Though I would love if there would be an easy way to access table of contents at the left side of the screen so I can open it even when I am doing the chapters. Sometimes the lessons are a bit long and confusing, so by the time you get to the challenge questions there is just too much information, but overall its a good system. I think zyBooks is good, I wish instructors would utilize the testing system more, CS test are hard to deal with due to subjectiveness. Super easy to use, no technical difficulties. I would, however, recommend reviewing the order of information. ZyBooks makes learning concepts easier by providing an in-depth explanation, organized sections, and feedback on why an answer was right or wrong. I enjoy the interactive modules. It made my online learning experience very lucid. The textbook overall could have used more detail for the contents. zyBooks has interactive activities that makes the process of learning more interesting, I enjoy working through zyBooks and find it a very good way to learn. Also, if there were more in-depth details on certain topics, it would be greatly appreciated. Students: Using a zyBook in your class? I think its a good aspect to have in the classroom. zyBooks is helpful and informative and largely possesses more pros than cons when it comes to learning this material. It's fine but better than the lecture in terms of learning. The format of the Participation Activities is better than anything a normal textbook can do. _brudy 2 yr. ago Whats the desktop IDE? showed me what I needed to learn, and it provided several examples. It's a good way to learn but discourages professors from teaching. How do you expect people to learn programming like that? Very concise and I love the animations. I think the challenge problems are a bit confusing. just a better ui for the transitions with fsm simulators, would be nice. My biggest question is why the . Very interesting to see an interactive part as the centerpiece of instruction, Usually turned to zybooks for clarifications from my other lectures. zybooks is bad - I am used to in-class assignments and online assignment messed with me. The sections are also broken up into easily digestible parts. It's helpful, especially the challenge questions. zybooks does a good job at explaining the material, but doesn't help much when you get stuck on a challenge. zyBooks Touts 'Less Text, More Action' it was very expensive as something that is meant to aid in the process of learning. It has great exercises throughout that help quiz on the material, so it isn't all just reading. It was a great way to practice C++ programing skills. The interactive portions are awesome and I love the visual aids! It was good for learning because i wasn't just reading, or just activities at the end. i love how clearly it explains the material as well as asking questions throughout to make sure that I also practice & understand the material. zyBooks is a great platform for beginner programmers like me. Zybooks modules enhanced my learning and understanding. It helps me organize what I need to have done for each week which helps me stay organized. Fun to use because assignments are baked into the reading. Interface is really intuitive. It was an effective way to learn the material. The animations are very helpful, and I like that everything relates to something in real life so I truly know that learning this will be useful in my every day life. For improvement, I suggest a light penalty for missing too many questions. Some spelling errors, i liked that they listed out a bunch of different functions to use. It is good for learning, but very specific in its requirements, not allowing different strategies to answer the challenges. Some chapters there was no code with functions similar to what the challenge questions were asking. Really helps retain the knowledge. What proof is there that zyBooks actually help students learn more? GitHub - diamondburned/zybooks-mcq: Script to bruteforce Zybooks MCQ This is my first computer science I've ever taken, and I haven't had good experiences with past online textbooks so this was a pleasant surprise. A important part of this proccess is the interaction of the student with the programs that he creates: Is by interaction that the student's mind can solidify the concepts that he learn, and is by interaction that he can learn how to fix errors. Helps to be able to immediately practice the thing I just read. Zybooks helps reinforce concepts taught in class without being overbearing. For instance, I realized the declarative knowledge regarding some concepts were presented after the procedural knowledge was presented (i.e., how to use it was presented before the background info containing its purpose and use). Usually, I generally am okay with zyBooks for the few classes I take it with. Really good challenge questions and practice problems. One of the best designed textbooks (electronic or paper) I have ever used! zyBooks can be more useful than some textbooks or other resources for learning. When someone learns how to program, their first steps generally consists of making programs that print some message on some shell, read inputs from the user, and basic operations with variables. It kept me engaged and it made me actually remember the stuff I learned in the textbook. But I was impressed by the fact that it only cost $58 dollars. Some of the challenge questions were a little too challenging and I had to look up the answer. Sometimes I have to rush through the activities without really paying attention just to get them done before the deadline (and because sometimes it just feels like busywork), but it's organized in a way that it is easy to go back and find topics when I need to reference them later. I have access to zybooks anywhere as long as i have a decent connection to wifi. The challenge for any instructor teaching a first course in programming is helping students "get" programming. They are very informational and the example pictures of code along with the challenge problems are helpful with understanding syntax and actually formatting the code. zyBooks is a comprehensive online learning platform. I believe that zyBooks is very essential to learning within a remote setting. I've only got through the intro so far but I think the concept and instructional method will be of much help. It was such good practice. The multiple examples and exercises are great practice. This is the zyBooks company profile. Love how it works, it allows me to enter code and test it out here. The content on zyBooks is amazing, but the coursework in my class does not always relate completely. Has been a very helpful learning tool this semester, really helps break things down. Terms of Use Privacy DMCA Notification Policy 2021 zyBooks. Zybooks was the reason why I changed mi major to a computer related area. ZyBooks was nothing like. I have used online textbooks before, and zyBooks has actually been my favorite. Anyways, there is a lot to work on. It is also a lot easier to review and practice material. it is helpful, especially the demo activities. I liked that it was interactive and had a lot of useful material to help me learn. I understand that is more of a personal problem rather than zy book but my point being is that zyBooks wasnt as helpful to me as it would've been if in person classes had continued. I helps a lot with the explanation of the material and then helping me understand different types of code. I enjoy the flow of the lessons. Since syntax is an important aspect of coding, zyBook's activities make for a valuable tool because the material is more enticing than the traditional textbook format. It really helped me to achieve that A+ I aimed for in this class. Excellent resource aside from minor errors in code. The platform is very easy to follow. I was using Codecademy but I have some GI Bill left, so I figured I might as well use. It was better experience than using traditional books and it is way better than using other online resources. I like how learning activities are integrated into the text so I can apply the knowledge as I am learning it. ZyBooks is an Education solution that StatusGator has been monitoring since March 2021. Maybe the material isn't bad, and the culprit is something else (maybe the course feels rushed for those students for some other reason). Goes way beyond traditional textbooks and is much more effective. Zybooks is a great intereactive textbook however it is easy to not learn much since most of the time the answers are either given or multiple choice. Broke really daunting subjects down into easier-to-understand problems. Anyone else experience this with zybooks? It's good. Compared to the hands on platforms like Codecademy, Udacity, etc it does a poor job of explaining the material. The zyBooks reading materials felt very difficult to trudge through. The educational content is good. For what you charge, it upsets me that I have nothing left after the course for reference material. zyBook in a great was to lean material and practice. Dont students want a hard copy? It also helps tracking which readings are important for current class topics which helps me understand the material much better. It is easy to see what you have to do and when you have to do it, which makes it really convenient. I feel that zyBooks is an adequate learning tool that helps me learn on my own, rather than waiting for the rest of the class in lectures. especially for someone like me that is not very quick with information about technology and computers this allows me to focus on key information and not just get through the material without actually learning and applying new concepts. I don't think zybooks did a good job of explaining some of the bigger factors, or the more in depth aspects. Notes and exercises provided are sufficient and easier for me to understand the course better. Go to Zybooks (or refresh the page). doing assignments on zybooks are interesting. Also useful for looking at examples of code for lab assignments and projects. Whenever I did the zybooks to prepare for class or after class, I always felt like I understood the material very well. Zybooks has helpful interactive tools, such as simulations and step by step "videos", that aid in learning the material in class and gaining a deeper understanding of this material. Informative and helpful in learning new programming languages. The generic examples and the primary use of flow charts instead of code used as examples makes it difficult for me to practically apply what I've learned. It was a good estimate of what I knew or didn't know. It is not my favorite software to use, but it is definitely helpful when it comes to reviewing materials with the challenges and participations. Would have loved to used zybooks for one of my psychology courses. Some concepts like Linked-Lists are very confusing to grasp at first especially understanding pointers but the animations made it very clear for me. I like the exercises are interactive and worked into the material. I think it conveys material in a way that is easily understood. Overall, my main concern was the lack of advanced material. I am currently in the Scripting and Programming - Foundations class. Concise text improves usability by as much as. Driving the engine behind zyBooks are instructors who know that students learn by doing. They helped me understand concepts on a deeper level through examples. I love the idea of an interactive textbook, and all of the participation activities and challenge activities help me understand material so much better. It is easy to use, works in all browsers even with ad-block, and has great teaching methods. