woman who is a suspect in a fraud investigation. Uncomfortable: A man was standing on a porch in the 1600 block of Market Street and yelling, Monday. Email:, Phone: 304-914-0985. Michael James Harner, 37, 146 Ellsworth St., Wintersville, was charged with domestic violence, deputies said. Chief Charlie Kush says this is to keep their manpower at full force as people retire throughout the year. Police said the driver, Winston C. Buice, 37, 37, 1327 Euclid Ave., Apt. The neighbor said she gave the woman a robe to wear and she went home, and told police she saw the male drive by the home several times but that he didnt talk with anyone. Weirton, WV --- Officials with the Weirton Police Department say a 26-year-old man was found with a gunshot wound in the 2600 block of Weir Avenue around 1 a.m. on Thursday morning. Naked and afraid: A caller reported a neighbor ran across the street to her house without any clothes on to sit for a while after arguing with a male in her home, Thursday. Ciera Kyler, 33, 429 Cove Road, Weirton, possession of fentanyl, possession of drug abuse instrument, Thursday, responded to vehicle parked at Sheetz following report of drug use in the vehicle. Police said one of the women was gone when they arrived and the other refused to cooperate. Booked: John A. Palmer, 29, 329 Logan Ave., Mingo Junction, possession of drugs, Tuesday. Jefferson County Sheriff The Rental Registration Program is a division of the Department of Code Enforcement and Building Inspections. The Bill Kendrach, Mingo Junction. Wrong place: Residents in the 900 block of Oxford Boulevard were concerned that two men who came to their door wanted to get inside, Sunday. He told police hed been at the womans home and when he was leaving, she threatened him with the knife. Bad reaction: Two women threw their food at employees at a fast food restaurant, Tuesday. Sivert also was cited for DUS.S. Community and Government, Government Building, Law Enforcement and Public Safety, Police Station . A. R. Alexander III, Chief of Police Weirton Police Department Ground Level 200 Municipal Plaza Weirton, WV 26062 Phone: (304) 797-8500 ext. Deputies said the man ignored commands and signals to pull over, eventually pulling into a Marion Place driveway. Mar 3, 2023. Finance responsibilities include budgeting, financial reporting, accounting, debt administration, payroll, utility billing and collections. Police said they also charged her with possession of a controlled substance after allegedly finding a Xanax pill concealed in a bag tucked in her sock. Bad reaction: Two women threw their food at employees at a fast food restaurant, Tuesday. While they were talking to her one of the men approached and told police they were looking for a lost cell phone and their find my phone app led them to the residence, but once he saw the age of the residents realized it wouldnt be there. The caller said its an outdoor cat and it follows the neighbors cat home but theyd do their best to keep their feline indoors. Police couldnt find the car but they did find a juvenile, who told them hed been playing with his friends but left him once they spotted the cruiser. Today's breaking news and more in your inbox. Police reports Daily Happenings Feb 28, 2023 Weirton Police Bruce Vitomir Kohlhepp, 25, no fixed address, Beaver, Pa., trespassing, Feb. 18, subject was issued a trespass warrant on Feb. 10. Helping hands: A Teresa Drive resident said a man came to her residence to help someone move out, and after they were gone discovered a pawn shop receipt for a gaming console and goggles, Friday. Jane Corrigan, Mingo Junction. She said she discovered the fraud after getting a thank you for your visit message from the carrier and discovered a $1,199 charge for an iPhone 14 pro they hadnt purchased. Send him packing: A city resident told police she was driving downtown when her childs father grabbed her face, Saturday. Missing: A man parked his manual transmission car in the Legal Hair lot and when he came out discovered it was missing, Tuesday. Police spotted the driver following the youth, and found it it was the youths guardian. mug shots Root of all evil: Two men ended up in a fight in the 200 block of Shirley Circle because the girlfriend of one of them didnt like the idea theyd been day-drinking, Monday. Harner also was cited for DUS and failure to comply. Alec Logan Armstrong, 29, 120 St. Johns Road, Weirton, PDV violation, Feb. 21, arrested following a domestic altercation at residence. . He returned Feb. 18 and was issued a summons. Coincidentally, she said those items were missing from her residence. When they arrived on scene, a resident told police hed caught Palmer in his truck and told him to get out but said he didnt want to press charges even though hed managed to get the engine running. Mouthy: A city resident told police a neighbor continuously bangs on the wall (they share) and yells slurs at them and makes threats to kill them, Friday. With help from neighbors, they traced the bike to a nearby home, where a woman told them her late husband had purchased it as a gift for her child. The youth jumped back on his scooter and left, he said. Traffic was backed up on both directions of the hill. Cant do that: A Sunset Boulevard resident was told he has to stop pounding on shared wells and screaming racial slurs and threats at his neighbors, Wednesday. You can discover more about this PD on their site. RecordsFinder searches is accurate or up to date. Ground Level 200 Municipal Plaza Weirton, WV 26062 Non-Emergency Number: 3047978500 More LAST REPORTED INCIDENTS: Last updated on: Jan 13, 2023 Jefferson County Sheriff Cited: Timothy Morris, 26, 300 Springdale Ave., Steubenville, DUS and expired plates; Armell Mayers, 49, 1500 Maryland Ave., Steubenville, speeding in a school zone; Aimee C. Huffman, 50, 206 Hollywood Blvd., Steubenville, DUS and expired/unlawful plates; Jerry Crothers, 57, 426 S. 4th St., Steubenville, no operators license and loud exhaust; Patricia Kennedy, 57, 3228 Orchard St., Steubenville, expired or unlawful plates; Police also ticketed the owners of vehicles parked in no parking zones as well as other infractions in the 200 block of South Sixth Street. Pay up: The clerk at the midtown Speedway told police two young males came in the store and opened and partially consumed food without paying for it, Sunday. Broken: An Arlington Avenue resident said the glass on her front door was shattered, Sunday. Cited: Crystal L. Miller, 31, 2614 Commercial Ave., Mingo Junction, failure to yield; Stanley R. Long Jr., 56, 1529 Ridge Ave., Steubenville, no operators license. The resident ruled the eviction process out because the family is days away from moving, but called police back on Saturday to report hed put a family member and two friends on a separate lease but the other residents were refusing to let them into the property.
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