Through the Shemitahs and the prophesy of the Jews returning to Israel,God said the generation born starting in 1947 to 2017 would actually live to see the tribulation, the 666 mark of the beast and his return. Pastors, Elders And Deacons -Which Position Is Unbiblical? Daniels Closed Book Until The Time Of The End. Understanding the historical fulfillment helps the saints know where were at on the Revelation Fulfillment Timeline, so that were prepared for His return. Most of your teaching is rock solid. A Rich Trove Of Current Prophecy. His daily YouTube posts regularly include rants against the Jewish state and Christians who. Bear Independent Having A Work Ethic Driven By Righteousness, Already, ALREADY The Idea Of Fetterman As A Presidential Candidate Is Being Floated In The Media, John Fetterman A Curse On America Who, Like Obama, Came From Nowhere. It gives the continuous historical narrative of events of the kingdoms of Medo-Persia, Greece and Antiochus Epiphanes, and then Rome. I also learned a great deal and thank you for that. Then the thousand year reign of JesusSatan released and rebellion which God will end quickly and then we will have the new heavens and new earth and God will come down and live with His people forever. Man Up, Brothers. God does that a lot in the BiblePrince of Tyre, physical and then the King of Tyre to luciferIsaiah skips in time quite a bit. They are tired of fighting for their own rights. So now for the second time we have been shut down! The Two Witnesses are not just two men, but they are the Scriptures and the Saints, who testify the true Gospel, as opposed to Catholicism; and they testified against the antichrist beast Popes during their 1,260 year reign of power from 538-1798. Nutrition. I know that I have a bias and I want to make sure that I am helping my readers. He said for example in one video that he did not believe Russia would invade Ukraine, but they did. Can It Be True That U.S. Nuclear Missiles Are Retargeted For Washington, D.C., And That Boxcars And Guillotines And Noahide Law Are Our Immediate Future? Reviewing Details Of The Jewish Boy Who Died, Revived and Told His Vision To The Rabbis Of Jerusalem. If you see what the pagan side is doing 2012 Olympics show and the Gotthard tunnel opening ceremonies, hollywood illuminati signs, 666 flashed everywhere they certainly believe in a one world leader than will riseOrder Out of Chaos. When The Department of Justice Illegally Raided President Trumps Home. Really, it needs to stop and this whole circus just needs to focus on Jesus. ISRAELI NEWS LIVE/ STEVEN BEN DENOON - YouTube I explain it all in detail on my website, my free summary PDF, my book and my videos @ So dont listen to false teachers like Steven Ben DeNoon who dont understand the fulfillment of prophecy, and thereby deceive you. Steven-ben-Noon - Conference - Israeli News Live,, Who are you Amir Tsarfati? So once again, the prophecy fulfillment explanations from Steven Ben-DeNoon are false, and misleading believers. The Vision of The Flaming Sword And The Separation of The Obedient, Bear Independent Security, Food, Shabbat, Firearms, Gardening, Pastor Dana Coverstone Prophetic Dreams, Hugh Glass American Hero and Adventurer, The Promises: The Blessings & The Curses Of The Law Of Yahuah, His Own Words, The Prophecies of America Chapter 1 Audio, Chapter 2: Real Prophets VS False Prophets & Chapter 3: Famine In America Audio, Chapter 4 Murder, Mayhem and Violent Anarchy America Will Burn, Chapter 5 The Coming New Madrid Earthquake, Chapter 6: West Coast Seismic Events Prophecies, Chapter 7 Tsunami Destroys East Coast, NY and Florida, Chapter 8 And 9: Middle East War and World War III, Chapter 11 Why God Is Bringing Judgement To America, Current Video Library (Select from Dropdown), Eliyah Paul Never Said The Law Was Abolished, Eliyah All Believers Should Observe The Law, Wear The Tzit Zit on The Corners Of Your Garment, Podcast: Famine, Floods, War, Giant Military Exercise. I was raise I believe as a preteristReformed-but I dont believe any differently than when I was young and read the Word as this as this as well. The white horse represents the conquering Roman Empire, from 96 180 A.D., as it was a time of its greatest expansion and their military conquests were celebrated by riding white horses in their victory parades. Its official, Chrislam has now been codified and ratified, with the approval at the 7th Congress of Leaders of World and Traditional Religions , of the Human Fraternity document created by Pope