In the entrance of the first house on the street Sunny and Kel live, you'll find The Maverick: he's scared about some "evil", although he won't tell what that is. The last Hangman Key we need is C, which is found at Pinwheel Forest. X - Dino Dig, 3rd floor, bottom right pile, the treasure map helps you find it if lost. Hero is slow so he won't be efficient for last-minute healing, but if you're even at 2 Health lower than maximum, have him heal. if you could help me with telling me where to go, or how to finish these quests, i would be really . You'll find it by Kel's House, and just by interacting with it, it'll go back to her home. I really don't know if you need the Hangman keys, but I know the game forces the menu to appear at the end of the tunnel, so I assume they're relevant in some way. The game gives you the option to cut the cat, Mewo, in half. Once there, you can save, then you should walk all the way forward until you meet a giant whale and talk to it. However, do know that beating the entirety of Boss Rush unlocks the Seriously, you're the coolest! Now, return to the Deeper Well, and go into Humphrey's pond area. First of all, you can go do your part-time job at Fix-It. After being welcomed by their parents, we'll have to go to the dining room to grab the food and heat it up using the kitchen microwave. Just walk towards it until you're forced into a cutscene with Mari: on your way, you'll be able to talk to different Goomen, who offer you different articles: the first two are plain scammers and give you different items than advertised (Rotten Milk and Peach Soda); the third is best to wait until your party's full again, and the last two actually give you the items they offered you (Bottled Water and Dinamite). and Lab Rat - I've beaten both easily just by using common attacks. Once there, just take the elevator going down. For tips and strategies on how to defeat him, see the following pages down below for the phases of his boss fight. Don't worry though, I've made this guide. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. What do you do after beating humphrey? HUMPHREY also serves as the final mandatory boss and location for the HEADSPACE segments of the game. Complete the hangman segments by collecting the correct keys, where do I find the rest of the keys? Go to the front desk and buy one, then take it back to the woman. Get to the highest point, then take the bridge that goes into the trench. against you (sadly, it failed the only time he did, so if you know what it does, please do tell). Keep using it as the place becomes clearer and clearer, and the battle finally ends. When the time comes, the path youve chosen will determine your fate and perhaps the fate of others as well. The insides of HUMPHREY are mainly pink, with his intestinal liquids being green. Now, return to the Deeper Well, and go into Humphrey's pond area. So, what to do? It will be a total failure: you can disregard this part as it's a throw-off; we'll locate Basil once we've got the keys we need. If you defeat the last stage, you'll reappear inside of Humphrey's digestive system. After a short cutscene, he'll pay Hero for. He's still hungry, however, and speaking to him will trigger the FEED HUMPHREY side quest. The amount varies based on your WTF VALUE. We've now reached the final point on our adventure: we can get to Basil for as long as we complete the Hangman, with little keys left, but doing so will close us off the Dream World for the rest of the game. Then, if you track a little back you'll find a raft leading into the river to the left: cross the recently opened door and interact with all swimming Humphreys to have them join the bridge. ah, I ended up figuring I'd missed a key in the haunted pool - I've actually finished the game now, but thank you anyway! If you want to just finish the story, pick up the last Hangman keys if you want and then jump into the vortex where Humphrey was. This should be obvious why, but you'll have to fight some pretty tough bosses to get your best gear. Going top, however, leads to pretty interesting places: you'll reach a hallway with a Life Jam at its entrance, and if you keep going forward, you should eventually reach a cave entrance. You can speak to the cashier to buy stuff here: In there, you can also dine in with friends to see a small cutscene, and meet Captain Space Ex-Husband and his crew yet again: he'll perform a silly song for them. HUMPHREY then says he is going to take a nap and sinks down, leaving him inaccessible. Aubrey can beatdown or headbutt, and Omori can do whatever he wants. The battle border that appears when Humphrey changes his form from Swarm to Grande. They all act as a single unit, luckily, and at the beginning, they seem rather weak: they only use a 'Chainsaw' attack, that deals low damage to the same unit thrice. He is extremely sadistic, toying with OMORI and his friends and telling them that their struggle is futile. Follow him, and he'll reminisce for a bit. The main area is full of potential encounters with mainly