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Zybooks feels easier to understand than I thought it would be. The zylabs were an awful part of the course tho and ended up hurting learning a lot. Many students dont pay for textbooks: In a survey we conducted in classes using a regular textbook, 30% admitted to illegally downloading pdf, and another 20% to not acquiring the book at all. zyBooks uses thousands of questions integrated into the content to help concepts sink in. Excellent examples, animations, and exercises. It has been as useful as any other traditional textbook interface, if not better. It has a clean interface, that is easy to navigate, and the way it steps through concepts is tremendously helpful when going back to hear them in Lecture as well as reviewing material for a program or before an exam. zyBooks was a good introduction to learning python and made the learning process a lot smoother and easier. It gives real-time feedback that helps to learn to debug but also does not give the answer out right. Also, the explanation of the concept is pretty clear. The material takes a bit to understand, and the question at the bottom is harder and different from what was taught at the top. Outside of lab sections, I really enjoyed it! I liked zyBooks but the labs were a lot harder than the assignments. I think zyBooks is a very easy program to use and is very convenient since all of it is online. The step-by-step visuals where you had to press play over and over felt more tedious than useful since they often didn't demonstrate concepts difficult enough to need such detailed explanations. I thought it was helpful, the labs and challenge activities did not provide any problems in functionality. This was my first time working with an interactive book and I was able to learn and understand concepts better. It has numerous spelling and grammar errors as well as confusing material. Anonymize references to professor or university names (using ___). It's a good opportunity to understand the material easier. Honestly some of the explanations leaves me more confused, but other than that it's a good product. They help me grasp the concepts taught in the book. If i don't recall information, or the syntax to a given statement i can usually find the answer on Zybooks. Zybooks is great because it does not expect you to know anything about programming. It was good, I like how there was no penalization for getting the wrong answer creating better learning environment. Its a good learning tool, but the Challenge Activities dont always function in Firefox and some of the Participation Activities can be bypassed too easily in my opinion. The different assignments it has and the step by step vid steps are great! Students voluntarily spend twice as much time with zyBooks compared to traditional textbooks, even though the zyBooks have half as much text. I love how you guys explain the problem by pictures and gifs. At first I was very hesitant to using zyBooks. However, would run better with videos and more help on the activity challenges on the bottom of the page. The interactive questions keep me engaged in the material. Its such a hassle to write the code in the website. However, I found zyBooks to be an exception to my vendetta against online books. With that said, a smartphone is quite small for the learning experience that zyBooks target. It would be nice to have more debug data available, however, if the assignment was started and completed well before the due date, the professor was able to help with errors that the compiler threw. Do zyBooks work on a mobile phone? Do you have an app? Helpful lecture content, labs and challenges. I wish there was a way to skip through unnecessary animations. However it can be confusing to read the text of programming, making learning how to code difficult. It as almost self teaching, which is probably the best book I have read since it allowed me to take the interactive mini quizzes and what not during the chapters. I find interactive activities to be very useful, It helps me a bit in understanding new concepts. I found it more useful to take notes straight from zyBooks rather than attempting to listen and summarize what my professor stated. The activities help me to truly learn and understand the material instead of just reading lots of theorems that take forever to understand. It's an interesting way of having a textbook, but it seemed to work well. I thought Zybooks was going to be like _____, but I actually liked it better than _____, I found it easier to use and navigate. Quite intuitive and useful for my learning in that each lesson was comprehensive and interesting. I appreciated the way examples can be generated to ensure you can practice as long as you want. and had specific due dates for chapters (still not bad!) Very good way to engage with material. Its an amazing tool to use for classes, it helps greatly by making the material very easy to understand. I like how zyBooks is structured to help me code in an efficient manor. Interactive. The user interface was very simple and easy to interact with. It was great since it had a bunch of examples and showed you different situations with every topic. It's really thorough and the practice problems help a lot! It doesn't just expect you to know how to code a sudoku solver or a maze solver. Will students be unhappy about having to pay? I think zybooks is a great website and explains the material correctly! 