Francis of the Vatican, and financed and promoted by Mohamed bin Zayed of the UAE. Rumor: Biden Sick. What is Happening | Israeli News Live on Patreon You've also styled yourself as well as a political analyst and now today even an expert of human behavior, and psychological analysis. Artificial Intelligence System Says Trump Won Election. Joseph Biden Embraces His Inner Hitler And Declares Conservative Christians To Be The Greatest Threat To America. BOOM This Goes Nuclear Fast? Steve Relates His Salvation Experience. Surprise Attack. The Bible clearly states the tribulation is seven years long and begins with the Revelation 12 sign. The truth is that the office of the papacy, the Popes of Rome, fulfill Bible prophecy as the antichrist beast of Revelation. Shabbat LIVE: Who Really is the Antichrist? He believes this stuff himself so he seems credible, but the more he says, the more I know hes deceived. Have The Demon Gods Already Returned And Repossessed America? Must Be Because I Am a Domestic Terrorist :). The 70th week of Daniel was fulfilled on time, after the 69th week, from 27-34 A.D., when Messiah and His disciples preached the New Covenant to the Jews for seven years. 57 mos. And of course, the Revelation 12 sign of a woman in heaven clothed with the sun in her back you know the prophecy. Its important. Grahams Sky Island Hiding A Dimensional Portal? Dollar Collapse And War In 2023, Mad Max Is Coming Dark Times Ahead, Even For The Prepared Video & Text, Tucker Carlson: Until Biden, No American President Has Ever Declared War On American Citizens. Fake news (It's Purim!) | The Pittsburgh Jewish Chronicle He is one of the few reporters who dared to take up a cause on behalf of Israeli Arabs. It talks about the beginning of man and the sins of the watchers as well as a sign to mark the beginning of the tribulation. Willingness To Fight. Dr. Just Who is the real Joel Rosenberg Let's inves Don't let this evil world get to you dear Christia Israeli News Live - Steven DeNoon making more wild A Sign for 2020 > Even so come Lord Jesus. Address It comes in the form of your Covid19 vaccine passport, soon to be an implant under the skin in the right hand or forehead just like the Bible said, right on time, And like the UPC code it too will have a computer field of 666. The Egyptian-mediated truce between Israel and Hamas took hold on Friday. about New World Order Agenda Strips Parental Rights! Then a breath of from God will enter them (resurrection), they will rise up to heaven an earthquake and the rest there-at that time terrified and give glory to God. Podcast: Some Disturbing Information On The Ohio Train Derailment and the Dallas Armed Pedophiles. Hes not telling you that the office of the Jesuit Superior General, the Black Pope, is the false prophet. The news that we are about to discuss with steven ben denoon is that he is the latest addition to the Israel news team. Dont You Know Why There Is No Telescope In Space Pointed At Earth? As well as historical its also futuristic maybe in more than one phase. 501(C)3 Facts Regarding Churches Do Not Jump On The Bandwagon, Department Of Homeland Security Says We Will Lose A War Against Russia/China, Podcast: Kids Today, Israel Two-State Solution, Hunter Biden-Antichrist, Becoming The Light, Psalm Two: A Short Psalm With A Big Message, Psalm 1 Yahuah Lays Out His Requirement Immediately, Podcast: Sept. 20, 2022-Globalists, Aliens, Parents and Kids In the Tribulation, The Synagogue of Satan: 2nd Interview With Andrew Hitchcock, The Synagogue of Satan: 20 Hours of Andrew Carrington Hitchcock Interviews, Podcast: Beep Beep. Please email me and let's discuss this further. Fundraiser by Steven Ben DeNoon : Jana's Medical Fund - GoFundMe You dont get to proclaim that youre not a prophet, when you sit there and provide explanations for prophecy fulfillment! Podcast Tribulation Happiness. Israeli News Live is an independent news source, examining world events from a prophetic out look. Jana S. Ben-nun is a journalist and international speaker. Love, Forgiveness, The X-Files, Losing, Winning and Peace, Podcast A Son Reborn Righteous On A Very Special Sabbath Day And Elders Who Deserve Enduring Praise. Trump Will Serve His Second Term As President. Oh Yes. The Book Of Iyov (Jb) Chapter One & Two. You Are Equally In Their Crosshairs. Not "confirming" creates problems for me and it is important. If you knew the truth of prophecy fulfillment, you would not be declaring such things against me. Israel Takes Major Step To Enforce Cashless