Squizzards, but what interests us is the barn: in there lies Farmer Jim who'll ask us to get rid of all Squizzards!. HUMPHREY as a character and setting can be taken as an allegory for HEADSPACE and SUNNY himself. There'll be a gap between the top wall: go through it, using Omori's cutting abilities to pass through the cones. It's name is, The third and final puzzle seems more contrived, but is again actually pretty easy. OMORI ROUTE, Part 5: THE ABYSS and ABBI'S TENTACLES. Now, let's move onto more optional things you can do. Not only it is full of items and new enemies (, Going to the left and through the construction site, you'll skip the rest of the, Going left leads to a dead-end, though you can chat with some of the, Similarly, going right has the same effect, though the hallway you're dropped into contains a, Going up leads to a small coral tree you can talk with and ask him questions about, Meanwhile, going left leads into a small shore with another teleporter in it, which leads into a new area: in here, just walk all the way up then enter the creepily-shaped cavern. Join her, and no longer afraid of drowning, get into the body of water, then head north. Then give the z-score for a value of 100, rounded to the nearest third decimal. Enter that zone, and you'll find a very similar puzzle: there'll be, to both sides of it, platforms in which you have Kel unplug walls. Not only will Sweetheart fully recover her Health and reset her stat values, but she'll be capable of a rather powerful attack that hits everyone for considerable Health/Juice and randomly gives them Emotions. However, he is easily overwhelmed by his hunger for clams. When Hero remembers it all, he stands up to him, prompting an immediate Boss battle. Jan 4, 2021 @ 1 . For his unused variant that was cut out from the game, see the page SINGLE HUMPHREY. You can play the slots that are here, though I don't really see a motive for that (either in real life or in game). By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. The first pair should be gone pretty fast: it took me a single turn, in fact (since nobody will be damaged at the beginning of battle, let Hero attack, and also use a Follow-Up). You'll gain the The First Law achievement for beating Roboheart. Hit by nostalgia, Kel and Hero will then ask you to let them in your home for a last time, this night. V - In the area you go when you go left in the first room after entering Humphrey (Molly's area). Let's do it: just go outside and battle every single Squizzard until there's none left - you can heal at the barn by drinking Seacow Milk. This is one of the longest fights in the game, but you'll also start the battle with a fresh party so there's no need to expend items to recover after beating the SLIME GIRLS. This will prompt him to throw you out of his body, alongside two valuable Hangman Keys (T and W). She'll run away, ditching us and leaving us to the "witches" fury. Contents 1 GEOGRAPHY 2 STORY 3 NOTABLE AREAS 3.1 SLIME GIRL ENTRANCE 3.2 MOLLY'S SECTOR 3.2.1 BLUE TELEPORTER 3.2.2 RED TELEPORTER In it, you mainly incarnate a kid and their alter ego, named Omori, who embarks -along with his. When that's over, head out and Kel will go first, then Hero. Let's now go to the top area. Then, take a taxi to the Deep Well (there's one to the right of the Last Resort), and you'll be able to go through a toll booth to the left side of the screen. The reason why you don't need to worry about collecting more keys than required to win is because you literally can't, some keys are unobtainable in the game's main route. Going right was the last direction I didn't go in. This gives the player access to the BOSS RUSH in MOLLY's lab, each of the SLIME GIRLS' side quests to restore their bodies, and the ability to fight ROBOHEART, MUTANTHEART and PERFECTHEART. If I don't be careful, she might cause a flood! In conclusion, we can only head north. I'm not sure if you need all of the Hangman keys, unfortunately, but I advise making a second save for you to continue any Dreamworld things you want to do since you might not be able to come back. Tasty! It seems to be the case where you just have to water them before everyone forgets. Let's keep exploring the other floors, too! Mutantheart has another skill she uses when you fight her, she'll wink which makes the target happy. There's some enemies here, but they're of the weak variety and you can easily avoid them. Omori 2 yr. ago Talk to all of the Humphreys with inner tube. What word means 'to move forward on the hands and knees'? Are you referring to White Space? Once you've done both sides, go back outside and you should find the last two Humphries you needed to form a bridge there. 