3.2 For loops Survey The following questions are part of a zyBooks survey to help us improve our content so we can offer the best experience for students. The website is useful with its interactive questions, i dont like it the assignments are too long. It is a very useful, easy to use resource for learning the course material. I like it. It's easy to use and easy to read the material. the only thing wrong with it per se is often my Professor would assign homework due on Friday nights and not Sundays. I really like the way one can visualize the processes instead of looking at static images. This was a good way to ingest information outside of the classroom. I enjoy ZyBooks much more than traditional books. I would definitely recommend this to professors who are looking to improve their students' metacognitive skills. I liked it a lot, it helped me study the best I could. For a computer programming course, this works wonders! A subreddit for all questions related to programming in any language. It helps students with STEM courseware and improves their subject-matter concepts. The C++ module with Professor _____ had labs created by him that requiring skills not covered in the participation and challenge activities. very useful especially when we do not have our textbooks. vegan options at biltmore estate. I think the tool is great. It was an interesting way to learn the material. So it's not even an issue with zyBooks at all. Also, some of the things that have been used as examples so far have been slightly comforting. Get a demo today. I was able to complete HW assignments wherever I was, and the interactive animations really helped me to understand what the book was talking about. specially with our current situation at the moment! And monitoring students progress is an excellent instructor tool. ZyBooks is integrated with Canvas. One sees among the relatively-few complaints that our system is picky when grading a programs output formatting. However, What I like about zybooks is that there is no correct or incorrect answers for the practice problems, in the sense that we can keep trying until we get it right. I'm finding it very helpful especially with the illustrations and animations. I think that zybooks is a great starting source/reference for learning new materials. zyBooks makes it easy to go back section by section and go over specific material with exercises and slides. I like zyBooks a lot because I can always go back and study material that I haven't fully grasped yet. It was much better than all other textbooks I've used so far. However, you can't talk to them 24/7. At first, I was skeptical, but I like the participation activities much more than the _____ format. I just started my Software Dev degree at WGU in July. Zybooks is a great source for practicing and testing your skills. Works very well. Having a relatively inexpensive (relative to other textbooks) text that is online was pretty nice and the interactive examples and problems made content easier to understand. Online classes can be difficult, but this was definitely a great resource available. Much more engaging and helpful than a physical textbook, I think it's a really good way to learn and reinforce the basics, It's a lot of work but it teaches you the information you need to know to understand. This course is teaching students that you must follow code down to the last newline argument instead of rewarding them for creating functional code. The questions in the book helped me master the topics. How do I resolve a whitespace issue in ZyBooks? Glassdoor gives you an inside look at what it's like to work at zyBooks, including salaries, reviews, office photos, and more. Learn more here. zyBook is really amazing and easy to use. I find zybook to be a great way to study the material for the class, and I enjoy its organization and inclusion of practice problems. Simple but accurate ways to learn introductory classes. However, until now, everything points to Zybooks (if I have access to the book that's being used, I'll write an update). zyBooks are designed to work in HTML5-compatible browsers. Instructors can mix and match zyBooks and can combine multiple "catalog zyBooks into one zyBook." It really helped me understand the material and I loved that it was an interactive textbook. However, with my learning habits, simply reading about the complex concepts about programming was not enough. What was the color of Dooku's lightsaber when he was a Jedi? I think it helps the student to really learn the material and feel engaged in what is being taught. Install the script, preferably using ViolentMonkey. What's the point of paying for some resource that is worst than what's free on the internet? I think zybooks is very helpful in first learning a topic but is not helpful for in-depth learning. One of my only requests would be to be able to purchase a book. Zybooks is a very good learning resource. I did find that there were some syntax errors and I did report them. I really liked the platform, material presentation followed a logical progression. This, I feel, is VERY opposite the way coding takes place - especially since testing your code is a VERY important part of how a successful completion of a programming goal is achieved - and having no clue what the end result of the desired 'test' is for unit testing results in massive frustration and repeated attempts to push code through the grinder until the right size pieces of code come out. Mostly helpful. zyBooks has made it possible to interact with my learning and apply what it has taught me. zyboks provided aa way to not only understand the material but to step through the code. zyBooks is easy to use and I enjoy it. Create an account or sign in to enter your code. Overall a great resource I relied heavily on. I think it's a helpful, interactive textbook for learning matlab. Great presentation to learn the code. Zybooks is interactive but it would be better if there is a lecture video before the topic and then the interactive section. Not only does it help with my classwork, the modules and quizzes are very helpful and I'm grateful that the quizzes show the correct answer. View latest updates. It is very helpful and does a great job making sure the student knows the taught material. The fact that there are actually things for me to interact with (as opposed to a traditional textbook) helps a lot. Especially since I no longer have an instructor to talk to in class to help me learn. The reading could be a bit confusing in places.
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