Society And Vaccine Passports, Podcast: Sex, Child Slavery, God/Warrior, Klaus Schwab, Aliens, Dirty Bomb NYC, Uranium Smuggling In, Fighting spirit, Anti-Christ Congress, Fearless You, Doctor Eric Berg, DC The Health You Save Might Be Your Own. video which was published on Oct 23, 2013 Oops! There are many scriptures that demonstrate the end of time is his second coming, as predicted in Revelation, and the destruction of the temple was because the Jews did not recognize Jesus in his first coming; Isaiah 53:1. Interesting Security Update On The Microsoft/NSA Complex Site Attacks Originating In Virginia, Dana Coverstone The Dream of November 3rd, 2020. I recommend you stick with your Hebrew studies and leave miltary technology and strategies to others far more knowledgeable than you. Just like the example I gave you about a mountain of fire falling onto earth is one of the events in the seven seals, trumpets and bowls prophecy, it hasnt happened yet because that prediction from St. John was for the end of time when Jesus would return, not 70 AD. The seven seals, trumpets and bowls could represent three time periods. He is filled with fury, because he knows that his time is short. Living In Peace Now. But, most astronomers in the know say Apophis will be a phenomenon of 2024, 2029 and 2036. Revelation 16 describes a great earthquake, which symbolizes political upheaval, in this case the biggest one of all, the formation of the One World Government. Gird Yourselves, Sisters. How America Took Out The Nord Stream Pipeline You Need To Read This, Hebrew Word Study: Kamala Biden Said To Mean Repeating The Sins of The Days of Noah. As a Nibiru studyer, I would believe Sitchins traslation of old Sumerian tablets that imply Nibiru is still out for another 1000 to 1600 years, and the real danger in Revelation is Apophis. Video Martin Armstrong: The Election Cheating Is So Bad We Might Not Have An Election In 2024. Hes not telling you that most of Revelation has already been fulfilled during the last 1,900 years, as the Satan-empowered leaders of the Roman beast kingdom have made war with the saints. Will You Be Redeemed? Patreon Daniel 11 is not about the end times!!! Christians Embracing Rabbinic Prophecies - Israeli News Live I know Christians dont like Renee Moses, but, her two videos on the the Bible Codes are profound. Government Agencies Controlling Big Ministries Israeli News Live. The Tzitzit Is Commanded By Yahuah. Question Guess who they forgot to invite to the festivities? I agree that Cahn is a false teacher and I distrust anyone who appears on Sid Roth. Good Parents. Thank you. Thats just not going to work. Podcast Sabbath Day. The Truth Sets Us Free. Podcast: Where Is The FBI? Israeli News Live - Steven DeNoon making more wild assumptions in questionable journalism January 10, 2020 Again, we find Steve Ben De Noon, aka Steve DeNoon of Israeli News Live here in the video below, going way beyond his scope and making inaccurate and unfounded claims. But the truth is that the world only resembles the one we see in the trailer. As it turns out, Israels relationship with the U.S. is very similar to that of the U.S. Its not even clear if it is really just one of two countries, as well see with this trailer. Prophesy Dimitru Duduman A Prophecy Of Moral Decay And Military Alliance To Defeat America, Apostle Charles Turner III Beware November, Repost European Union President Cites Conversation With Other Planets, China And Russia Are Preparing A Sudden Strike To Destroy America, Including Massive Bribery, Nuclear First Strikes and Invasion, Prophecy Dumitru Duduman The Slaughter Of The Lukewarm Believers. Did Ben-Denoon? It adds right up to 2017 to 2024, also marked by the sign of Jonna where an eclipse crosses the US in 2017 and 2024 marking an X right over the New Madrid fault line. Everybodys Scared, But Will You Step Up To It? Read, The abomination of Desolation was the appearance of the Roman army in 66 A.D., which was the sign that the city, temple and Jews, were close to being destroyed. Were hoping it will be a little bit easier for us to imagine the world where the U.S. and Israel are both powerful actors in conflict. The answer is that the sea beast reigned for 1,260 years, 538-1798 A.D., when the Popes of Rome ruled over the kings of the world, and nobody was able to make war with the Popes during this time. New York Times Rips Signal Messaging For Its Highly Private Messaging You might Want This, When Something We Do Comes Back To Hurt Us, Prophecy 2nd Week of October The Wicks Are Lit. Few, but real. Biden Channels His Inner Hitler. 