By comparison, SH looked nervous, uncomfortable (being stuffed into that hideous suit didn't help), and could only muster a tweet from old-man Shatner resurrecting the ancient Bond campaign. Nah. Sam Heughan Tumblr Just Make It A Double. Heughan wearing his wiglet again at NYCC and a really hideous [ leather ? ] While many of his defenders are likely to be cultists who would defend absolutely anything that he did, the point that he does have a right to make a comment about Trump is quite valid. Development and production costs must have been massive. [R357] Perhaps he's snowboarding .is that less dangerous?. I hope for Sam that it will do well amongst the OL grannies(no I don't like them one bit, they get what's coming to them). r283 I couldn't find much either, except that the character is a/the cybernetic villain, so he could get quite a bit of screen time. The stalker crowd seems to be made up of three types - fans who always seem to be able to get a shot with him at most events, and I strongly suspect that at least some of these are tipped off by PR and maybe even paid for their efforts; obsessive fans who want his attention and go to any con etc just to be near him - one poor older soul recently raced to an airport in Canada just to give him a much cherished teddy bear which would have meant nothing to him but obviously meant a great deal to her (now that's sad); and the ones trailing him, sitting outside homes, moving nearby etc, and to me they are the most sinister ones, who may even mean him real harm if they don't get the recognition they think they deserve, or if they think he no longer fits their fantasy (like turning out to be gay). Like I keep saying theres no resisting TMGD. Wants adoration, panders heavily for it, but rejects objectification. I think that's the joy of it, being other people." [Sam . Until one of them gets a real believable girlfriend then this is an option.". Tea that would get anyones ears pricked. (seems more like clever marketing of his whisky to me - he sent out quite a few sample boxes, and she could be useful to target the younger potential buyers). Get it together, Sam, get security advice. [R108] Saddened to hear your friends story. Says so himself after all. r255. R60 That doesn't explain the hiding and do you really think that Sam doesn't have enough money to rent a suite??? Didn't JJ get the memo about promoting the hetero stud? And we choose to respect that. [R397] Bet it's Heughans money that's paying for most of it Always thought someone was behind him, encouraging him to exploit the fans to the maximum. Another gem from tmblr. Originally posted by briellawarrior. He has gone from an outsider, even though he is Scottish, to apparently the front runner betting-wise. Outside of Scotland he is very little known in this country and could do with putting in some solid acting work to change that. New SamCait content. Sam Heughan". Hello and thank you for being a DL contributor. Would it be the type of movie that is essentially made for T.V or for release in British cinemas? It may be the beginning of the franchise that they would appear to want, but this seems doubtful - still, if it does well at the box office, that's all that matters to the HW powerbrokers. And another attendee, Georgia Ellenwood, while very young, short, blonde, athletic, lives offshore from his home base, just the type of woman he was supposed to be attracted to etc, is associated with Under armour and had a business reason to be there too. They can snarl at each other but dont often descend into abuse. So now he's following the private RAYA App - presumably he's applied. Have you had a look at the pictures from NYCC? Picture theatres are likely to shut down sooner rather than later. [quote]I hope that writers stop relying on this trope because it does very little to explore what makes straight people homophobic, which is by far the most urgent issue. Probably cross country skiing would be safest but he was definitely alpine skiing. Sam's new publicist, Jennifer Allen, put Sam 'into a box' and the ridiculous beardings and PR fuckery started. Of course Purv is only posting information, not making connections, that is up to others - yes of course, we believe you. Friends, my private blog has under 150 women. May be raised without a father, the missing man in the family, being openly gay before Outlander, leads him now to the way he is acting. Most of them I know, some of them I dont. So no noms for SH for mainstream awards such as GGs and Emmys, and if he wasnt promoted for S1 or the first part of S3, his legit awards noms chances with OL seem to have vanished in the mist. The Dude is Duncan Lacroix. And he can get on with his real private life in the meantime, and with fleecing the Squee Squad with overpriced audiences - still, if they are stupid enough to pay it, I guess, even if some of them go into debt to get there. [249] While were at it, Sam, please refrain from wearing jeans with holes in the knees. Talk about milking his fame for all it's worth !! Let's tell Alex and Sam they're missing out on a grand opportunity if they won't give this a try. A few points - reiterating the sacrificing personal life bit; likes to remain anonymous; SM - first it was fun, then it became a platform, now a fine line, pulling back - trolls, some very