2. You get the Perfect Weather Conditions for completing this battle, and a kite will appear next to Kite Kid, which you can interact with to fly some with friends. Without further ado, let's move onto the last area we need to visit. Then, he'll eat you and you'll face just a plain Humphrey. A little pizza never killed anyone, after all, so she'll end up purchasing it, then leave. Once we've reached the Faraway Plaza, Kel will tell us about his errand: we should go to Gino's Pizza and Othermart. We're gonna enter that door to appear in a hub that's very similar to White Space, although different. This time, we'll be immediately dropped into the Neighbour's Room, but none of our friends will be there. This opens up to a more unique area, in which the walkaway goes around little islands containing shadows representing your memories. SWEETHEART bolts, but HUMPHREY stops her, noting that she has no money, and that he is getting hungrier. Also works on the toll booth with the spinning wheel - instead of having to spin it. Then, if you walk over to the opposite side (east), you'll find Sharleen by a pool: you can enter this pool to go to the Ghost Party. Hey, so I just defeated humphrey but now I don't know what to do next. She'll then leave, and after Kel begs for it, his Mom will let us go look out for him, as long as we return for dinner when Hero's supposed to arrive. Also, like another commenter mentioned, please work on your left's and right's. It's a narrow passageway, you just swim ahead while you get a couple of speeches. HUMPHREY is a character and NPC in OMORI. Remember you've also got that Dynamite that deals lots of damage! Now, you should get across through a Humphrey bridge, then find a way to get on its level (take stairs that go down) and hit it, which makes it "move along" with you: if you don't do this, you'll eventually encounter blockades. Every phase of Humphrey resets any debuffs, So you'll need to Mock, Annoy, and Pep Talk again. thanks! He appears to have small bumps along the top of his head. DEEPER WELL. You'll arrive at a dock, and in there you'll find Mari, who suggests getting across the body of water ahead, suspecting your friends are there. Mutantheart's Boss Battle is rather unique. You'll now appear in an imaginary representation of Sunny's house, flooded by water. Be ready to take some party-wide damage. Then, you can use donate some of your remaining money to the Guitar Guy that's outside Gino's Pizza: the objective to reach is $30, and you can keep donating to him by exiting the area then reentering it so he stops playing his song. Now as Sunny, go to the piano room and you'll find the ghost of Mari playing it. Still, it'll chase you down once you go past it - this is a puzzle of speed, so our advice is be quick. i can tell by your amount you got you had somewhere between 10-13 of a WTF VALUE, because I got 2,000 clams (1-3 WTF VALUE), Music Sheets: How to refight the Fear Bosses. View Page. Telling Hero to be a world famous chef without asking if he wants to and making Sunny play over . Out of all stages, the last one is the only one that should pose you any real trouble, because apart from being able to deal moderate damage to one of your units, he'll swallow your whole party after every turn, dealing moderate damage to them too. However, don't talk to the Spelling Bee - it's a guaranteed catch. First, be level 50. Emizel. You'll first reach several corridors full of enemies and with food falling from above. just escaped from Humphrey but now i have no idea on where to go/what to do to go further in the story. Privacy Policy. Current EXP levels are: OMORI: 27 AUBREY: 25 KEL: 26 HERO: 26 Equipment is: Dull Knife and 5-Leaf-Clover for OMORI Mailbox and Bracelet for AUBREY Globe and Blanket for KEL Teapot and Bubble Wrap for HERO If I had to guess I'd say I'm extremely underpowered. Now you should've at least bumped into other Humphries in the last section, pushing them towards this area: this new puzzle is solely that, you can return to the previous zone (pre-puzzle) using the waterfall to the left and take the current puzzle again, so that you bring all Humphries down (there's also items and even an optional Hangman Key that might interest you too). If you go to her home (on the street that Basil lives, but on the opposite area, it's the second one you come by), her daughter will open up, saying how she's furious as the husband hasn't shown up yet. You'll appear in a small room with Basil, who'll immediately get dragged away by a set of hands. He is the oldest of the "three great creatures" of HEADSPACE, and resides within the depths of DEEPER WELL. You can interact with them to see them, but they're just all scribbled up. after Humphrey. Then, keep on the multi-hit strategy. Every time the walkthrough for this section says "go right" or "this is on the right" it ends up actually being left. This puzzle needs a password, after you doing to the green teleport, you are sent to a maze that takes up to four whale beings. A. Perfectheart is the hardest of the Sweetheart clone trio. To exit this specific room, you must. And with that out of the way, we'll now be able to return to his and Kel's House. It is one of the many optional HEADSPACE sidequests available when talking with MR. JAWSUM and later HUMPHREY in their respective locations on ONE DAY LEFT of the OMORI ROUTE. Inside