22 days ago. The Roman Catholic Church worked so hard during the Dark Ages, at eliminating the saints and burning the Scriptures, that in 1514 A.D., the papal church pronounced them as dead. War Is Coming. ALLE THE ABOVE IS COMPLETELY DEVOID OF ALL HOLY SPIRIT GUIDED TRUTH. This Revelation Fulfillment Summary study gives you the timeline of the fulfillment of the seals, trumpets, and bowls; most of which have already been fulfilled during the last 1,900 years. RECOGNITION OF THE GOD. By supporting creators you love on Patreon, you're becoming an active participant in their creative process. I don't use Facebook, was basically thrown off about 8 years ago for posting content that spread hate (simply posted photos of Islamic thugs murdering innocent civilians) . He has a niche for sure. Jana Ben-nun. In his Jewish Man Reveals Identity of the Antichrist video, Steven Ben-DeNoon gives a false explanation of the fulfillment of Daniel 11. When you see these things in the sky, look up! This Blog is about our spiritual life in Jesus Christ and Him in us who believe on Him and applying this existence to our physical world. Prophecy: 2020 Dream By Dana Coverstone. 2. Do You Think It Is Possible That The Anti-Christ Will Reveal Himself During Passover 2023? But woe to the earth and the sea, because the devil has gone down to you! Our Channel - Israeli News Live "Look, I knew I couldn't sing but it's one of my passions. Your Enemy Is Abundant, Local And World-Wide. Steven Ben-Nun, who used to be called Steven Ben-DeNoon, of Israeli News Live; seems authoritative with all of his information and use of Bible verses, but I would steer clear of him, as he is teaching false prophecy fulfillment explanations. According to Steven Ben-Nun in his video Planet 9 Entering our solar System September 2022. Bob van Dijk's Blog, The False Doctrine of the Flat Earth book by David Nikao, Protestant Reformer Martin Luthers Perspective On The Jews, Tony Ognibenes Testimony Against Paul Sides And Ed Moore, A List Of People Who Oppose The False Teachings Of Paul Sides, Unbiblical Secret Rapture And 7 Year Tribulation By Doug Batchelor, Rome and Jerusalem at War The destruction of the Jewish Temple. Steven Ben DeNoon is organizing this fundraiser. He says that the Lord shows him that Russia, is the Red army, which will fulfill the red horse in the second seal of Revelation 6. "),d=t;a[0]in d||!d.execScript||d.execScript("var "+a[0]);for(var e;a.length&&(e=a.shift());)a.length||void 0===c?d[e]?d=d[e]:d=d[e]={}:d[e]=c};function v(b){var c=b.length;if(0Steven Ben-Nun, Author at Israeli News Live I wouldnt cross that line just yet. He was proclaiming that they were dead spiritually. A lot of people have wanted to become a part of this society. You might do well to sit under the teachings of Messiah Yahoshua, who very simply taught Torah. Podcast: Armed Pedos and An FBI That Is Simply Evil. EAM Emergency Action Messages Indicating Nuclear War? Podcast: Mystery Babylon. I also don't use Twitter. His secret contacts he quotes seem to be crackpots or maybe someone in a trailer park somewhere pretending to be a Pentagon insider or NSA operative or whatever. Prophecy: A.C. Valdez, 1929 Vision of Nuclear Attack On America And The Meticulous Protection Of those Who Follow Yahusha. all for telling the truth but Continue Reading August 26, 2020 He built how many cities. Here's our previous report on Israeli News Live. But I have some awesome brothers and sisters in this world. Are They Breeding? me, and I watched Israeli News Live, and along with other things, Steven ben Noon brought up a terrible thing done to his family. And this led to the Scriptures being translated and with the advent of the printing press, being spread around the world in books (the little book of Revelation 10). I See You. There Are Obviously Bad People In High Places. Some believe Methuselah is a type of Billy Graham. Why the IDF Told Israelis Near Gaza to Turn Off Their Webcams BBC International Dear Dr. Eugene Kim, Thank you Sir for responding to my comment (reference a) Its obvious by your response you havent read the blog I sent you about why Brick and Mortar Buildings called churches are not biblical. The news that we are about to discuss with steven ben denoon is that he is the latest addition to the Israel news team. So now for the second time we have been shut down! Video Pfizer Scientist Looses It When He Learns That He Was Recorded Saying That Pfizer Was Manufacturing