odd people out there; SAS Red Notice excites and interests him more than Bond because it is something new (sounds like he thinks he doesn't have a real chance at Bond? And despite his pretence, he really wasn't comfortable working to identify with the super stud jock group, but he was trying (far too hard) to hide. LOL the Luke Datalounge shit is the least of all the gay signs pointing at Rolando. This has been around for a while but still worth a giggle. He then made things worse by one of the most blathering SM posts hes ever managed the bludgeoning respected the fish and it was cultural and spiritual and his host was the heart and soul of the island. Makes a sort of PR sense if Starz and his PR team are actually going down this path - some extreme shippers will never accept that SH and Balfe are not lovers/married/even parents (and SH himself was heavily involved in promoting the showmance), but quite a few ex-shippers have eventually accepted it and now they want their Sammy to find someone nice to love him as that rotten Balfe didnt; it builds up a focus on Skelton for further OL seasons; SH and Skelton can be seen together at events etc because they are co-stars, with plausible deniability of anything else; less need for clumsy photoshopping, Im here, Im there etc; shes pretty and almost 15 years younger. R27 I don't like his current Bloodshot look .agree he looks incredibly tired. Just like youre stuck on Kim who ignores you, and Contemplating Outlander who for some reason fears you. What a toxic waste dump. [He]s comi[n]g out ve[ry] soon. His PR people need to find a new way to change the gossip that he is gay!". There may be a bounce in numbers with new Netflix viewers, but not guaranteed. Her outfit was gorgeous. It was another Nureyev defection of sorts! Scott was ranked at No. A real balancing challenge for him. What are you doing, JA??? I know theyre not popular but I love those shoes! I'm not buying it. These homophobic trolls have been trying to derail and close these threads since years ago. Not a problem, SH can explain it away to himself. Sounds fantastic. Botox in her forehead is rather obvious. Gotta get that hetero image out there. [R208] Sassenach Whisky flavoured condoms! From minute 10.04 he asks her if the glasses are for reading or just fashion and asks her how many fingers she sees. - Replying to @fiftiesteacher @chrisazzopardi and 4 others Yes, he is, Rhonda. R325 he indeed doesn't seem to like many interviews. Sam Heughan can basically do everything. Cree bodily jumped SH at the Paris con today. And quietly shitting herself that pics pop up. Beards R Us on standby? As Jimmy, Sam transformed into a completely different person than Jamie Fraser. let's hope he'll find the courage too to open that closet door. Concerning Bloodshot. Eww. maybe this is old news for some but Heughan is apparently having a VIP event as part of his appearance during Wizard World New Orleans 3-5 Jan : for a mere US$1500 you get a private panel, autograph, selfie, campfire chat, he'll talk about his filmography etc. Of course it backfires and begs the question of why they are playing such farcical games to say he's straight - well, there's an explanation for that, there's nothing straight about his Bat, as he said himself. Great public image, Sammy - needy, greedy, seedy. But he doesn't talk about it in public. How did this one get past JA? It's just a fact. Be assured Gay men who are out and proud are my hero's . Needed matching earrings though for the complete look. The sooner he can move, on the better. ICYMI: The Outlander star filmed an ad for his company Sassenach Spirits,. I thought it was hilarious to watch him try to twist his ankle to show the distinctive red soles whilst he was being interviewed . JUST ME AND MY WIERDNESS, RIDICULOUSLY ADDICTED TO SAM HEUGHAN!!!!! (Dont get all excited and victimy, Drama Queen. r574 It's r572 here, and no, I ain't no JA (she'd be horrified, I think). Outlander star Sam lives in Scotland. Duncan was always there. They raised a lot of money with the date contest last year but not sure that SH was all that comfortable with it. Nobody would have noticed his whiskey, without the Outlander fandom. May be she either has no idea. He could not just seat back in his chair and answering the questions relaxed. And who takes the pics, Duncan is posting on his IG? By following the JA bearding manual so closely, all they did was draw attention to the parallels with the Shamzie fakery. '#Outlander stars @SamHeughan and @caitrionambalfe talk to @DavidJ_Farrell about the role the show plays in bringing Scotland to the rest of the world.#TheNine'.'