Humphrey, you can now also battle all of those Sweetheart Clones that the Slime Sisters had made: You'll find Mutantheart inside of Marina's room, and you'll be able to poke her, pet her, and fight her. H20:HCL We'll start. Each time he challenges you, he gets progressively stronger, able to use Follow Up attacks on the second fight, and then an "UNLEASH ENERGY" style attack on the final fight. After helping Medusa, Omori will receive a Mystery Potion that will turn his character into a girl. This is the item we need to bring Humphrey back to surface. The trick is to interact with it once on the bin, it'll "examine your features". He will behave as show below: Additionally, Humphrey will swallow the party every turn, doing percentage damage to all party members. I went through it with one missing, it gives you a dramatic build up and then tells you to look for any missing ones. HUMPHREY's design in that build was also slightly different, notably possessing pupils and a more livelier expression on his face than his current depiction in the full release of the game. It's important that you return if you're interested in completing the Weeping Willow quest, as a 'JOKE' sign lies at the top. Let's enter the pizzeria first, and we'll be treated to a cutscene in which we observe Aubrey and her gang eat a pizza and chat. By hangman keys, do you mean finding the letters? The Kite Kid is what you'd call an optional Mini-Boss, but we're so overleveled that this battle is very very easy. His pre-boss fight cutscene, directly shown after he devours the SLIME GIRLS, shares the same BGM with the, HUMPHREY's hidden dialogue of him swearing is the only time where the game text specifically uses explicit profanity, though it is only shown if the. We can now return to the Underwater Highway, and enter the big yellow submarine, aptly named Mustard Sub. You can either buy Candy, Caramel Apples, or Chocolate. Talk to him, and it'll keep progressing; and when the game gives you the option, save him. I gave her a little push, so she bought it. Pick up both keys and enter the portal. Seems like him and everybody else has been tricked into working for the owner of the Last Resort. You can also see her by interacting with the bathroom window. 5 3 3 comments Best Add a Comment phantom2450 Sunny 2 yr. ago Cant remember exactly. You can view them all, then try to find your way east then down, then back west and up, and you should arrive to a special area with a floating curtain. Now exit the kitchen towards the living room, and you'll be able to view the Photo Album with your friends. We want him to be as less dangerous as possible. Meanwhile, Aubrey can focus on damaging single enemies, lowering their defense with Power Hit and also Enraged by Kel to massively boost her Headbutt, and Hero can keep on being the usual backup, healing everyone. from the shelves. On the stairs, Mari. To get there, just interact with the trees where he stood. Then there should be a whirlpool where Humphrey sank. The dealer of that table is a Jash that sells Milk for 200 Clams, and Rotten Milk for 2. HUMPHREY has no emotional gimmicks like the other major bosses before him. Do make sure to visit the men's bathroom at the back to pick up the P Hangman Key, which gets us real close to solving it. HUMPHREY, also known as SLIME GIRLS LAIR, is the final mandatory location for the HEADSPACE segments in OMORI. Starting Stump. This will prompt Mr. Jawsum to call another, single gator, then another, and so on until you manage to sneak hits onto him lowering his Health and beating him: all you need to do is time your hits correctly. For now, not much can be found on this room, apart from a Punching Bag (a weapon we can't equip yet, since it's intended for Aubrey) in one corner of the room, a Poetry Book atop a bench, a Rotten Milk inside a trashcan, and a Bottled Water inside a locker. Today's his 10th birthday, and he's awaiting him with some cake, but he won't come, so go to his bedroom and let Kel push him a bit. I say that MEDUSA's experiment has a fourteen times seven plus forty-four divided by eleven minus two percent chance of success! Because it's still the same for me. You'll obtain the Minor Imperfection achievement for defeating Perfectheart. Time to move onto the last chapter of the game, which takes part in the Real World and other areas exclusively. He'll then reach a throne made of two cut hands and sit on it. Mari will be there, thankfully, so we can save and heal. Another teleporter will activate when you interact with its screen, which leads you to a puzzle room full of conveyor bots: it's all full of avoidable enemies and items, but overall, it's a trick - all you should do is advance to the end of it, where you can take a pipe into another area. For now, we'll ignore it, since we don't have any Clams. Now that Aubrey's here, you can use her abilities to get the items that are behind breakable boxes. Beat Mr. Jawsum and not only you'll all be freed from his evil contracts, but also gain the Buy high, sell low achievement.