Viruses To Drive Vaxx Demand. years without the Word and martyrs who fought for it but now its being butchered and mangled with newtranslations and garbage like The Message that people are calling a Bible. Pray That You Are Saved. I say; this is only your opinion The people of the prince of Daniel 9 was the Roman army of Prince Titus, who were used to desolate the temple, city and Jews; fulfilling the prophecy in Daniel 9. More War Information, With A Darker Outlook, Than Anywhere On The Internet, Dead Israeli Boy Back To Life After Ascending Into Heaven And Warned Of Immediate World War Video and Transcript, A VERY Pertinent Vision Of Sudden, World-Wide Destruction And Cannibalistic Madness, 10 Days Left To Fulfill Dana Coverstones Vision For November, 2020. Not every broadcast is examined in this light but the topics that clearly are fulfilling Biblical prophecy is what we watch for keeping people in the know as Israel awaits her coming Messiah. You saying you're an American first does not match your activity in the past 10 years. Israeli News Live @StevenBenDeNoon 397K subscribers Subscribe Donate: Thank You Home Videos Live Playlists Community Channels About Search Blues At The Roots Video unavailable 0:00 / 5:44 The. 11 They triumphed over him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony; they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death. 27 Just as man is appointed to die once, and after that to face judgment, (Hebrews) Revelation 19:20-21so it cant be a mere man who ascends from the bottomless pit. Obama is the shepherd who will not care. Read it for yourself in Zechariah Chapter 11 and in Luke 10:18. Pensions Are At Max Risk. Would We Follow Them To Our Destruction? 17 days ago. He only reads and assesses information given to him. With the recent news of the so-called Hezbollah-Israel ties, which have been a contentious topic for Israel and the U.S., one might argue that the relationship between these two countries is very important. But, I also think Moses could be David Ike and Jesus in the end times could be Jonathan Cahn. 2. Rating: G. Transcribed by Sister Torres Steven Ben-Nun: Erev Tov Chaverim; I'm Steven Ben-Nun you're watching Israeli News Live and we are going in this evening about the parent's rights that recently in Israel has been proposed to be put into law taking away the rights from the parents giving children rights over their [Read more.] Riots break out in response to ceasefire, Hamas flags waved Israeli News Live - YouTube FBI = STASI, When The CIA Publicly Says They Hate You, Podcast Trump FBI Search, IRS Gun Tax Agents, Evil Federal Government, Satanic Free Masons, The American Gestapo A.K.A. This has already been fulfilled during their 1,260 reign, when they proclaimed to be God and to forgive sins, which are the two items by which Messiah was accused of blasphemy. Le Parisian: 1000% daugmentation en un an : le prix de gros de llectricit en France atteint un niveau stratosphrique. By becoming a patron, you'll instantly unlock access to 304 exclusive posts. and the temple was cleansed on December 25, 165 B.C., which is 2,300 days. They know that they are not a part of it but a part of it. Israeli News Live - Steven DeNoon making more wild assumptions in But, in the end, the Bible really does show the last days, the last seven years, the tribulation being from 9- 23 to 27 2017 to 2024. How The Hospitals Were Bribed To Accumulate Covid Deaths; How The Hospitals Facilitated Covid Deaths; Why This Scheme Worked So Well and Why Obedience Can Kill You. A Good Teaching On Whether Churches Should Be Led By Pastors, Or By Elders. A Peace And A Stillness Has Crept Over Me An Expectation Of Deliverance. Rabbi Weisz is a publisher at Breaking Israel News, the news agency promoting the Sanhedrin who often promotes adherence to Noahide Laws as the only way of salvation for the Gentiles and for peace and justice in the world. Some like Steven Ben Noon at Israeli News Live have had dreams that the rapture will happen after Graham's death. Israel is powerful in the U.S. but mostly powerless. Do You Believe In Miracles?, Alert: Iran USA War. about Will Yandex Become the New World Order Search Engine? God isnt confined to our linear time. I followed your videos after you and your seemingly Bolshevik loving spouse started to wake up to the truth about your beloved Israel and the ZIONIST agenda. A Dream Twice, A Number Thrice And A Boy Concussed Had Visions. I recommend you find another source. He Can Be No Less Than Perfect, And