. Actors prepare for their roles, physically, emotionally and technically. You had to do something underhanded because thats the only way you operate. r310 She was a staff member at the Wizard World Con. he must be dating her. While she may have been selected as the next gf after a hiatus following MM, TunaBrat showed herself a callous airhead who giggled at the inept bludgeoning (rather than humane stunning) death of a poor tuna in Hawaii (shed previously been on IG laughing at hitting a deer). ", [quote]Regarding why she began to be open about her relationships, she told Harper's Bazaar, "I think I just wanted to enjoy my life. I am looking forward to the new season of Outlander, go Sammy, boy! yourmassivedelusionstudent liked this. But, a new angle.. drum roll..steady..wait for it. '"Camuso and his sidekick Purvelina control this disgusting site". But at the moment, he looks just so uncomfortable in his own skin. Barnum supposedly said, "There's a sucker born every minute". Watch this space, I guess. Also he seems very annoyed with CB(and vice versa), her reaction to "the sexiest couple". SM is erupting: a female fan pinched Sams butt onstage at a con today. Sam is well suited to his role in OL not because he is gay but because he is a fine actor. "If the Highlander FINALLY melted the Viking icequeen, I would bow down to TMGDs endless charms." Its New Years Day. Finally, Sam Heughan is human. R344 thanks this rings true and explains a lot. Personally I don't think there is ever a legetimate reason to do so. Sam Heughan's battle instincts came in handy when he had to fight off angry fans during the beginning of the pandemic. "The thing about S and D is, if your right, which I very much doubt, they will be able to hide it so easily. As soon as SH shows TMGD, there'll be freeze frames, screen caps, wall posters, 3D modelling and plaster casting so the OL obsessives can rub it like some old-time holy relic, battery operated replicas even - hey, maybe another thing for SH to market. And OL is just going to continue to concentrate on the overrated Balfe. Earlier today after watching Fallon, she posted, Sam is looking thinner, definitely getting ready to play Paul Newman. He will have to wait until it's done and probably a few years still after that. Popcorn interview - adroitly buried the personal life question. He never looked more manly and sexy and a little bit androgyn and vulnerable. r166 Some of the poor fools actually go into debt by taking out loans to worship him - buy his merchandise, attend Cons etc. You want to have a man looking manly? Anything is possible. But it wasn't so long ago that a 'like' was proof of a relationship, was it not? Far more likely that they are just good mates (and he needs them - HW can be a very lonely place) rather than any 'gf', but of course it doesn't hurt the hetero image he wants. I don't think he has , what I would call for lack of another word, star presence .at least not enough of it to make him stand out against all the younger competition . He likes the posts of a hell of a lot of people. But for some others, you are absolutely right, they move just to be near him, and some are inexcusable stalkers one fan apparently moved into a street near him to be near him, one waited for hours to take photos of him and Balfe getting out of a car with coffee, others trail around venues where he may be, some even go into debt to attend every Con etc. Image Credit: SplashNews. Being featured in a gay magazine? Who the hell is styling this guy? Faustian pact it may have been but I can afford to buy as many leather jackets as I want to. Accept youve been had by that fat fucker pretending to know about Sam through his time in London and move on. 00:17. BAM!!!! r293 Well, there are always Mrs Palmer and her five daughters to help out. At least his love of Scotland seems to be one of the genuine things about him (but of course he wouldn't pass up the opportunity to make some $$$ as well). Always thought Mctavish was milking his [ almost 3 yrs old] connection with Outlander and Heughan for all it was worth..but then a guy has to earn a living. How right they are: " C'mon. S and D both in LA right now. Pity Heughan ever got onto, or was put onto, her client list - and he pays her a hell of a lot of money to help him look stupid, although he now seems to be able to do that by himself as well. "Outlander" lead star, Sam Heughan, confessed that he had a hard time filming love scenes with his co-star and leading lady, Caitriona Balfe. He urgently needs a 'meaty' serious acting role to play, not one that's merely using him as eye candy/heartthrob material to draw in the fan girls. She does look rather like her. Whatever you say, Jan. No red flags to see here. Ah, Purv is on the case! The troll wouldn't be trying to derail these threads and Heughan's PR agent would be delighted that her client in the entertainment industry was getting buzz. Can you link to that IG so others can see what were discussing? A moving tale of murder, revenge and desperately late busses .no time travel but buss time tables !! There would be nothing wrong with it if he were [gay], but hes not. But not all, and even one mega-hit with an openly gay actor, particularly in a heroic role, could be a game-changer. Just remember the sun block, Sammy. Heughan had a great point about being objectified but made it far, far too late, and after years of objectifying himself, so he just came across as an idiot. No one is immune to his charms. r291 Sorry about the tardiness weve been battling fires here first time we could take off breathing apparatus/masks in days. Theres a parachute). He is directly responsible for the reduction in size of thousands of very enormous bottoms, for encouraging healthy diet and exercise, for giving people confidence, for creating supportive communities and for raising impressive amounts of money for charity. Looks like Graceland is now one of Heughans sponsors [ Instagram ], [R320] Agree, the beat, no acting no sign of ' light entertainment persona'. Years before he buried himself in the closet (in 2011) , Sam told one of his closest friends that there was NOTHING STRAIGHT about his Bat: Sam Heughan Verified account @SamHeughan Reply to @amy_shiels @amy_shiels ain't nothing straight about my Bat, you know that! This podcast with HFPA is a l-o-n-g, l-o-n-g listen, with not all that much new. Bet they will Don't think Heughan will post pics though.. Next time you 'drop into ' Data Lounge, and I'm sure you do sometimes in the 'wee small hours of the morning' read Reply could change your life! R277 - R281 You summed it all up nicely. Did you catch that shes also a content creator? R110 so he could be single, hope he kept his sexual preferences "straight" ;) I seriously wonder if he would fill out in the app that he's gay. Tobias showed it, l he didn't, I suppose we'll have to wait for another role where he can show it all. Of course the rumoured real boyfriend she has just been on holiday with in Australia is conveniently pushed to the side (Australian athlete, US-based). Thank you R596 indeed the "pornstar" story and sightings seem to be a rumour.desperate attempt to keep up the hetero image. Im no genius, but heres where my mind goes: I called out someone on my private blog who I think is a Tumblr phony, and I said I thought they were Paul Camuso. By Janaya Wecker Published: Mar 6, 2022. Glad to see her showing them both. There are so many women he could have used to have as a beard but he had to choose C, sell it like hot cakes and then call people delusional when they believed what he and C sold. This is how it works. Sam continues to be straight, regardless. But then Putin introduced anti-gay legislation this summer sobeing a gay personI switched to Rudolf Nureyev videos instead. ), and straight (just for argument's sake) it doesn't make him look a hetero hero, just a dime a dozen rapidly aging sleaze who gets off with Playmates (again assuming it's her). We don't really care. You are always welcome Jennifer Allen :-). So will he have Just Jared tone it down a bit? Georsam? Someone emailed this to me. No, no they didnt. And without 'likes' and 'following' being public it is harder to lay IG breadcrumb trails if you want to - til now you could sell an image and innuendo with merely a couple of clicks. Purv is back to Hannah, and she's also dragging up Katie Rebekah who was supposedly Heughan's girlfriend 2011/2012. And not all bloggers are shippers - some have thought for a long time that he is gay. What I personally object to is the extent he would have gone to in order to cover up his sexuality because by doing so women got hurt and bullied in his name and he did nothing about it. Its going to be the same as long as OL continues, although it might, just might, taper off as he moves more in to the HW scene and the huge LA celebrity pool. The more he misrepresents himself the more likely he is to end up in those kinds of embarrassing situations. If Heughan were really a straight guy, why would the trolls bother to "defend" him? If were're taking bets on who will accompany Heughan to the Scottish Baftas I'd put my money on Graham Mctavish or Duncan. What's this one going to be, Samia? they're so . I just don't think Heughan has the 'gravitas' for the role - too pretty, too heart-throb (Daniel Craig made the role far more gritty) - of course Heughan's image may toughen up quite a lot with the release of his two movies, and his fan base is sure to expand beyond the adoring female OL lot (thankfully for his longer term career - he can't be trapped as Jamie Fraser for years to come, no matter how good it may be for his wallet). - Fondness for nicknames for her preferred pairings Samzie, Samtina, Samgia etc. And superhero movies are so outdated. The 42-year-old Outlander star flashed a smirk as he made his way out of the John. And the Omaze date competition reeled in the customers. When Sam used to be with Luke Neal all the time, everywhere -long trips around the world, Outlander premieres, parties.If Luke were a woman, his stans would have said without a doubt, that they were a couple. Indicating, one hopes, a genuine, living relationship. R69 Nah, "Sam fraus" are still here in the form of trolls like ConTROLLing Troll and SpazPurvMuso Troll, homophobic haters who slobber all over a guy who regularly drain$ and shills products like booze to his middle-aged female fanbase. Yep, Sam. After March/April 2016, Luke had to disappear from Sam's side and he closed all his SM. He's lagging a bit - after the January to August girl of the month smoke and mirrors flurry, there doesn't seem to have been Sep, Oct - but then cultivating the image of a hetero player can be tiring. Could do him some good - broadens his range a bit and the leads are great actors. Appears to be the direction he wants to follow. R347 I sometimes wonder how Purv/Camuso get paid for all their crap. If Heughan were straight nobody would say boo about our discussion. Why delicious, lick able , Sassenach Chocolate, , a closely modelled , life size replica of The Magical Golden Dirk, filled with soft fondant creamcomes packaged in a 8 cm box !! From this platform he indicated he was going to launch other spirits, not necessarily produced by him, but of course having distilled one whisky his fanatical