Perfect By HIS Standard. Peace. For Example, God tells Daniel to roll up and seal the scroll until the end of days. CLICK HERE TO GET A COPY. People need to be warned about the evil plans of the enemy, in regard to 5G, vaccines, etc., so theres a line to walk about making people aware of these things, and pushing hype and being a fear monger. The Assembly Of The Torah Keepers Is Light And Life And Love. Is Nuclear war Prophesied In The Holy Bible? It is not about the end times!!! Pretty sure that the this JESUIT pope is THE false prophet although that seat of antichrist has been set up for a long time . And he found that they are an apostate church, the Harlot church of Revelation 17. Its not like they want to start a revolution, though. (Image via Pixabay) The loneliest Jew. We need to memorize verses now before its (the real) is banned as hate speech. israeli news live steven ben noon. I think he just hopes for this stuff to be true so badly that he doesnt see it clearly and reads into it what isnt there. He shared how the Illuminati had targeted his family for death, using a dishonest doctor who almost killed his wife, and succeeded in killing his wife's father. The Israeli people are tired of fighting to make their own country. The dragon stood in front of the woman who was about to give birth, so that it might devour her child the moment he was born. What do you think? Joseph Biden Declares On National TV That 70,000,000 Trump Voters Are The Enemies Of America, Aaron Brickman: Financial Crashes Often Directly Coincide With Torah Holy Days and Lunar Events. This Is Fascinating And Very Concerning. The U.S. and Israel have always been at odds with each other. See the ABOUT page for the real skinny on who, what, where and why. Mike From Around The World, December 8, 2022: Galactic Energy Wave, Intense Infrared, Asteroid Storm. And there was silence, with no opposition to Rome for 3 1/2 years. KJV This Blog is written in accordance with 2 Timothy 4:2-3 KJV and 1 Corinthians 5:12-13 KJV Note: I love Israel and the Jews. oH Lord talk about false doctrine. Joseph was one of the 12 sons of Jacob and is also a type of Jesus in over 100 different respects. War Update Several News Articles In One Stack. The two candle stands also represent the two churches, the Jews and the gentiles as well as two people and I think its St. John and Isiah who could, just for fun, turn out to be Donald John Trump and Alex Jones. Comes Back. The decision will come into effect in 6 P.M. Friday. You asked When did the Romans beast kingdom fight against Messiah and His saints? The Roman Emperors persecuted the saints during ten persecution periods. truly do. Aaron Brickman Part Two Financially, All Hell Will Break Loose. It has been determined by Harrington and others to be the outer planet of that solar system. <style> body { -ms-overflow-style: scrollbar; overflow-y: scroll; overscroll-behavior-y: none; } .errorContainer { background-color: #FFF; color: #0F1419; max-width . Podcast And Text: Remember That Righteous Lot Was Delivered By Angels From Judgement And Destruction. Caesar Augustus conquered many countries such as Egypt, and took power of their treasures. Plain, simple, rational, faithful, calm, longsuffering, patient, wise, loving Jesus. Injustice. Elijah and Enoch still had to die and face judgement. There Is No Escape From The Consequences Of Personal Submission To Satan, Whomever He Inhabits. Steven is a saved Jew. They confirmed that He was the promised Messiah who ratified the covenant made with Abraham, with His blood as the Passover Lamb. And in Revelation 11 the two witnesses rise from the dead and do great miracles and then ascend to heaven you know the story. Dan Bongino We Are A Tyranny Now Raiding The Presidents Home Fishing For Material For Snake Dick Cheneys Jan6 Daughter, Donald Trump Is Raided By FBI Looking For Anything To Fabricate Crimes From, 600% More Deaths Reported In Last 19 Months Than In Entire 32 Year History Of VAERS Database. Rapture? Steve really strikes me as a fearmongerer. And they were after being persecuted so violently by the Popes of Rome. Russians Say Judgement Day If Ukraine Attacks Crimea. Daniel 12 was sealed up until the judgment of the Jewish nation in 70 AD, so that they didnt understand it and flee Judea. They are the enemy of Messiah and His saints. The 70th week of Daniel 9 foretold when He would appear to carry out his multiyear ministry and atone for our sins with His blood sacrifice! 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