fans will buy anything with the Sassenach name on it and believe the great man has filled the casks himself !. He even worked in a plug for Sassenach Spirits in his New Years message. Either way not so many opportunities for underpants adds !! Plenty of celebrities had the means to travel during the height of the pandemic last year, and they chose to proceed at their own risk. A closet is the only thing they think that won't sell. I'd hate to see her pretty face turn into Madonna. Muscles come and go. Seems OK so far bot not sure that appearing in 'smart trash' is really going to expand SH's horizons. Within half an hour of my asking people on TFH yesterday to report the post, he removed it from his tumblr blog, this after two days of doing nothing. They were both in Chicago during Thanksgiving, so were they together??? None of us has any way of reading SHs mind, but my hope is that he knows exactly what it means. I didnt know what I wanted to do, so I was working a lot and I traveledI flew to San Francisco R15 R16 hit the nail on the head. Even the suggestion in this 'poll' (a few weeks old now) that over half of its online voters thought it didn't matter if he was gay would have had Heughan's homophobic worshippers pouting if they'd seen it. They seem to have been friends (that's friends) for quite some time - even the great Purv said 'nothing to see here' in June last year. It, of course has been an economic decision. The gay talk just won't die, will it? His start up costs must have been considerable. He is an extremely handsome guy, even dosed up with Ibuprofen for a cold) but Monty can turn him into a Ken doll. While on set, Sam spends lots of time with Caitriona Balfe, his on-screen wife, and in real life, the pair have a tight-knit friendship. A bit of a Freudian slip, Heughan? Whatever you say. He had an empty seat beside him. It's not about the nationality, the hardcore Jamie fans are simply insane and obsessed. . Roses are red Violets are blue Heughan is gay Wish you were too. We always knew he was but he hadn't come out by then and we respected that. SAM HEUGHAN. Ive written an addendum to this blog post. r286 He would sell copies of the bus timetable, charging more for an autographed copy, and charge a fee if you wanted to sit down in the shelter. The actor employs an aggressive agent and attempts to become a Hollywood star.The agent raises the actors profile with sexually smoldering magazine shoots and silly question and answer chat shows , in which the actor repeats the same innocuous comments and stories to rapturous applause from his adoring fans. Bizarre that this idea even got off the ground, but as Graeme McKenzie says, "American fans of the show sometimes struggled to distinguish between fiction and reality". Ive reported the account and shared the screenshots. Both of them have been best friends for ten years! So excited to share my new . [quote]Heughan no longer looks like that photo shoot. I didnt do the thing Im about to tell you about that no one here knows anything about!. Might see an upswing of FB feeds - more 'he was with a girl and they were cute together, and he looked happy' - no photo of course unless it was cropped or clumsily photoshopped. But he left it very, very late in the day for objecting, and then he targetted a relatively mild fan poster who just added "Still Hot" to publicly available photographs, and she felt obliged to shut down her twitter account. It's not objectifying at all of course. Passionate about Scotland, Whisky, Tequila @sassenachspirits and fitness!Watch the latest video from Sam Heughan (@samheughan). Interview April 2015 - another time, another Heughan _________ BROWN: Is there a lot of pressure to capitalize on your current success? He really needs to get a hair transplant though, and get rid of that damn mole - it's not only distracting but it could be dangerous. Yes. Damn, sent the general one in error and not the beach specific. Are you really all that comfortable being babysat by Alex, Sammy? ", Hmm. or he's going for the hetero me Tarzan look (anal itch is another possibility I guess). JA would be lost without DL;). Imagine deciding that you just had to get into Jess private blog, despite knowing you werent wanted. Still living in a cage.Freudian slip? Watched the Bloodshot trailer with Heughan in his cyber suitthought it made him look kinda sexy.. His career could do with a " stand out " performance , certainly that didn't happen in The Spy Who Dumped Me No idea what his performance is going to like in S.A.S Red Notice.. And of course there is Purv a strange class of her own. His latest IG post is very clever - asking them to hold Sassanech whisky parties and tag him in their photos. What???? it's as different from the second season as the second was from the As I said, just speculation. I understand he can't discourage people to go but he doesn't need to do the opposite either imo. As Henry once shared, his lifestyle makes it challenging to maintain a relationship. I assume most of you would do the same, as well. Only had room service, didn't come to the bar, never was seen checking in or out. Trying way too hard. Her makeup looked flawless and she looked relaxed and happy. Everything is already said: Classic win/loose situation.
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